Hiya new to starbound, really liking playing the game with my good friend. Is there any reason why I would really bother making a teleporter? I always have the option to TP from ship to a flag, and flags can be anywhere and I can make any amount of them right? Whats the point? I guess you could put a teleporter down in the depths of a planet and get out easier or something, but is there something I'm missing?

I recently started playing this game. After unlocking everything on drizzle with lots of command, I've started playing on rainstorm with no command, and the teleporter events are wrecking me. I've been playing as the commando, and it seems no matter what items I get, the amount of mobs that spawn just overwhelm me.

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I wanted to create a nice looking Novakid-Themed Space Station, but I can't seem to be able to remove the teleporter in the first main room (the one with the gravity settings and the locker too), has anybody found a way to do it?

Restoring my teleporter backup in my new PiHole should reload my blacklists/whitelists/etc.

Sorry, really bad at explaining! Let me know if more detail is required and I will try my best to provide.

As for spending overnight in Pocket D, I'm not sure what you think that does. Getting the Pocket D teleporter requires you to be *IN* Pocket D - not logged out - for one hour. That would also get you the Long Range Teleporter but, like I said, it takes an hour. I can get all the exploration badges in Atlas Park in about 3 minutes (to be fair, I have the locations memorized).

I do the exact same thing - Matthew Habashy and then all the Atlas exploration badges. Takes about 15 mins to get the long range teleporter and 8 merits which translates to about 1.6MM influence in converters and that gets me SOs all the way to 25.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended PostsMog MunsterPosted June 17, 2011Mog MunsterResident  34Share Posted June 17, 2011 For my land, I've been looking for a decent teleporter, but I couldn't find any.

I've seen plenty of these teleporters in shops and RP areas, but I can't seem to find it on my own. I've IMed them, but I get no response. So I'm turning to the forums. Is this script a freebie (public)? If it is where can I get it?

Have you looked at the script library? There is one that - if I remember correctly, does just what you want. It may be worth while tp look at the other teleporter scripts in the script library as well.

But since you ask, if you are looking for a teleporter that only needs to work within a single sim and doesn't need more than 13 destinations, this is the one you want:


Hey guys. I want to ask about what you think about the teleporter in the starting planet which teleports you to the second planet with oil (or uranium if playing classic). The teleporter makes the colonizing the second planet much much easier and faster. No need to make a lot of refined metal to make rocket platform or atmo suit.

As soon as you get a sufficient amount of lead from that planet, only then I usually build a lead rocket platform with a lead trailblazer module. The teleporter makes early game so much easier. Therefore, without that teleporter, early game in spaced out clusters would be way harder than classic due to non existence of the oil biome.

What do you guys think? Should the teleporter be removed forcing players to rush making refined metals to launch their first rocket? Making it more challenging to colonize your first planet that contain very important resource (oil, lead and diamond)?

If you are playing classic world, though, I don't think you have an urgent need to colonize the second planet as all the resources are in the starting planet (Uranium is not a game breaker). So, the non existence of teleporter, increases the game difficulty for clusters in the early game but not much for classic style planet.

Pretty much this. I can't think of a reason to make it mandatory for everyone. Even if they did, then I can imagine either they would add an option to enable teleporters or people would ask for it until they added the option. We would be back to our current state, only difference is who would tick/untick that checkbox when starting a new game.

I like the teleporter because playing around it and deciding which dupes are needed and when is interesting. The research tree and overall skill progressions as they are now seem to favor having something to do on the second planet while you're just researching and/or waiting for skillups required to get to the surface of the first planet. By removing the teleporter you're causing the player to have to wait a bit more and not much else IMO which makes the game kinda just drag for 20ish cycles.

I like the resource teleporter. It effectively joins two planets, but with limits like critters having to be eggs. One bad thing is that we still can't do "send exactly 10kg of bbq" without heavy micromanagement or high level parts.

I think dupe teleporter should be more limited. Optimal dupe management requires using it often to send dupes on main planet vacations whenever they get stressed or you want to use a skill only temporarily (mechatronics).

It took me 500 cycles to have 4 stable colonies, I don't wanna play the old grind game on a single asteroid, in my opinion we need some exotic research to build the teleporters everywhere in the very late game, because for example the asteroid with the tree, one dupe is enough there once all other vents/geysers are tammed, but I'd like maybe to bring one more or two without making a rocket. I would honestly add one LAST research station, being an orbital station around temporal tear that allows us to research the teleporters, other lore stuff and maybe some kind of robots that we can send to mine stuff in space automatically like in the old game, instead of going with the rockets, ofc there could be some benefits for each situations, but I sidetracked a lot from the topic.

I like it. I do wait a long time before venturing out (like building my main base out for 200 cycles before starting with the asteroid) and then i try to kill the unthawed dupe and just lay resource gathering utilities and shipping as fast as i can so i can start producing bottleneck stuff. (Plastic, steel) I don't venture out to space until I'm a bit more built so I like the teleporter. I plan on having 12 or 18 dupes on my main asteroid; and 6 in each of the others.

The question is : if i can use the tek transmitter to upload dinos on a base, go to other base and with a second transmitter download the dino and transfer the char across the map, with beds ...... why the criation of the teleporter in the first place , am i missing something here ??

The teleporter requires a person in the ship to operate it. The teleporter is used only to teleport a player from within the facility back on to the ship, causing them to lose whatever they have in the process. This is good for saving players from sticky situations or transporting bodies back on to the ship.

To use it, use the cameras on the ship to select the player you'd like to teleport by using the white button next to the screen to scroll through the players. Once you've found the player you want to teleport, you'll need to click the big red button to the left of the terminal. You'll need to raise the glass first before pressing it. Once you teleport the player, the teleporter has about a 10-second cooldown before it can be used again.

In vanilla doom teleporters are set up like this:

You have a linedef with the appropriate teleport action set, and you give it an arbitrary sector tag. Then you take your destination sector and give it a linedef tag of that same number. It doesn't matter what the value of each tag is except they must be the same, thus linking that line to that sector. The next important step is making sure you have one (and only one) teleport landing spot in the destination sector.

Reasons why it might not work:

1. You're not using a W1 or WR trigger type (not applicable in vanilla).

2. It's using a W1 trigger type and the player or some monster has already activated it.

3. The destination sector doesn't have enough vertical room for the player.

4. The destination sector contains unclosed sidedefs (broken sector).

5. The teleport destination has skill level flags set incorrectly (this would be my guess).

Could we possibly have the ability to toggle on/off the teleporting pads in the open worlds?

a ton of new players that are in cetus for example:

- don't have an archwing

- don't have a k-drive

but now have these teleporters to jump from place to place,i think they pass up alot of resources that they'll need .

maybe once you get an archwing or a k-drive you could toggle the teleporters to be off. because you won't use them since you have other means

they can decide not to,but won;'t.

i've come across soo many low level players that have no idea that certain resources even exist in cetus due to the fact that they don't walk or run in the beginning stages and search for them.

and like i said earlier once you get an achwing or k-drive then if you don't want the teleporters you can toggle them off. 2351a5e196

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