The ringtones on this website are in .mp3 format and is compatible with almost all mobile phones. Download ringtones and use them on Nokia Mobile phones, Samsung, Sony Ericsson phones, LG mobiles, Motorola phones etc...

I have verizon and the LG vx8300. I make ringtones all the time for my phone. If your phone supports mp3 ringtones just make sure that the clip is under 300kb. i use dBpowerAMP to do this. then i use to send the ringtone to my phone.

Download The Office Ringtone


I have a Verizon RAZR and so far none of the tricks that anyone has suggested in getting the ringtone on my phone. I tried compressing the mp3 and sending either by email or the uploader that someone posted, but no luck. Anyone have any success with a Verizon RAZR?

I have the LG 8100 with Verizon, and the above advice didnt work. It transferred the sound to my phone, saved it as an .mid, but is in my sounds folder and cant be used as a ringtone. Any more advice?

I have a Motorola I850 phone with Nextel as my provider. I have not been able to find anywhere on the Internet on how I can get The Office ringtone for my phone. Does anyone have any suggestions or help?

77: Go to directly from your Pearl and click on the link for the mp3 format of the ringtone. the song should play for you on your blackberry. Press the menu button and save the file on your blackberry or media card. =)

1. Click MP3 up at the top of the page

2. Go to the recording feature on your cellphone

3. Record the 30 second clip

4. Save the clip on your phone

5. Send yourself a picture message with the sound clip selected as the audio

6. Receive the message with the sound clip and you are now able to save it as a ringtone.

Adding a distinctive ringtone to a Ring Group or Call Queue gives group members an audible cue about the nature of an incoming call. This can be especially useful for users who are members of multiple Ring Groups.

idk about other phones, but iPhone ringtones tend to peak at I think -10dB, so you can push a little bit on the volume without damage, but as you rightly point out, peaking near zero just goes quickly into distortion; doesn't sound good & actually doesn't feel as loud from a distance.

Alternatively - & this is what I use for my partner's ringtone - the telephone ring from the Keifer Sutherland show, 24, the one in their office at CTU. It changed each season but the early ones were the most distinctive. Fox used to have them freely available on their website, though I don't see them any more - but a quick Google tells me you can still pick up one or more versions for free.

Music, snippets from songs etc., don't work well - they just seem to blend into the background too easily, especially if you've got the radio or tv on.

The only exception is if the music is very sparse. I use the opening 2 chords from The Clash, London Calling, for one of my ringtones & I can always hear that round the house where other tunes don't work - though I have been known to come dashing up to my work room to discover was the radio.

Prior to the decision, the standard for securing ringtone rights was to negotiate a license with the record company for the use of the master recording and then negotiate with the music publisher for a license to use the composition. Most music publishing companies insisted that ringtones did not fall under the compulsory license and they could therefore charge a higher rate than the statutory mechanical royalty rate, or withhold permission altogether. (For a discussion of the compulsory license, see Digital Applications of the Compulsory License at

Now that the Register of Copyrights has determined that ringtones may fall under the licensing scheme of Section 115, the CRB has the authority to set the applicable license rates. Arguments on compulsory ringtone rates are set to take place in November.

The current selected features and profiles in a mobile device is usually set manually and do not use the external environment automatically to change it. The features and profile can be switching to silent mode in office, selecting a formal ringtone in office, describing the mood in the social network sites and a whole lot of similar things. These features and profiles of the mobile is usually related to facial expression of the person (happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise), external appearance (different clothes in office and home) and surroundings of the person (office, home, park etc). The idea of the paper is to the use the above mentioned external events and changes the theme of the mobile phone. The change may be changing the color of mobile screen, select particular category of word suggestion during writing SMS, notes or document, select music playlist, call buddy with whom user would like to share stuff. Basically user will have a mobile that can understand user's emotion and do accordingly. The paper presents details about emotion reading and implementation using patter recognition technique to capture.

NOTE: If you designated office hours in your Zoom phone settings for call handling, your zoom phone will only ring during these hours. Outside designated office hours, your Closed Hours Call Handling settings will control how incoming calls are handled. Sign in to the Zoom web portal using SSO ( and click Phone and Settings to review your Call Handling settings.

I have no doubt that one can download a wolf whistle for a ringtone and that some people would find it amusing. Actually to be honest, I would find it giggle-worthy the first time I heard it, since apparently I am a twelve year old boy living in the body of a 30-something woman, but I would know that it would not be work-appropriate!

That could add an element of randomness to the assignations: people pair up not only by intentionally quacking at one another, but if they all have their ringtones set to quacking, the person whose phone rings has to get it on with another member of the club who is nearby.

My ring tone used to be the Crank ringtone, which just sounds like a distorted default ring. I thought it was funny and as far as I know nobody picked up on it without prompting.

(My phone is almost always on silent though)

I recently started working on proximity alerts App. This basically changes the ringtone profile (just vibrate or ringtone intially) based on the users GPS location. I completed the coding part. On "enter" and "exit" Proximity alerts are getting fired and the code in registered BroadcastReceiver is been executing. Till this point it is fine. Actual problem is as follows, (with my sample code lines)

} else{ //if user is out of Home location


 give the notification that user is out of home area } //if user is out of Office location if(intent.getAction().equals(INTENT_ACTION2)){ give the notification that user is out of office area } } }

Now when I am in office I set the gps location with 5m radius. So It gave me notification that "user is in office area". But here I am facing the actual problem as It is showing both "home area entered" and "office area entered" and "home area exited " and "office area exited" messages for every 2 or 1 minute(s) gap. I am not getting why it is happening. (Even I am not moving around after I set the office location GPS..just staying there in the same point......sitting in my office desk seat...)

So in the question's getBroadcast parameters (context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT), replace "0" with a unique integer for "home" PendingIntent and "office" PendingIntent. Then register each PendingIntent with its own lat/lon/radius in your addProximityAlert().

I have my headset set as the audio device for Teams. Before, this didn't affect whether my laptop speakers would play the ringtone when I got a call, but since a few weeks ago it would stay silent and I would only be able to see I was getting a call from the pop up notification.

I just encountered the same issue. 

Teams is working just fine, except for no ringtone in my speakers when receiving calls or any dial tone when calling someone. just silence and then all of the sudden they answer. e24fc04721

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