The story, written by Peter David alongside Belanger and Lehiany, follows Peter Parker / Spider-Man and Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 as they combat a new threat across space and time and attempt to save both of their timelines while also trying to prevent Parker's death from coming to fruition. Josh Keaton and Christopher Daniel Barnes, who voiced Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man Noir, respectively, in Shattered Dimensions, returned to voice the two Spider-Men. Gameplay in Edge of Time is similar to that of its predecessor, with players alternating between Peter and Miguel, who control similarly, but have different abilities. The game also includes a "cause-and-effect" system in which one Spider-Man's actions will affect the other and vice versa.

Spider-Man: Edge of Time is a linear third-person action-adventure video game where the player assumes the two versions of Spider-Man, spanning across the traditional Marvel Comics universe and the futuristic 2099 universe; the game automatically switches between the two Spider-Men throughout the story. Gameplay is similar to that of its predecessor Shattered Dimensions: players can web swing, web zip, crawl walls, and use 'spider-sense' to identify enemies or objects of interest. The Spider-Man 2099 free falling sections from Shattered Dimensions also return, as does the upgrade system; XP is earned from completing various challenges with each Spider-Man, and can be used to purchase new fighting moves, increase stats, or unlock alternate costumes. Both Spider-Men have a new exclusive ability: the original Spider-Man (Peter Parker) has a "hyper-sense" mode, allowing him to move quickly, pulverize enemies one at a time or run through elaborate laser defence systems without getting hurt; Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara), meanwhile, can create a fake simulation of himself to divert an enemy, to either attack without them noticing or to move to another area unharmed while their attack destroys something in front of him, such as a highly secure lock.[8]

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In the year 2099, Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 (Christopher Daniel Barnes) investigates Alchemax scientist Walker Sloan (Val Kilmer), discovering that the latter plans to travel back in time to establish Alchemax years before its original founding, which would allow him to rebuild the company in his image and dismantle its corporate rivals before they are even established. O'Hara fails to stop Sloan from entering his time gateway and is temporarily trapped between dimensions, where he witnesses visions of his predecessor, Peter Parker / Spider-Man (Josh Keaton), being killed by an unknown assailant.

Returning to an altered version of 2099, an unaffected O'Hara uses Parker's DNA from Alchemax's archives to establish a mental, chronal link between them across time to warn Parker, now working for Alchemax, of his impending death. However, Parker refuses to heed it and travels to the 66th floor to stop a rampaging Anti-Venom (Steve Blum), forcing O'Hara to head to his own 66th floor. Along the way, the Spider-Men discover Sloan has built another gateway in Parker's time, creating a "quantum causality field" and linking their time periods, in turn causing actions in the past to directly alter the future.

Arriving at the 66th floor, Parker finds himself confronted by Anti-Venom, Sloan, and Alchemax's head scientist, Dr. Otto Octavius (Dave B. Mitchell). He battles Anti-Venom, who drains his powers to the point of death. Before Anti-Venom can kill him, O'Hara pulls Parker through the gateway and places him in a containment unit to heal while he travels to the past and defeats Anti-Venom, breaking the chips that allowed Sloan to control him. Furious at Sloan for using him, Anti-Venom attacks Sloan and Octavius and inadvertently pushes all three into the gateway, destabilizing it and trapping the Spider-Men in each other's time periods.

Eventually, the Spider-Men are able to return to their original time periods, but a monster resembling Anti-Venom with Octavius' tentacles follows Parker through as the gateway creates a "time storm". Dubbing it "Atrocity" (Fred Tatasciore), Parker evades the monster while attempting to secure DNA samples from it for O'Hara. Analyzing the samples, O'Hara discovers Atrocity to be a combination of Sloan, Anti-Venom, and Octavius and theorizes that forcing it back into the gateway should disrupt the time storm. However, the CEO contacts O'Hara and reveals his intent to harness the storm's quantum energy so he can rewrite history in his image. While Parker lures Atrocity back to the gateway and sends it through after a battle, O'Hara does the same with the CEO. This collapses the gateway, ending the time storm and reversing all of Sloan's changes, with only the two Spider-Men remembering the events that were erased. As Parker questions why that is the case, O'Hara offers to give him a lecture on time-travel.

Spider-Man: Edge of Time received mixed reviews. McKinley Noble of GamePro highly criticized the game, pointing out that it ultimately doesn't live up to Shattered Dimensions, only giving Edge of Time a "fair" rating of 3 out of 5. Joystiq was more critical, giving the game 2.5/5 and criticizing Beenox's misuse of the Spider-Man character. IGN gave the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions a 4.5 out of 10,[36] but gave the Wii version a 6.0 and the Nintendo 3DS version a 5.5. GameSpot gave the game a 6 out of 10, saying that it "tells an enjoyably absurd time-hopping tale, but stepping into the tights of its two heroes doesn't feel as empowering as it should".[37] Game Informer gave it a 6.5, saying "Edge of Time is a major step back from the formula that worked."[38] Destructoid gave the game a 5 out of 10.[39] GameTrailers gave the game a 5.4 out of 10, praising the story and voice acting, but criticizing the repetition of the gameplay.[40]

I beat the PS1 Spider-Man game for the first time since my childhood recently, my Ultimate Spider-Man disc is too jacked up to play and basically: I need a good Spidey game to play to satisfy my craving for more.

In the year 2099, Alchemax is in danger of being taken over by Stark-Fujikawa Industries. However, Walker Sloan, employee and scientist at Alchemax, has devised a plan to save the company. His plan is to travel to the past, launch Alchemax years before it was originally founded, form Alchemax in his own image, and dismantle Stark-Fujikawa Industries before it is even started. When Sloan launches his plan, Spider-Man 2099 arrives and jumps into the time portal in an attempt to stop Sloan from commencing with his plans, but he doesn't succeed.

The game boasts completely unique combat between the two characters, but outside of one moving faster and one leaving a decoy; they feel pretty much the same. You have an upgrade system that lets you spend points on either Amazing or 2099, or you can opt for some shared powers. The Web of Challenges also makes a return, allowing you to partake in challenges during the game. These will award you gold spiders that are used to upgrade more prominent things such as health and shield regeneration. You can go back and perform any challenges later in order to earn all the upgrades, but to be honest, most of them felt simply cosmetic outside of the health increases. Combos are never required outside of a couple of boss battles, and I rarely used my web abilities.

This brings me to another issue with the game; I am Spider-Man. I expect to be slinging foes all around and traversing large environments instead of drab corridors. Almost the entire game takes place in enclosed rooms that give you very little freedom to zip around the world using web abilities. In fact, it is really only useful when zipping between points or traversing hallways a little faster. Also, the diving segments with 2099 are a lesson in frustration and poor design. Hitting walls is common and the game never informs you when you are on a time limit or being chased by fire. Having to barrel down these corridors faster leads to more hits and repeating sections over and over. I screamed profanity each time one of these segments popped up.

Throughout the entire game, I constantly felt that I was fighting the tedium and monotony of the combat, so I decided to actually dig into the upgrades a bit more. What I found is that a lot of what previous games had done was omitted. The system is a skeleton of its former self, and most combos and moves learned were really insignificant most of the time. It is also not a good sign when a game that clocks in between six and seven hours feels twice as long. That is just how monotonous some of these missions and encounters started to feel. I literally could only handle the game in short bursts before my patience and willingness to continue wore out.

We then go a few hours before Chapter 1, In the future, Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man from 2099, has discovered that Walker Sloan, whom he admits is a personal rival, has rebuilt the Virtual un-reality lab into a time machine.

Knowing that time travel technology is dangerous, especially in the hands of a greedy psychopath like Sloan, Miguel proceeds to stalk Walker through Alchemax and discovers that he is planning on using the machine to open Alchemax years ahead of schedule and dismantle their rivals before they begin, essentially putting all corporations under his control and a large portion of the earth with them.

Despite Miguel's efforts, Walker succeeds in his plan and jumps into the past. Miguel goes in after him, but finds himself trapped in the vortex, Miguel witnesses Peter being killed by Anti-Venom (although at the time he couldn't make it out) thus changing the past; the Daily Bugle is replaced with the Alchemax corporation and Peter Parker is working directly under Doctor Octavius in the genetics department. As part of Dr. Octavius's genetic trials Peter has already uploaded his DNA into the system.

At the same time in the future everything has changed too: all of New York City has become a part of Alchemax and has visibly changed. Once free of the portal, Miguel desperately tries to escape robotic sentinels and plans to come back later to deal with the chaos created by Walker's plans. ff782bc1db

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