Myra Goodman is an award-winning author and founder of Quest for Eternal Sunshine, a platform offering free resources to support people in their quest for wisdom, healing, and self-discovery. Her most recent book, Quest for...

Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo: The Guru, the spiritual teacher, the initiator, is one who sparks the fire of wisdom that is already within. In Cherokee tradition, there is importance placed upon verbal transmission of direct insight, of song and method.The teacher reveals what is there, points the way and shows the student a roadmap of the mind.

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Leadore, a town of 105 people, is currently hosting a slew of CDT hikers and 400-500 firefighters battling the Hayden fire burning 18 miles west of town. Every single person we have met in this town is so dang friendly. While waiting for the diner to open for breakfast, a man that looked like Santa Claus struck up conversation with us and we invited him to eat breakfast with us.

Back in 2007, the organization was created by a passionate group of volunteers who dreamed about contributing something of value to the world. They were inspired by cultures who remain connected to their rituals and ceremonies, who still gather around the fire to share stories, teachings, and receive guidance and visions from the Ancestors. We are here to serve as a bridge between Indigenous or placed-based cultures and those no longer living on or near their ancestral homelands.

I have named this episode is Dumpster Fire Wisdom. Because, in my own experience and as so many of Experience 50 listeners share with me, that is where we learn our lessons, we come into our wisdom out of surviving unthinkable challenges.

TREX is an innovative experiential training program developed by The Nature Conservancy and hosted worldwide. Its goal is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and skills to build local capacity for successful prescribed fire programs around the globe.

While the cadre consisted of experienced firefighters, many had not used fire as a management tool. Because of this, Jose and Jaime were some of the most experienced prescribed fire practitioners in the group.

Among the Department of the Interior agencies, USFWS applies approximately 50% of all prescribed fire acres across the country, providing ample opportunity for employees to practice their skills and knowledge. Jaime and Jose noted that being a part of a small and nimble, resource focused agency allows them to build a diverse fire management skillset, while also encouraging their development into leadership roles.

The TREX program is lighting the way for conversations about best practices and lessons learned between communities and countries. Jose and Jaime reflect on their journey to Andaluca as an opportunity of a lifetime; but perhaps it is just the beginning to an ongoing dialogue between fire practitioners and wildlife advocates around the globe.

Cultural fires tended by California Natives are a sacred ceremony and have been for centuries. Their intrinsic understanding of sustainable land management and perpetuating heritage-rich flora and fauna used for basketweaving, land management, and food gathering has sustained them forever.

Basketweavers have produced generations of fire tenders who respect the flame and its power as a good fire. The California Natives flourished in living naturally within all the ecological systems. Their tradition of prescribed burns is referred to as Indigenous Wisdom or Native Science but hereafter, Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK).

In the last three years, this state has had many bad fires: The most recent Slater Fire destroyed about 150 homes at Happy Camp. There were two fatalities reported. Happy Camp is not a reservation, but public land known as the Klamath National Forest. These are ancestral grounds for the Karuk tribe, the second-largest in California, and one of the more economically challenged.

The Karuk tribe knew that fire was coming long before the downed PacifiCorp utility power line (under investigation) made the early morning sky a dark orange, clogging the air and lungs with black smoke. Elders and families evacuated on September 7, 2020. It remains at 32 percent contained. So far, the merging Devil Fire with Slater seems to be staying in the backcountry, away from domiciles and structures.

In addition to dispensing TEK, employing California Natives with non-Natives in practical applications furthers a lasting exchange for wisdom with knowledge. This partnership can create a mutually beneficial relationship not just for humans but all living systems.

Maybe I'm just vision-impaired, but I can't seem to find anything rules-wise that makes it particularly detrimental to your health if you grapple with a fire-elemental. Logically it should be a no-brainer. You. Don't. Play. With. Fire. But a greature that can set you on fire it slaps you should be a nasty thing to tango with.

Burn wrote:

... Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must succeed at a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.

Also, what happens to wood objects hitted by fire elementals? Hi Blackflame, welcome welcome.They're unlikely to clarify anything, since this thread is 11 years old (is that a record?) and neither of them have posted in the last year or so.

The grappling rules were one of the Pathfinder updates to DnD3.5. New and improved rulez. AoN references B6 and I didn't verify published editing history as this is just a casual post. 

Burn:"... Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must succeed at a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire." I'd agree that most sensible GMs would have burn trigger on a hit with grapple, but RAW is what it is and it's only strongly implied. It is a game and that's what GMs are there for. Personally I'd apply the Burn damage to the attacker/weapon(full or likely half) Then the damage from the attack to the defender so that trivial attacks are ignored (the creature has DR).

Should the Burn damage apply for an attempted grapple? hmm, really home GM territory and adding complexity. I'd review Wall of Fire:4 before making a ruling.

My first substantial encounter with St. Bonaventure occurred in graduate school, when I took a doctoral seminar course on his thought. Taught by Dr. Peter Casarella (then at CUA, currently at Duke), I quickly became fascinated with St. Bonaventure. In particular, I appreciated his emphasis on holiness as integral to theology and as necessary for the attainment of true wisdom.

While St. Thomas Aquinas and Blessed John Duns Scotus have justly earned the recognition they have received, it is sad to me, personally, that their success has contributed to a lack of study of and appreciation for St. Bonaventure. It is my hope that the wisdom of St. Bonaventure will one day resurface to impact a wider audience, both in the academy as well as in the pews.

Most fire growth continues to be towards the east and southeast, and crews are working to protect structures along the Highway 43 corridor on the east side of the fire, particularly around the Big Hole National Battlefield and private property south of the highway. A structure protection plan will be required for several private residences near the Big Hole Battlefield.

We were too remote for regular garbage service, so we often burned it in large 55 gallon steel drums. I had watched both of my parents start these fires and, being thirteen years old, thought it looked easy. Just pour some gas along the inside walls of the steel drum so it dripped to the bottom, sprinkle a bit on the top, and ignite it with a match.

As I understand unusually challenging historical moments, they must be met with moments of deeper learning on our part than what we are accustomed to, which though prayers, grace, wisdom, and the mercy of God lead to greater redemptive responses to the crisis on our part than what we may otherwise typically rely on. That idea seems a good way to summarize what I hoped to make practical from some biblical narratives during the talk.

A humble prayer calls down fire from above, and as we learn to live a life rooted in prayer, this heavenly fire grows into a profound awareness of the presence of God. This is the deepest purpose of prayer, and making this journey is essential for reaching the heights of holiness for which we were made.

In Fire From Above, Dr. Anthony Lilles, Academic Dean at St. John's Seminary in California, shows you how to put your whole life in conversation with the Risen Lord within the Catholic tradition of spirituality. The wisdom of great saints and mystics will help you discover how to surrender your pride and appeal to God with humble trust, and how prayer addresses your deepest human needs.

Formulas that tell us how much water we need for a building of a specific size. This is good for books, but not for practical application. The bottom line is, Hit the fire with as much water as possible based on your personnel, equipment, and water supply situation in an attempt to overwhelm the fire. If 250 gpm will knock a fire down fairly quickly, then 500 gpm will be even faster. 

Now keep in mind that when these pressures were established, the manufacturers knew that firefighters would be using it and could possibly mess up and over-pump it, so a safety factor was built in. The above-mentioned equipment can actually withstand more than the cited maximum pressures. What does all this mean? It means that 1-inch can produce 300-gpm streams, 2-inch and 3-inch handlines can produce 600 to 800-gpm streams, and smooth bore tips on master stream appliances can operate at nozzle pressures reaching 175 psi, capable of producing killer streams.

Send your thoughts to Letters to the Editor. Learn moreAugust 21, 2019Share on FacebookShare on TwitterEmail to a friendPrint St. Joseph Sr. Helen Prejean is known the world over for her commitment to social justice, particularly for her ministry to and advocacy on behalf of those incarcerated and sentenced to die. Her ministry has garnered attention and has helped to shape public sentiment about the injustice of the death penalty, especially among Catholics. But how did she become filled with that prophetic fire and righteous passion for which she is known today? 006ab0faaa

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