Is it possible to downgrade to that firmware ? I tried to modify the download link from lego to get a earlier version of the Prime App. But the Latest Version I could get was the 1.1.4 Version and the Firmware which is delivered with that App Version ist 1.10 for the Prime.

I need someone who can provide me an earlier version of the Spike Prime Software for Mac/Windows. I cannot download a earlier version as 1.1.4 from the Lego Page. It would be nice if someone can provide me a 1.0.0 or 1.1.0/1.1.1 Version of the Spike Prime Software for Mac/Windows

Download The Spike Versi 1.9.2

Download File 🔥 🔥

Thanks for the link, I've ripped the firmware and filesystem out of the app and added them to the repo, along with a few other firmwares since my mindstorms set arrived.

I'll have a play with the Lego application download URL and see if I can get some other old versions.

Conjure Glacial SpikeBehold! My giant icicle! It's good for kebabs. Place an icicle as an obstacle that lasts for 6 turns, including your opponent's turns. Upon placement, all enemies in an AoE of 1 around the icicle receive a 8 damage Frostbite for 3 turns.EffectPlaces a giant icicle on an empty terrain tile. Applies a 8 damage Frostbite for 3 turns to surrounding enemies around the spike in an AoE of 1.Bits1Range2QuickplayNoHow to ObtainCurrent MethodsOpening Snowville Booster Pack

I'm having an issue in both Kontakt 7 and the latest version of Komplete Kontrol I load a patch and without playing any notes, CPU will spike to 100% within 2 or 3 seconds and stay there about 2 seconds or so. If I play anything before that finishes, no sound will play until the spike stops. At that point, there's heavy digital noise that eventually resolves for the patch to play. This does not happen on any other product, only Session Ukulele.

In December 2022, LEGO Education launched a new version of the SPIKE app, which is necessary to program SPIKE Prime and SPIKE Essential robots. At the same time, the previous app was renamed, which caused understandable confusion among its users.

The latest release is the 3rd version of the SPIKE app. The 1st version allowed users to program only SPIKE Prime electronics, and was ultimately updated to the 2nd version with programming options for SPIKE Essential.

The 2nd app version (SPIKE Legacy) and the newest 3rd app version (SPIKE 3) are actually two separate apps. You can have both installed on your computer, but you cannot run them simultaneously. The same applies to the browser versions.

Download the lastest version of the SPIKE 3 app directly from the LEGO website or through Microsoft Store. After you run the app, it will automatically suggest a hub update and guide you through the process. You will need an internet connection and the USB cable that can be found in the SPIKE Prime box.

To know whether your hub is compatible, you need to check the OS version installed on it. Remember that SPIKE hub can be compatible WITH ONLY ONE app of the two available. This basically means that the hub connects to and runs programs created in one specific app.

To get the previous version of the app, which is SPIKE Legacy, download it from Microsoft Store or from the official LEGO Education website. Once the installation process is complete, you can launch the app.

To downgrade SPIKE hub to the previous OS version, you need a bit more time, Chrome browser, and the USB cable included in the SPIKE Prime set. Good news is, LEGO Education has made the process pretty simple. Go to and follow the steps explained there.

Important note! Try not to switch the HubOS version too frequently. According to LEGO Education, it may damage the hub. Our tests have not confirmed it, but so far we have upgraded and downgraded HubOS on the same hub less than 10 times.

My EOS90D began an issue where whatever is brightest in a shot is spiked too bright and lost for no reason. I'd say it has something to do with metering and or white balance. Any lens, any ISO, any mode, 95% of my images have an odd histogram spike on the right, even if I shoot something relatively dark. below are two examples with the blowout but I have a couple hundred that I am finding the spike over the last couple weeks. Does anyone has insight into what is going on or what might correct the issue? thanks

The spike to the right is there because you clipped the highlights. You probably clipped the highlights because the dark clothes and the dark background fooled the light meter. You camera wants to expose for 18% grey.

The ARTIC Network provides a common resource of PCR primer sequences and recommendations for amplifying SARS-CoV-2 genomes. The initial tiling strategy was developed with the reference genome Wuhan-01, and subsequent iterations have addressed areas of low amplification and sequence drop out. Recently, a new version (V4) was released, based on new variant genome sequences, in response to the realization that some V3 primers were located in regions with key mutations. Herein, we compare the performance of the ARTIC V3 and V4 primer sets with a matched set of 663 SARS-CoV-2 clinical samples sequenced with an Illumina NovaSeq 6000 instrument. We observe general improvements in sequencing depth and quality, and improved resolution of the SNP causing the D950N variation in the spike protein. Importantly, we also find nearly universal presence of spike protein substitution G142D in Delta-lineage samples. Due to the prior release and widespread use of the ARTIC V3 primers during the initial surge of the Delta variant, it is likely that the G142D amino acid substitution is substantially underrepresented among early Delta variant genomes deposited in public repositories. In addition to the improved performance of the ARTIC V4 primer set, this study also illustrates the importance of the primer scheme in downstream analyses. IMPORTANCE ARTIC Network primers are commonly used by laboratories worldwide to amplify and sequence SARS-CoV-2 present in clinical samples. As new variants have evolved and spread, it was found that the V3 primer set poorly amplified several key mutations. In this report, we compare the results of sequencing a matched set of samples with the V3 and V4 primer sets. We find that adoption of the ARTIC V4 primer set is critical for accurate sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 spike region. The absence of metadata describing the primer scheme used will negatively impact the downstream use of publicly available SARS-Cov-2 sequencing reads and assembled genomes.

A Spike should NOT become a Proof of Concept (POC). Spikes should be small, infrequent, for the purpose of answering some questions about the direction to go in.

So a team may need to run one or more spikes to achieve a Proof of Concept (PoC).

And a POC may be required before defining an MVP.

Can a story taken from the backlog and put in the sprint while there is a spike created against it? It sounds like the uncertainty the spike is trying to remove should be out of the way before taking the story in the sprint.

So good i feel like dancing right now , i totally agree, they made spike look like a complete fool in that episode, well cause kinda he does like everything for everypony and stuff, anyway great chapter

I agree with you; the "Spike at Your Service" Episode made Sipke look completely idiotic and accident-prone, kinda like they do with Derpy/Ditzy Doo.

I've very much enjoyed your version so far and look forward to your future posts.

Can someone please help me! I have been having issues lately with my Sophos XG 330 rev.2 Firewall. First off I have had a complete system crash where I had to completely re-install firmware (the system reboots to "fail safe mode") Next I keep randomly having huge spikes in the CPU and I have not made any major changes in logging and or services. The firewall has been running fine for about a year with the same settings and now all of a sudden all of these issues. I am running version 17.5.15 MR-15.

We use this data specifically to keep tabs on how frequently spike's various features are being used so that we can better prioritize issues and upgrades, and to show our "total compiles" number, which is typically a large and impressive number, to our sponsors, and they can then be wowed by how awesome and popular this project is. That's it!

We want to make it clear that no private information is being collected at all here, and that all information collected is 100% anonymous, and tagged only to an entirely randomly generated id. However, if you would like to opt-out and ensure that analytics are not sent, you can run spike analytics disable, and no further information will be collected.

We're running an Elasticsearch cluster. The cluster behaves normally for few days but then the network transfer start to spike for all nodes, then this causes other issues like cpu spike and high GC, high latency, etc.. The cluster won't stabilize until it's restarted.

So, what I believe happened is that, after deploying the upgraded version of Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore, I may have had the Logging verbosity turned up too high for the performance counter telemetry data and subsequently changed it a couple of days later when I noticed it.

Application Insights 2.7.1 has enabled ILogger captured by default, but it only captures Warning or above log messages. So unless you application is generating a lot of Warning or above level Ilogger logs, this should not result in a big spike in usage.This behavior can be changed to filter logs further if too much logs are reported. -us/azure/azure-monitor/app/ilogger#control-logging-levelFrom the 1st screenshot you shared, it looks like performance counter is the only type which spiked - ilogger integration cannot explain this spike, as it only reports logs.

More logical explanation is the PerformanceCounter module itself which was NOT supported in versions earlier than 2.7.1. You can remove performance counter collection with the following snipped in ConfigureServices() method in startup.cs 006ab0faaa

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