After you install the Dropbox desktop app on your computer, you can access Dropbox from the icon in your taskbar (Windows) or menu bar (Mac) or the Dropbox folder in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).

Keychain is a password management system for Mac. Dropbox requires access to your Keychain to help verify your account and to provide another layer of security over the Dropbox desktop app preferences.

Download The Dropbox Desktop App

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Dropbox Web Helper supports the Dropbox user interface on Mac computers. It only runs when the desktop app is running. 

Dropbox Web Helper is an independent process, so it may start and stop at different times than the desktop app. If you adjust your firewall or antivirus software for Dropbox, we recommend similar adjustments for Dropbox Web Helper.

With the Dropbox desktop app, you can save, view, share, and access the files and folders stored in your Dropbox account from your computer. When you download and install the Dropbox desktop app, two things are added to your computer:

I have a win10 PC. In an attempt to include my desktop folder (50GB of files) in dropbox, I inadvertently moved the location of the contents of the Desktop to "E:/dropbox" rather than "E:/dropbox/Desktop". Now, my dropbox folder IS my Desktop folder, and vice-versa! Yikes! Now everything in my dropbox folder also appears on my desktop!

3. My desktop/dropbox combo folder was on the E drive, so I created two temp folders on the root of the E: drive: TEMP DESKTOP CONTENTS and TEMP DROPBOX CONTENTS. To facilitate all the juggling to come, I moved everything out of dropbox to those two folders. Despite being about 800GB of stuff, moving the files happened immediately.

4. I couldn't relocate the (now empty except for system stuff like the recycle bin) desktop system folder directly to E:/dropbox/desktop - something about the parent-child folder relationship. So then I right-clicked on the folder, went to "Properties", then the "location" tab, and relocated the desktop to its default location on C:/

5. I then did the same process again to set up the desktop folder INSIDE the dropbox folder - created a new folder called "Desktop" inside dropbox, then used the dialog box to "locate" the folder inside the dropbox.

At that point everything was where it needed to be. I rebooted and turned the wifi adaptor back on. The desktop and dropbox folders aren't literally the same folder any longer, my desktop with it's 50GB of files is continually backed up by dropbox, and the 750GB that live inside dropbox (including my documents folder) are back where they belong.

When it comes to your concern though, could you first forward me the exact status of the desktop app on the affected computer and a screenshot of how it looks like on your end so I can advise further?

My issue really is this: I wanted to back up everything on my desktop. I figured I would put my desktop INSIDE my dropbox folder. As the desktop is a system folder, there's a process for moving it's location. I went through that process (find "desktop" inside my user folder, right click, choose "location" and pick a new location), but instead of designating the new location as "E:/dropbox/desktop", I just chose "E:/dropbox". So now, my dropbox folder ALSO acts as the desktop system folder.

My desktop folder, which by default is at C:/Users/Steve/Desktop, was accidentally reassigned TO the dropbox folder. My intention was to reassign it to a new desktop folder INSIDE the dropbox folder, E:/dropbox/Desktop.

As a system folder, the desktop folder (as I understand it) cannot simply be dragged to another location, it needs to be "relocated". See the picture, which is a screen grab of what I get from right-clicking on the dropbox folder now...

2. move the files and folders that "belong" in dropbox into a temp folder outside of the dropbox folder somewhere on the E:/ drive. Now what's remaining are the 50GB of files that "belong" on the desktop.

4. use the dialog box I showed you earlier to relocate the desktop folder to E:/dropbox/desktop. This will move the remaining 50GB of files in E:/dropbox to the new desktop folder I created in the prior step, including the system files that I have no access to ("this PC", "recycle bin", etc).

By the way the reason I suggested moving files to a temp location, then replacing them later, rather than deleting them and letting selective sync put them back later, was to save the upload time for restoring 800GB of files. If my other plan is not viable I can still turn on selective sync on everything that "belongs" in dropbox, reshuffle my desktop folder, then turn selective sync off to allow dropbox to restore my local copies.

At this point I try to free up some space, so I go to the dropbox folder in my Mac, select the attempted backup of my computer, and delete it. I think it was then that the folders disappeared, but I didn't notice until I was in the Dropbox system preferences trying to make it stop creating automatic backups...tried to deselect the Desktop, Downloads, and Documents folders and save, but then a message popped up saying the folders couldn't be located...

First off, thank you so much for helping out! None of the files were in the Deleted files page, and I found a zip file of my downloads folder in the trash, ...moved it to my desktop, but opening it revealed it to be a copy of what I found on my computer this morning...all the folders, but all of them are empty. I put some screenshots here with different folders selected as files in any of fact aside from a couple screenshots I took earlier today. This is how all the folders in my Documents and Desktop tabs look as well..empty!

I initially searched through Finder and came up with nothing, just the My Mac folder that has all the missing files.., BUT I decided just to look in the Trash and lo and behold, a hidden My Mac with a different icon appeared..I attached a screenshot of after I dragged it back to my desktop. I opened it up and everything is there! All the files, everything! So many thanks for helping me find this. This is a great weight off my shoulders going forward.

After using Dropbox yesterday my desktop folder and download folder disappeared from finder on my Macbook Pro. When I start using Dropbox it started to sync and I stopped it, emptied my trash and deleted the files in the sync folder. After this my desktop and download folder where gone in Finder. I searched in hidden files but no desktop of download folders anymore. When going to I see the folders there and have no idea how to get them back to my HD on my Mac. Please let me know how to get the folders back on my Mac. Thank you

Help! Downloaded Dropbox and promptly lost everything on my desktop! I'm using a MacBook Pro with up to date Monterey OS. Now I remember why I previously vowed never to use dropbox again - it steals everything and the customer support is abysmal!

I love Dropbox. I can't say I've messed around with a bunch of different cloud storage services, but Dropbox has been more or less great for me for years. However, recently the desktop application has been making certain aspects of my computer unusably slow. I say "certain aspects" because really it's not the whole thing. To be honest, the only thing I've notied is right clicking. It sounds silly, but this really does make your computer frustratingly slow when you're trying to work with files in Windows Explorer. I can navigate Windows Explorer with no lag, but when I right click anywhere (including my Desktop) there is a 10+ second delay to bring up the list of commands.

This sounds exactly like my issue. Things are slow because Dropbox is totally thrashing the registry. Right-clicking on the desktop (or opening the Start Menu) requires checking a few dozen registry entries, but Dropbox's indexing causes a kind of denial-of-service attack on the Windows registry.

It's not minor performance items, either. When I click Dropbox to pause synching, or to resume synching, it takes MINUTES--not seconds, MINUTES--for it to change over from one to the other. When I try to right-click on a file, in my file browser/explorer, to get a dropbox link, the drop-down menu can take 30-60 seconds to appear. This is a significant, significant change. I'm not running some small phablet or laptop here. I am running Win10, 32g of RAM, i7 Intel Core @3.6Ghz, with a SSDD C:drive, with more than 50% space available, running two RAIDS, both 2TB (so, 8TB of disk space all together, each raided pair being 4TB), etc. I've not had any problems or issues--until this last DB "update." ff782bc1db

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