Maps: View a map that displays the temperature, precipitation, air quality, or wind conditions in the area. Tap the map to view it in full screen or to change the map view between temperature, precipitation, air quality, and wind. See View weather maps on iPhone.

Additional weather details: View additional weather information such as the UV index, wind, visibility, moon phases, and more. Tap a weather detail for more features and information specific to that detail.

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If your apps, web apps, or websites display any weather data from Apple (other than weather alerts or value-added services or products, as described below), you must clearly display the Apple Weather trademark (Weather), as well as the legal link to other data sources.

Do you have both an iPhone and an iPad, with both backing up to iCloud? I had this problem too, and I fixed it by having both my iPhone and my iPad open to the weather app, and deleting the same city in both.

Search for your preferred local weather reporting location. It may or may not be close to you depending on where you are located. The National Weather Service has Yacolt as a weather reporting source, but its local forecast office is in Portland. I am uncertain where or how Apple's weather application obtains its data.

If you allow Weather to access your location, your location will be sent to Apple to provide relevant weather forecasts. If you request a forecast for a location you follow, that information will be sent to Apple to provide a forecast for that location. The information Apple collects to provide forecasts is not linked to your identity.

If you choose to enable severe weather notifications, where available, Weather corresponds each location where you have enabled such notifications with a region. A region may be a country, or for some countries (such as the U.S. and Canada), a region may be an area with at least 500,000 residents. The list of regions for which you have enabled such notifications will be sent to Apple and can be associated with your Apple ID. Apple uses the list of regions to enable this feature and deliver the notifications to your device. Weather filters the regional notifications on your device based on the specific locations for which you have enabled severe weather notifications in order to deliver the relevant notifications to you.

A 10-day weather forecast is available for most countries and regions. The data is provided by Apple Weather. If you use iOS 15.2 or earlier, you'll see a 10-day forecast that's provided by The Weather Channel."

While this outcome is acceptable to me as a user of weather data, the data reported using slightly different versions of iOS was grossly different. Is there an explanation as to why this is the case? Thanks.

This keeps happening to my iphone 11. The weather widget when you swipe left. It stays on Salano for a long time too even after turning the phone completely off several times. A bug Apple seems to not have on the priority list.

Whenever I switch to the precipitation map part of the weather app it never fills with the precipitation in the correct place. It fills a square at a time, and always fills in my location last. If I don't touch it for a minute or two it used to fill in the whole precipitation picture. No longer. Sometimes I zoom in or out it will slowly fill in the precipitation but the default setting no longer show precipitation. I work in NYC so maybe this is related to volume? High speed connection so loading data is not the issue. Anybody else have the same issue?

I have added 5 citys to the weather app list and have location turned off. Let's say I have cities A, B, C, D and E in my list. When I open the weather app I'd always like it to default to display city A. But for some reason it opens to one of the other citys. Even if city A is at the top of the list and was the last one I viewed previously in the app. Any way to set a "default" city for the app? (Just a note that I never noticed this behavior with previous IOS versions. Prior behavior was that it always opened to display the last city I had viewed before closing the app)

If I tap the widget for more detailed info it pulls up the weather app with the city in that is in the position after my home city. I would think most people have their home city 1st in the list, so that's why people think it's the 2nd city.

I display the apple logo and attribution link on my Credits page in the Settings -> About page. (As well as showing the logo on the Launch Screen and mentioning it in the App Store description). I basically subbed out 'DarkSky' for 'WeatherKit'. But apparently this isn't enough?

The "Get Started" page for WeatherKit says "you must clearly display the Apple Weather trademark (Weather), as well as the legal link to other data sources." This doesn't make it clear where the "clearly display" needs to happen. Are we supposed to put an apple logo on every screen that shows any weather details?

I replied to the rejection with basically what I wrote above. They asked for screenshots and then said they'd review once I submitted a new binary. A day later they rejected with the same message. So again, I asked for clarification. I received no response, and since I had no more time to waste I resubmitted a new version with " Weather" on every view with weather data. I kept the link on the credits page. It was finally approved. I still don't know if that is what is actually required so if anyone has any other experience I would appreciate you sharing.

The weather map is so frustrating now - it only updates portions of the map. Zooming in and out doesn't help. The radar map worked great in DarkSky, so I'm not sure what's wrong with Apple's implementation.

Just to make sure, so you already tried going into Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy tab and seeing if "Weather" comes up in the App list for location requests under Location Services? I'm looking at mine actually and Weather is listed but I have it unchecked and so is location services (though you shouldn't have to disable location services entirely just for Weather). Then I just add the weather locations manually in Notifications.

Here is something else I also noticed. If I do not have the weather in my Notification Center then in Security & Privacy if weather is checked for having access to location, it stays checked. When I have the weather in the Notification Center then location access for weather in Security & Privacy is disabled as soon as I add it. If enable it, it seems to disable again after a reboot, however if I don't have the weather in my Notification Center then it stays enabled.

At least with iOS 16.4 on device and in macOS Ventura you can open a URL like the following and it will act as a Universal Link and open the native Weather app showing weather close the given coordinate.

I discovered this URL by using the Maps app on the simulator and long pressing the weather badge. This brings up a larger weather panel and if you tap that tries to open the URL but fails on the simulator.

I was just discussing this very thing with my husband last night! The Apple weather app is okay, but these rain chances are so wildly divergent from yours, I noticed big time. I put it down to your commitment to provide us weather without drama. (Well, the weather may be dramatic, but the way you present it is not!) Thank you!

This is not limited to the local area. My son looked at apple weather last night for the US soccer game in San Diego and it called for rain. No, I told him; stop using apple weather. It does not rain in southern California in the summer.

Thank you for calling out the Apple weather app (provided by in your morning newsletter. It is NEVER right and completely ridiculous. Maybe they should spend more time on actual weather than hyping weather events and climate change. It is so sad when weather has to be anything but.

After Dark Sky went away, I switched to Hello Weather. I like the simple interface, the fact that I can choose different weather-data sources, and the handy watch app and iPhone widget that displays even when my phone is locked.

I am a heavy user of Yr. This summer I stayed at a place where the weather of western Norway fights with the weather of eastern Norway. We used the app to decide where to go fly-fishing every day. It is mainly the wind speed that we want to be as slow as possible. It is free and made by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. English and Norwegian are language options. You can choose your preferred wind speed, rain and temperature measurement units. Here are two screenshots I took when I was fishing in Montana in 2019.

I used the Weather app for a long time, not really thinking about it. It was strange, though, having to use something else on the iPad. (I know, now coming soon.) Then I read about Weather Strip, which I now use most often because I like the visual presentation. However, it does not have detailed data, so I use Wunderground, which I read in an article was the most accurate (though not by much, as I recall). The Weather app now sits in a folder along with several other weather apps, all rarely used.

I forgot to mention that on my watch I use a mix of Yr and Apple. Yr for the weather forecast and wind. Weather for the temperature which is more informative than Yr up at the left corner. The temperature I have found to be highly accurate.

I am also trying out getting complications in via Node Red and the Complicated App ( ) to give a bit more personalization - so i also have my WF upload to Weather Display, which gives text based weather conditions to the top part of the dial and weewx via MQTT, and Node Red for the rain fall for the day in the bottom left.

I send my weather data to a server on the internet (because, like many, I have the data displayed on a website). In the Apple Watch app I use a simple web pull for the data. The rings were available as a sample app, and I used the watch Sikkens in the Xcode environment to create the interfaces. ff782bc1db

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