To check coding standards locally, either navigate into the scheduler folder and run phpcs . or from further up the folder hierarchy you need to specify the --standard parameter

phpcs path/to/modules/scheduler --standard=path/to/modules/scheduler/phpcs.xml

A scheduler watches for newly created Pods that have no Node assigned. Forevery Pod that the scheduler discovers, the scheduler becomes responsiblefor finding the best Node for that Pod to run on. The scheduler reachesthis placement decision taking into account the scheduling principlesdescribed below.

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kube-scheduleris the default scheduler for Kubernetes and runs as part of thecontrol plane.kube-scheduler is designed so that, if you want and need to, you canwrite your own scheduling component and use that instead.

Kube-scheduler selects an optimal node to run newly created or not yetscheduled (unscheduled) pods. Since containers in pods - and pods themselves -can have different requirements, the scheduler filters out any nodes thatdon't meet a Pod's specific scheduling needs. Alternatively, the API letsyou specify a node for a Pod when you create it, but this is unusualand is only done in special cases.

The scheduler finds feasible Nodes for a Pod and then runs a set offunctions to score the feasible Nodes and picks a Node with the highestscore among the feasible ones to run the Pod. The scheduler then notifiesthe API server about this decision in a process called binding.

In the scoring step, the scheduler ranks the remaining nodes to choosethe most suitable Pod placement. The scheduler assigns a score to each Nodethat survived filtering, basing this score on the active scoring rules.

The Airflow scheduler monitors all tasks and DAGs, then triggers thetask instances once their dependencies are complete. Behind the scenes,the scheduler spins up a subprocess, which monitors and stays in sync with allDAGs in the specified DAG directory. Once per minute, by default, the schedulercollects DAG parsing results and checks whether any active tasks can be triggered.

The Airflow scheduler is designed to run as a persistent service in anAirflow production environment. To kick it off, all you need to do isexecute the airflow scheduler command. It uses the configuration specified inairflow.cfg.

The scheduler is designed for high throughput. This is an informed design decision to achieve schedulingtasks as soon as possible. The scheduler checks how many free slots available in a pool and schedule at most that number of tasks instances in one iteration.This means that task priority will only come into effect when there are more scheduled taskswaiting than the queue slots. Thus there can be cases where low priority tasks will be scheduled before high priority tasks if they share the same batch.For more read about that you can reference this GitHub discussion.

To maintain performance and throughput there is one part of the scheduling loop that does a number ofcalculations in memory (because having to round-trip to the DB for each TaskInstance would be too slow) so weneed to ensure that only a single scheduler is in this critical section at once - otherwise limits would notbe correctly respected. To achieve this we use database row-level locks (using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE).

MariaDB did not implement the SKIP LOCKED or NOWAIT SQL clauses until version10.6.0.Without these features, running multiple schedulers is not supported and deadlock errors have been reported. MariaDB10.6.0 and following may work appropriately with multiple schedulers, but this has not been tested.

improve utilization of your resources. This is when you have a free capacity in your system thatseems underutilized (again CPU, memory I/O, networking are the prime candidates) - you can takeactions like increasing number of schedulers, parsing processes or decreasing intervals for morefrequent actions might bring improvements in performance at the expense of higher utilization of those.

The following config settings can be used to control aspects of the Scheduler.However, you can also look at other non-performance-related scheduler configuration parameters available atConfiguration Reference in the [scheduler] section.

How many DagRuns should a scheduler examine (and lock) when schedulingand queuing tasks. Increasing this limit will allow more throughput forsmaller DAGs but will likely slow down throughput for larger (>500tasks for example) DAGs. Setting this too high when using multipleschedulers could also lead to one scheduler taking all the DAG runsleaving no work for the others.

scheduler_idle_sleep_timeControls how long the scheduler will sleep between loops, but if there was nothing to doin the loop. i.e. if it scheduled something then it will start the next loopiteration straight away. This parameter is badly named (historical reasons) and it will berenamed in the future with deprecation of the current name.

All driver license and identification card services are available for you to schedule. In addition to this, the appointment scheduler will also advise you if you are eligible to complete the service online at without visiting a driver license office.

No. The appointment scheduler will ask you a series of questions to determine if you have previously established a driver license or identification card in Texas. The scheduler will allow appointments for new and existing Texas customers.

I had no problems like this with the V2 scheduler, but would prefer to use the newer scheduler. I have checked, and the settings for both my main deck and the sub-deck seem to be the same, besides that the amount of new cards for the sub-deck being set to be less than the amount of new cards for the entire main deck.

Once you access its interface, a dashboard will allow you to configure jobs to run every 10 minutes, every hour, or every day, at a specified time. When invoked, these jobs will run as one-off dynos and show up in your logs as a dyno named like scheduler.X.

The Scheduler library enables an Arduino based on SAM and SAMD architectures (i.e Zero, MKRZero, MKR1000, Due boards) to run multiple functions at the same time. This allows tasks to happen without interrupting each other. This is a cooperative scheduler in that the CPU switches from one task to another. The library includes methods for passing control between tasks.

I have been running Alteryx Designer with desktop scheduler consistently for a month, without issues. Today, I was scheduling some new workflows, and they ran as expected. I restarted my computer, (since I haven't due to workflows running throughout the night on my computer) and there were some Windows 10 updates. When I opened Alteryx after the restard, my schedule is gone, and I do not have the option to schedule any new workflows because the desktop scheduler (My Computer) option is not there. I installed the newest version of Alteryx and that did not help either. I am not able to interact with the system settings either (Support is aware of the issue but has not helped me resolve it still).

So I went and read a bunch of code. Here is what I learned about how thescheduler actually works! As usual probably something here is wrong,this stuff is pretty complicated and I just learned about it this week.

Kubernetes is a really complicated piece of software! To get a clusterworking at all, you need to set up at least 6 different components (apiserver, scheduler, controller manager, container networking thing likeflannel, kube-proxy, the kubelet). And so (if you care aboutunderstanding the software you run, which I very much do), I have tounderstand what all of those components do and how they interact witheach other and how to set each of their 50 bajillion configurationoperations in order to accomplish what I want.

Is anyone facing this issue again today? My Cloud Run service task scheduled via cloud scheduler(us-east1) haven't run since 12:00 UTC today. They don't run automatically. Forcing a manual run via scheduler console show errors without any details.

In my house I have quite some devices that I want to control based on the time and day. For a while I have been looking for an easy way to set up and manage the automations that control them. HA has lots of functionality, but some things (such as automations), are not as simple to use as I would like. So, I decided to create my own scheduler integration. With a mobile-friendly Lovelace card for managing it.

Then there is the scheduler-card. This card is a user-friendly interface for controlling the component. In a few clicks you can set up a new schedule. The entities in your HA config and the actions they support are automatically detected.

Customization The card can be set up in YAML mode or with UI editor. You can choose which device (types) you want to show up and customize display options. You can also set up your own entity configurations with custom actions, and define your own entity groups (YAML only). If you like, you can place scheduler-card in any of your Lovelace view.

Sun integration The scheduler component has support for the sun integration. You can choose to trigger a schedule at sunrise or sunset and add an offset. The time will automatically be adjusted with updates of the sun entity

Workday integration The scheduler component has support for the workday integration. You can use it to define how your workweek looks like and which days are your holidays. Select workdays or weekends in the scheduler and the schedules are adjusted for it.

Action retries If your entity is down (unavailable) when a schedule is due, the scheduler will wait for it to become available, and then execute the action. This is very practical with restarts of HA.

For issues (bugs) and feature requests, please use GitHub.

Make sure that you choose the right repo (scheduler-component vs scheduler-card) for your issue or request. Also check if if there is already an open issue for it.

Hi Paul - we are currently using something like this to schedule people for COVID-19 testing. In this case, we have schedulers who receive calls from the public and book them based on date/times that are available. Now we are trying to allow the public to self-register by publishing the form for sign up .. in this case the dashboard with the form and available dates side by side does not work - too wide for cell phone. What I can imagine as a possible solution is to show them the available date/time slots and have them select the desired slot and then collect their information .. just trying to figure out how to do this. Thoughts? 006ab0faaa

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