The printer is working fine but today I noticed the power switch wasn't lit. To be honest I have never looked at it so if it ever lit I wouldn't know. There are many switches that look as if they should and don't. Just asking.

Quick update. The power light on the PSU switch should light up (confirmed by helpdesk). They asked if all else is fine is it really an issue to which I replied "at nearly 800 I would like ALL the bits I paid for to work". They offered a replacement PSU (which was good) but I didn't want to be without my printer for any extended period and suggested that if they sent a replacement IE C13 socket I would fit it. No joy as they don't stock parts they buy in complete PSU's, which is fair enough. I then suggested a wee discount on filament would be a nice gesture. No joy on that front either. Well at least I tried.

Download Switch Light App


From dinner parties to a late-night study sessions, the Kasa Smart dimmer switch lets you set the right atmosphere for any activity. Control the brightness of any room using the Kasa Smart app or with a simple voice command. Even group the switch with other Kasa Smart products for seamless control with a single tap of your smartphone.

For the switch on the right, the conductors should wrap around the switch clockwise i.e opposite of how they are. This keeps the wires from being pushed in the wrong direction when tightening the screw.

As @DavinD said, the ground is the uninsulated copper wire. But I think you really meant to ask if the switch needs a neutral. The answer is yes, as you figured out when you got it to work. While the ground and the neutral are electrically connected at the box, for safety reasons, the white neutral wire should be connected to the neutral terminal on the switch and the bare ground wire should be connected to the green screw on the switch.

I just noticed GitHub - chrisgrieser/obsidian-theme-design-utilities: Some Utilities and Quality-of-Life Features for Designers of Obsidian Themes has a single command for toggling dark and light mode that you can set as a hotkey.

The other light is placed above the dinning table.

I don't want to turn this light on with the same notion sensor, because most of the time we are not sitting and just getting some snacksĀ 

So I want to turn the table light only when someone is really near the table.

The reason lights and switches are separated is the same reason every home automation software separates lights from switches. Switches only have an on/off state, lights have a brightness levels, transitions, effects and much much more. Think of lights as dimmers or color dimmers. This is standard across all home automation software.

For the circumstances where you do need to (such as grouping a lamp that is plugged into a switch into a light group) there is the light switch platform, which is just as easy as creating the light group.


I have a number of smart light switches. When I use the automation action Call Service->light.turn_on, only some of the switches appear in the device list, and if I switch an area on, only those switches respond.

I am assuming HA sees the other devices as generic switches, rather than lights? If that is the case, is there a way to tell HA that they should be considered lights?

Hi yes its going to be due to the wiring. The HS200 requires the Live and Load to be seperate wires. If they are the same wire the switch will not work properly, if at all. At this time TP-Link does not make a switch that can work with live/load being the same wire.

Switch Light is a thin switching software platform for merchant silicon-based physical switches and virtual switches within hypervisors. Switch Light is based on the Indigo Project, an open source effort within Project Floodlight, that provides software to support thin switching and provides a consistent and interoperable implementation of the OpenFlow protocol. Switch Light liberates you from historically proprietary, closed networking architectures, and enables radically reduced cost of operations by centralizing and automating traditional provisioning, configuration, and policy management functions. Switch Light provides an OpenFlow data plane implementation for software-defined networking, and completes the Big Switch Networks Open SDN Suite, simultaneously enabling open source systems within the SDN developer community and commercially supported solutions for production networks.

I am controlling a relay via MQTT protocol and it is working great. I have a switch on my sitemap that can switch the relay on and off and I have a Text item that can show the status of the relay(1, 0).

However I would rather use the light bulb icon to the left of the switch label to indicate the actual status of the relay so it is all on one line. I am just using the default light bulb icon. Here is how everything looks right now:

When the state of the status item changes to a 1 I want to turn on the lightbulb icon for the relaySwitch item and when the state of the status item changes to a 0 I want to turn off the lightbulb icon.

If you look in your openhab/webapp/images folder you will find all of the potential icons you can use on your sitemap. You will notice there are often several versions of the same icon. For example, light-on.png and light-off.png. What happens is the sitemap will choose the whatever icon matches the state of the item. So if you choose as your icon for the relaySwitch Item, it will show light-on.png when the Switch is ON and light-off.png when the switch is OFF.

What I am hearing is it is not possible to set just the icon based on an item state correct? Can you not do something like relaySwitch.icon = ON or relaySwitch.icon = OFF or perhaps relaySwitch.icon = light-on.png or relaySwitch.icon = light-off.png? I want to completely disconnect the status of the light icon from the state of the switch and set it solely based on an item state.

Not quite. If you assign to a switch it will use light-on.png when the switch is ON and light-off.png when the switch is OFF. If you have your own icons or using an Item that has a different type of state (e.g. Contacts use OPEN and CLOSED so you would have door-open.png and door-closed.png) you can get the icon based on state by naming the icons appropriately.

Gives me the default text output of the program (an explanation on parameters to use). This tells me PHP works, the program is located, it can be executed. But my lamp is not switching on. Moreover, typing on the command line:

Does switch my lamp on/off as expected! (Using the first variety of the file)Is Nginx (user http) not allowed to switch the lamp on/off? It is allowed to execute the file, at least, it can make it generate text output.

There are four wires to the switch assembly, two for the momentary switch, and two for the LED. They are not connected together in the switch in any way, each go to the ECU as a separate circuit. When the button is pushed, that port on the ECU is driven to gnd momentarily. The software is always monitoring this, and toggles the map when detected. Push again, it toggles back. When map #2 is selected, an output port turns on the LED. Map selection is stored in memory when the bike is shut down. Simple system. I got the switch and LED on Amazon, might have posted the specifics awhile ago. You just cut the broken switch leads and splice in the new parts. I have the exact wire colors in my notes somewhere.

I'm looking at this switch, but since I'm a borderline electrical idiot, I'm not sure it would work if I removed the OEM switch and replaced it with this one (using the same switch wiring harness, of course): -Rocker-Toggle-Switch-Marine/dp/B07GV2ZY2H/ref=sr_1_24?

What is your thoughts on a light switch located on wall that shares the same wall cavity as the shower plumbing. I know current standards call out light switches should not be within 3 feet of the bath or shower. In this case the switch is but in an indirect way. I know indirect or not the switch still is too close.

SwitchLight is a light switch cover plate with built-in LED lights that are activated by an automatic on/off sensor. It provides beautiful accent, pathway, and night lighting for your home, and makes it easy to spot your light switches in the dark, no matter how sleepy and disoriented you may be!

SwitchLight is perfect for hallways, bathrooms, kitchens, and more. Its LED lights provide up to 25 years of reliable illumination, and it includes a switch to easily toggle between bright, dim and off settings.

Professional light modification without the tedious setup. Rapid Box Switch modifiers are made with solid aluminum umbrella-inspired framework for fast assembly. Available in 11 shapes and sizes for any lighting need. e24fc04721

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