By default, when you open a pdf file in firefox, it will provide you with a popup to either save the pdf file or to open it directly and there is also a check box which says do this action automatically from now on and guess who selected it.

If you don't want the browser to prompt the user then use "inline" for the third string instead of "attachment". Inline works very well. The PDF display immediately without asking the user to click on Open. I've used "attachment" and this will prompt the user for Open, Save. I've tried to change the browser setting nut it doesn't prevent the prompt.

Force Browser To Download File Not Open

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What I would like to know is if is possible make the same push to open the form with the attribute transfer and force it to open in a web browser version of the form? And still have the attributes pushover to the form in the web browser?

I manage a Web Clip for a team of engineers who use a CMDB solution (ServiceNow) for checking industrial & scientific equipment in the field. They do this on iPads using Safari. The CMDB solution is a cloud-based web interface, no third-party apps are required. Basically, I use MDM to push-out a Web Clip that tells Safari to open a specific private URL on the engineers iPads.

The good news is that we have discover that Google Chrome on iOS doe not exhibit the rendering issues. Thus, there has been discussion to pull the Safari Web Clip via MDM and push-out a new Web Clip that will force the engineers to use Google Chrome instead. Google Chrome is a managed app, so pushing our Chrome will be easy.

At first I had made a redirect page and linked the webclip to that thinking that solved the issue. Turns out Safari is awesome and leaves the tab open. Once you re-open Safari, BOOM haiku opens again in Chrome.

Stumbled across this thread when trying to figure out if you can set a default browser via MDM commands, and also stumbled across which suggests that TargetApplicationBundleIdentifier can be set to to force a webclip to open in Chrome, or to force a webclip to open in Safari but I haven't tried this (yet.)

Further examination of the proxy server traffic shows that no connection is even made to the target site (, because the browser (or any of the Google services it uses) somehow knows that the website I'm requesting can serve HTTPS, and forces HTTPS connection regardless of the actual protocol in the URL.

Furthermore, if I prohibit HTTPS traffic entirely (on the proxy server), it still wouldn't be possible to open an HTTP version of the site, either. The browser will fail with an ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED error (for plain HTTP) -- and that's not because it failed to connect to No, it's because it tried to phone back home (to Google) and failed.

The simplest solution is probably to use a browser that doesn't enforce HTTPS (e.g. "lynx & friends"). If you want something Chromium-based and available for Windows and Linux, I might suggest considering Ungoogled Chromium (version 92 or earlier). Build files for Debian are currently available here.

Ungoogled Chromium 92 or earlier will not force HTTPS on this site. Note, however, if you have visited the HTTPS version in the past, caching can still come into play (so in some cases, you may need to explicitly use http:// or clear your cache).

Moved to a Galaxy S21 after using iOS for almost a decade. I use Brave as my default browser because it has built-in youtube ad blocking. But whenever I click a youtube link in google, it opens in the youtube app, which I refuse to use bc of the incessant ads.

I've read some posts and watched some videos. They all pretty unanimously advise to go into apps, click youtube -> defualt -> de-select Open Supported Links. I have done so, force-killed youtube app, cleared my browser and memory cache and restarted the phone, but youtube google links still open in the app.

Normally, this works fine. However, since I am using a more recent Chrome browser, at odd moments the browser decides that the URL I type is not a URL but actually a search, so it loads my default search engine and tries to find this URL. It often, but not always, shows a link under the address bar that says Did you mean to go to That is nice, but very annoying having to click here instead of going there directly. What makes Chrome behave this way? Can I fix this?

Whenever I click a link from something like outlook or a program opens a web page (not when I click a link from within chrome). It opens up in Chrome since it is my default browser but if I already have a page open it will open in a new tab on that same window. I can't tell you how many times I forget about this and close the window out, accidentally losing the other tab too. Ofcourse, I can open a new chrome window and find it under recently closed tabs but I would really just prefer if they opened in their own window so I can prevent this.

If Chrome is already running, the method works. But if Chrome is not yet running, and if you have Chrome set to for example "open where you left off" the new url will still open in a new tab on an existing window.

I verified that the command that Windows used to open Chrome in that situation does indeed contain the --new-window switch. That may be a bug in Chrome, or it might be intentional for god only knows what reason. It's probably a bug imho related to how Chrome deals with restoring the session.

I'm wondering if there's a way to force hyperlinks within Forms to open in a separate browser tab, rather than the link opening within the same tab as the Form. I suspect how the link opens may be dependent on browser settings, but I'm curious whether there's a way to force the link to open in a new browser tab.

I think there may have been a Smartsheet update -- same thing happened to me where I had ?&target=_blank appended to URLs within help text to force open new tabs and recently they started to open in the same page again (a very frustrating issue for our users). After messing around a bit, I discovered that simply making any change to the help text where the link is (e.g. as basic as adding and deleting a space) and saving, new tabs started working again, and even works now without the ?&target=_blank in the URL. This works by default on new questions with help text links. After "editing" all my preexisting help text that include links, new tabs are now all working well again. Hopefully this is helpful!

@Steve G @sharkasits has this solution continued to work for you? It appeared to work for me, but when I shared the form the hyperlinks opened in the same tab for the end user. And now they are doing it for me as well. It seemed to work then reverted? Frustrating for sure...

When I reached out to Smartsheet about this back in November, they indicated the default behavior is for the link to open in a new tab/window. Something is causing the "target=_blank" blank to drop off the HTML in the links. This is happening with most, but not all of the forms I've created. Also, like others have said, the links initially open in a new tab, but 1-2 days later they start opening in the same window as the form regardless of how you create the link. I've tested this in Edge and Chrome and get the same results. My co-worker can also reproduce the same behaviors in both browsers. I reached out to my Firm's IT team to see if there was a system-wide browser setting that's overriding the HTML. They think it's a bug with Smartsheet. I find it odd that on some of my forms, the links still open in a new tab, so I don't think it's a browser setting.

As you're probably doing this on a mobile device, your best bet would be to request the desktop version of the web page you're on when accessing the mentioned shared link(s) so as to preview the files within the browser itself.

I am creating an event app and one of the features for my events is to have QR codes on lanyards. These codes are generated within the glide table and open the deep link to an attendees profile in the directory.

This will have the unfortunate effect of making the first hit on the folder that would normally display the list of images popup an Open/Save dialog (you can just hit open) and then each image will also receive that same treatment.

The only way I know of doing this is to try and confuse the browser into thinking the return image file is not an image, and so forcing a download. You could do this using some server side programming to effectively obfuscate the content-type header of the png file sent to the browser, this should then do what you want.

One possible solution is to install an Apache on a system (perhaps the same system as the IIS) and let IIS proxy the requests for this images folder to the Apache and use the trick with the htaccess to force downloading them.

All solutions I have tried make it so that it'll download in other browsers except IE. IE is trying to be "helpful" and decides what it thinks would best server the client, in this case is display the png file in the browser.

If you don't know what URL Re-writing is, there's plenty of places you can google to find out what it does, but in a nutshell it takes a browser URL and re-interprets it to something else before it reaches IIS, so that the user sees one URL but IIS sees another (which is how you can force .png files to go through a PHP script instead). e24fc04721

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