Larry Flick from Billboard described the song as "a wacky blend of guttural toasting and retro-pop shuffle beats." He felt that "the hook has the potential to take up permanent residence in your brain, while the fun array of sound effects are sure to get those shoulders shakin' out of control." He also encouraged, "Seek it out and give it a whirl."[4] A reviewer from The Guardian called it a "cute" hit.[5] Andy Beevers from Music Week declared it as "a bouncey Shaggy-style party track that is destined to get plenty of summertime radio play."[6] David Quantick from NME viewed it as "so jovial and bouncy".[7] Tony Cross from Smash Hits gave it five out of five, naming it Best New Single. He wrote, "Trying not to wind your body down to this is like trying not to chew a Rowntree's fruit pastille. Apache's belly-wriggler is fabber than Shabba and shaggier than Shaggy, and his Brummy raggamuffin beat is a dance hall dream come true. Apache invites everybody to join him in one massive ragga party, putting his Bhangra roots on the back burner for the summer. A great record that will surely mean the big time at last for the Apache..."[8]

The combination of wind and low temperature in winter can be deadly. The wind chill index helps you determine when dangerous conditions develop that could lead to frostbite or hypothermia. It takes into account heat loss from the human body to its surroundings during cold and windy weather. The calculation utilizes wind speed in miles per hour and temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. For example, a temperature of minus 5 degrees occurring with a 20 mph wind gives a wind chill near minus 30 degrees (see wind chill calculation table below). This means that your body will lose heat at the same rate as it would if the air temperature were minus 30 degrees with no wind. Wind chill values near minus 25 degrees mean that frostbite is possible within 15 minutes.

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Stay informed. Have a portable NOAA weather radio nearby to keep you up-to-date with the latest forecasts and warnings. Use wind chill temperatures to guide you in dressing properly for the outdoors. On very cold days, minimize your exposure to the outdoors if possible.

Feng Xie is often associated with Cold, Humidity, Dryness and Heat, forming complex pathogenic factors such as Wind-Cold, Wind-Humidity, Wind-Dryness and Wind-Heat. Wind can also be associated with Phlegm, thus producing Wind-Phlegm. A characteristic of Winds as harmful exterior influences is the speed with which that characteristic appears, as is the case with all other external pernicious influences. Winds often include a fever, which is a sign of conflict between an exterior influence and normal Qi, sweating, sudden headaches, nasal obstruction, itching, and throat irritation. As Wind is typically accompanied by another harmful influence, it contains the signs of the other baneful influence. The inner Feng Xie generally accompanies chronic disharmonies, and often these disharmonies involve the liver, which is responsible for regular movement within the body and, therefore, are sensitive to irregular movement. This condition is described as Ominous Wind. Signs of Unpromising Wind include dizziness, ringing in the ears, heaviness or numbness of the limbs, tremors, and seizures [4].

Wind is one of the six external factors of disease (six Qi or six Yin/Six Excesses). These climates can attack the body, enter the meridians, and cause external diseases; e.g., Cold Wind can cause a cold. Wind is a climatic condition that is observed everywhere, but is given a heightened importance in TCM. A healthy body is the result of a balance between Yin and Yang and is supported by a network of activities and complementary forces that generate and put limits on one another. Thus, Qi moves the Blood, but at the same time keeps it in place; Heart stores the Shen (Spirit) and moves the Blood; Gallbladder regulates the ascension; Stomach regulates the descent; Liver controls distribution and Kidneys regulate storage; Lungs regulate the flow of Qi descent; Kidney Qi governs fixation. An energy imbalance occurs as a result of breakage of the relationship between real power and pathogenic power (Zheng Qi - Xie Qi). This is a dialectical pathogenesis in TCM. When the balance is disturbed, the Yin and the Yang no longer fit, and the body becomes vulnerable to the damaging effects of a pernicious influence. For TCM, the root of most diseases is a serious imbalance of the various energy systems of the body organs and the lack of overall functional harmony of the entire structure, which occur unfailingly when an organic imbalance exists.

3. Eating irregularly or ingesting amounts of fat, dairy products, fatty foods, fried foods, and/or sugars weakens the Spleen and leads to Phlegm, which predisposes the body to obesity. Phlegm causes numbness in the extremities, mental clouding, slurred speech or aphasia, and a swollen tongue with a sticky coating. Extreme physical work, including excessive exercise and sports, also weakens the Spleen and can lead to Spleen deficiency, which, in turn, causes phlegm.

Your diet plays a key role in dealing with trapped wind. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat or contain artificial sweeteners because they are more likely to produce gas, which leads to bloating or flatulence. Your body may also produce more gas if you are lactose intolerant. Consider getting tested by your GP if you think you may have lactose intolerance, before making significant adjustments to your diet.

Besides that, incorporating prebiotics in your diet could help manage flatulence and other gastrointestinal symptoms. There is a wide variety of food containing prebiotics, such as garlic, leeks, etc that you could add to your meals every day. You could also try prebiotic supplements to offer extra support for your gut microbiome. Bimuno, an award-winning prebiotic supplement contains a fibre called galactooligosaccharide (GOS), which is targeted to specifically feed bifidobacteria, a type of good gut bacteria, and support gut health.

Physically moving around causes the intestines to also move around, meaning that the little bubbles of gas caused by eating and digestion can be released. You might not feel like jumping around after a meal but taking a walk soon after eating can really help with trapped wind pain.

Gastroenterologist Dr Jamile Wakim-Fleming suggests sipping on warm water throughout the day. This will help to reduce trapped wind in two ways. Firstly, warm water helps move food along the digestive tract. The quicker the food moves, the less chance you have of gas building up. Secondly, warm water helps to calm the gut. To move food through the gut, especially without the presence of warm water, the gut must constantly expand and contract, a process called peristalsis. Warm water causes the gut to contract less intensely, causing less gas.

Everyone is different. Some of us may find dairy products cause excess gas, whilst others find beans and broccoli are the culprits. The most effective way to help control trapped wind is by making changes to your diet. Often, this is trial and error, whilst you work out which foods cause you to have the most amount of gas.

If your symptoms do persist, even after trying our tips, then make an appointment to see your doctor. They may be able to do some medical tests to see if your trapped wind is due to an underlying medical condition.

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Myth: The body losses most of its heat through the head.

Fact: The body looses heat in proportion to exposure. The surface area of the head makes up about 7% of the total body coverage, and it loses heat at about the same rate as any other 7% of the body that is exposed to the cold.

Myth: Cold air will give you a cold.

Fact: There may be other extenuating circumstances that can lead to a cold, but just going outdoors without a coat does not directly increase your change of contracting a cold.

For example, if the temperature is 0F (-18C) and there is no wind, it might take over 30 minutes for exposed skin to freeze. However, when the wind is also blowing at 15 mph (13 kt / 24 km/h), then the wind chill temperature is -19F (-28C). At this level, exposed skin can freeze in just a few minutes.

It is important to understand that wind chill is related to how quickly the body loses heat; it does not mean things will cool below the actual air temperature. Therefore, regardless of wind speed, no frostbite can occur with air temperatures above freezing, but hypothermia is still a danger.

It also means that inanimate objects like car radiators or water pipes will also not cool below the actual air temperature. For example, if the temperature outside is -5F (-21C) and the wind chill temperature is -31F (-35C), then your car's radiator temperature will be no lower than the air temperature of -5F (-21C), although it may cool to that temperature faster than if there were no wind.

To determine the wind chill temperature, find the value closest to your outside air temperature. Then find the value that most closely represents your present wind speed. Your wind chill temperature is the value where lines drawn from the air temperature and wind cross.

Notice how the wind speed affects the onset of frostbite. For example, at -40F and wind speed of just 5 mph, the wind chill is -58F and frostbite can occur in 10 minutes or less. However, at a relatively higher temperature of -20F, when wind speed is 45 mph, wind chill is also -58F, yet frostbite is a threat in 5 minutes or less. This is because of the wind's ability to remove heat. Therefore, you cannot rely on the wind chill value alone to determine your risk of frostbite. e24fc04721

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