Currently, I open spotify on my PC from Chrome by going to and it works perfectly there, regardless of where I am located. However, if I try the same on Chrome on my android phone, it auto-redirects me over to which then says that my country doesn't support spotify.

I've had this same issue twice now. The first time it accidentally resolved just by fiddling with the android spotify. The second time I didn't have it installed in my phone anymore so I contacted a friend who recently had the same issue. The solution was to go to facebook web page -> [apps and websites] and remove spotify from accessing facebook... or something like that. Then I restarted chromium and suddenly everything works.

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Setting the flag via chrome://flags no longer works in the latest version of Chrome. Instead, you can set it via a registry key. Instructions to do it manually, or you can try this registry file (use at your own risk):

Chrome extension API provides a specific tool for this: chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow(). It will take care of showing the auth page to the user and passing the token back to you. You need to use a specific "virtual" URL for it - see the chrome.identity documentation for more details. Also note that this API can't be used in a content script, you'll need to delegate this to the background page.

since an update about 2 weeks ago, my browsers and spotify keep on crashing constantly. It happens reproduceable every time i open sites with flash like youtube. Chrome also keeps crashing after entering GMail and both firefox and chrome crash when the hangout windows pops up in G+. 

Firefox has no flash-plugin installed! Spotify crashes when a song starts.

As there were no logs and journalctl keeps being quiet during the crash, i tested dazemc's idea to start chrome in terminal. The error was a missing plugin with reference to "". By the way: I recognized that also vlc keeps crashing, therefore I thought it has to do with the video codec or something like it.

Recently, I noticed things have changed. When I play youtube video on browser, the widget's text turns into Chromium and the widget now controls the youtube video that I am playing, thus I cannot stop or play spotify until I focus on spotify app or close the youtube tab.

is your chrome web browsers in network updated? make sure every browser is in new version. because this seems like some bot trying to exploit chrome's one of vulnerability. even though it is blocked, make sure every one updated.

We're also getting lots of these alerts for the past few days. The chrome.exe hashes listed in the alerts vary, which tells me that it doesn't seem to be related a to a version of Chrome in particular.

i would appreciate all the help i can get. if you will, you can visit my site on - the under work, if you scroll all the way to the bottom, there is a big picture of the spotify logo, that will take you to the site, that has issues, to say the least...

hi guys, i'm using a software to emulate the amplifier, solo head and stomp pedals for my guitar (i.e. amplitube and similiar) and i've been stuck with ASIO4ALL drivers cause i attach my MobilePre USB from M-AUDIO usb audio interface to my PC, the problem i've always had is that i have to import the tracks inside a recording software and use amplitube as VST if i want to play along youtube or spotify or any other player, is there a way to listen to youtube while playing on amplitube using the ASIO4ALL drivers? e24fc04721

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