In the "Somos Iguales Summer Camp" our campers will not only be able to enjoy recreational activities such as crafts, dance classes, games, sports and excursions, but also have a therapeutic approach to develop learning skills through various workshops with special guests.

As if this were not enough, the campers who are part of the "Somos Iguales Summer Camp" will have personalized treatment since each registered child will have a person who will be in charge of their needs.

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Imagina una montaa nevada, el silencio roto por el canto de los pjaros, la inmensidad de la naturaleza, y tu all, con tus amigos y tu camper, respirando el aire puro y sintiendo esa indescriptible sensacin que te llena de vida.

La filosofa de roadsurfer es sencilla: alquilar una camper, disfrutar del sol, ser feliz. Con el kilometraje ilimitado, puedes conducir hasta donde te lleve tu corazn de campista, en las ms bellas y coloridas campers del mundo.

La proteccin del clima y la sostenibilidad tambin ocupan un espacio importante en nuestra agenda: con nuestro socio climtico, pagamos la compensacin de CO2 por todos los kilmetros recorridos de nuestras campers. De esto nos encargamos nosotros y no repercutir en el cliente.

En nuestro blog roadsurfer encontrars muchas respuestas a preguntas sobre la acampada con la camper, recomendaciones de viaje interesantes, trucos para la acampada y sugerencias de rutas.

Accesorios gratuitos como el juego de cocina, as como una mesa y dos sillas de camping, el cable de alimentacin, un bidn de agua, una cubeta de lavavajillas y mucho ms nos distingue de la competencia, al igual que la instruccin detallada del vehculo y la atencin personal durante la entrega y devolucin de la camper.

Nestled in amongst the pines, campers live in our spacious, wooden bunks that are naturally ventilated with screen windows. Each bunk has its own bathrooms and sinks. The two oldest age groups have electricity in their bunks, while the younger girls enjoy the fun of flashlights.

En PIPIOL Camp Natur, los campers interactan con su entorno mientras conocen la importancia de cuidar los recursos naturales que nos rodean. Este camp es una excelente opcin para dejar de lado por un momento la tecnologa y vivir aventuras rodeados nicamente de naturaleza.

Our Day Camp is the best way to take the first steps as a Llanada Camper, living experiences in the open air, disconnected from technology and connecting with new friends and staff dedicated to ensure our campers physical and emotional safety while enjoying and learning to their best abilities.

Each group is assigned to a member of the #StaffLlanada who supervises and accompanies them throughout the week and is trained in group management and Day Camp activities. Our youngest campers are assigned more than one counselor.

Each session is led by a Director and a senior counselor with experience in Day Camp, who ensure the physical and emotional safety of all. We also have lifeguards, photographers and other members of our staff of specialists, thus guaranteeing the presence of adults at all times.

Our program is 100% in Spanish, although all of our counselors speak English if needed. All the activities, games and songs are carried out in Spanish, which motivates the campers to practice it in a fun way and without pressure.

We do many water activities and we put a lot of effort so that our campers stay hydrated and with sunscreen protection. During the rotation of activities we try to ensure that campers always spend some time cooling in shaded spaces, where they also take their lunch and break.

We always have what we call a Plan B ready to carry out in case of heavy rain or storms. The safety of our campers is our priority and we try to maintain the energy of the group with fun activities in covered spaces where they are protected.

Somos especialistas en este sector porque amamos el mundo Camper y todo lo que lo rodea. Viajamos en Campers desde hace muchos aos y no hay nada mejor que la propia experiencia para saber cuales son las necesidades y comodidades que necesita una furgoneta camperizada.

Somos especialistas en transformacin, instalacin de accesorios y legalizacin de vehculos. Cuntanos tu idea y la llevaremos a cabo. Somos expertos en vehculos camper, industriales, instalaciones elctricas y sistemas de seguridad para todo tipo de vehculos.

Four years ago this month whenthe triumphant Sandinistas enteredManagua nobody expected thefuture to be easy. Decades ofstruggle against home grown op-pressors as well as foreign inter-veners had made Nicaraguanspainfully aware of obstacles in thepath of a poor people attemptingto chart their own history. Statepower was theirs, but in manyways the struggle was only begin-ning.Yet could the Sandinistas haveenvisioned that July 1983 wouldfind them poised dangerously onthe precipice of a conflagrationthreatening to engulf the entireregion?Still, anniversaries are a time forcelebration, and the Nicaraguanshave much to celebrate.The lastfour years have brought impres-sive gains in health care, educa-tion, popular participation. Mirac-ulously, the Sandinista process ofsocial change in the interests ofthe majority has progressed, des-pite incredible resources that40must be pumped into defending we going? These are the topics ofthese gains, debate in today's Nicaragua. TwoAnniversaries, too, are a time for participants in NACLA's last tour,reflection. Where were we headed; April 22-May 6, added their ownwhere have we been; where are reflections, which we offer here."Reagan Hype Shuns Reality"by E. Bradford BurnsThose of us on NACLA's fourthtour of Nicaragua had the mixedblessing of hearing Ronald Rea-gan's Central America speechbefore Congress in Nicaragua.Seeing the country first-hand andlistening to the Cold Warrior'scharacterizations afforded ourgroup an indelible lesson in howrhetoric can shun reality. Nothingthe Hollywood actor read from hisscript reflected any of the conclu-E. Bradford Burns is a professor ofLatin American history at the Univer-sity of California, Los Angeles. He haswritten eight books on Latin America.This was his second visit to Nicaraguasince the victory; previously he wasthere in 1964.sions reached by our extremelydiverse group. Could he possiblyhave described the country inwhich we were so deeply im-mersed?Our tour sought to give us agrass roots familiarity with the revo-lution, providing interaction withordinary citizens who support theprocess. It introduced us to ex-panding health care facilities, aremarkable concern for education,a functioning agrarian reform thatputs food on the table and effortsto provide social welfare servicesto ever larger numbers of people.We visited hospitals, coopera-tives, day care centers, a workingclass barrio, libraries, a vocation-NACLA Reportupdate * update . update . update(/2Bluefields hospital--"a grossly inadequate 80-year-old structure"-is soon to be replaced by a modern training center and a union hall,among other places. We wanderedthe side streets and main thorough-fares of towns and cities. Wetramped through the countrysideto spend part of a day on a ruralcooperative in Matagalpa.New Hospital for ZelayaInevitably we contrasted whatwe saw and heard in Nicaraguawith what we had read about ElSalvador. While Nicaragua morethan doubled its number of schoolsin four years, El Salvador, accord-ing to a report from the Faculty forHuman Rights in El Salvador andCentral America*, closed morethan one-third of its schools. De-spite a serious shortage of medi-cine, Nicaragua opened clinicsthroughout the country, increasedthe number of doctors and allbut eliminated measles and poliothrough a national vaccinationcampaign carried out by the massorganizations.Our group visited the hospitalunder construction in the Atlantic*The faculty was founded by U.S. university professors in 1980 seeking to educate the public about conditions in Central America, the role of U S. policy and specifically about academic freedom in El Salvador. The group sent a fact-finding mission to El Salvador last January,coastal city of Bluefields. Theimpressive building, about halffinished, was to replace a grosslyinadequate 80-year-old structure.The hospital director told us thatcompletion of the new facility wasdependent on whether the Inter-American Development Bankcame through with promisedfunding. "We could have boughtthree hospitals for the price ofwhat all these delays have costus," he lamented.We learned that the 14 physi-cians serving the 80,000 inhabi-tants of the Southern Zelaya re-gion in 1979 had now becomeforty-four. U.S. doctors who re-cently visited El Salvador on afact-finding mission stated in theNew England Journal of Medicinethat health care in that unhappyland had almost completely bro-ken down.In a fascinating talk laced withstatistics, Peter Marchetti, a U.S.Jesuit working with the land reformministry, pointed out the impres-sive achievements of Nicaragua'sagrarian reform. "Socialism withan active private sector writteninto it," he called it, "a productiveprivate sector."For the first time in generations,he told us, the country stood onthe threshold of being self-sufficientSomoza pocketed 1972 earthquake aid; downtown Managua remains in shambles.2 aJuly/Aug 1983 41update * update . update . updatein food. I recalled reading JosephCollins' excellent study, What Dif-ference Could a Revolution Make?Collins confirmed that since 1978corn production has risen by 10%,bean production, 45% and riceproduction, 50%. Consumption ofthese three staples climbed be-tween 30% and 40%.Most authorities agree that landreform in El Salvador has beenhalted if not reversed. Deathsquads roam the countryside ter-rorizing peasants. Hunger stalksEl Salvador.We traveled from Managua toEsteli, Matagalpa and Bluefieldsto witness the impact of the revo-lution on differing geographic andcultural regions. A few added Le6nand Granada to their travels. Animpressive array of Nicaraguansand "internationalists," as foreign-ers working in the country arecalled, addressed us: SandinistaYouth representatives, a neigh-borhood Sandinista Defense Com-mittee, laborers, union leaders,doctors, peasants, agrarian reformofficials, a variety of leaders fromthe women's movement, a socialworker, representatives of theCouncil of State, regional govern-ment officials, religious workers,both Protestant and Roman Catho-lic, and many more.People Hold WeaponsNor did we ignore the people inthe street. Members of our groupquestioned everyone within ear-shot wherever we went. With afriendliness seemingly endemicto Nicaraguans, the locals patient-ly deciphered our Spanish andshared their opinions, hopes andconcerns with us. The U.S. sup-port of the contras, as counterrev-olutionaries are known, disturbedthem, but they generously differ-entiated between the actions ofthe U.S. government and the sen-timents of the American people.The overwhelming majority ofthe people we talked with duringour two-week stay enthusiasticallyendorsed the revolution. Realisti-cally they recognized the manyproblems and challenges still fac-ing Nicaragua. They admitted mis-takes. They searched for solutions.Nationalistic pride in their revolu-tion and its many achievementspervaded their remarks. A highpolitical consciousness and a well-defined sense of nationalism af-firmed our suspicion that largenumbers of the population will,when necessary, defend the revo-lution. The people hold the armsto do so. Peasants in the coopera-tive we visited, for example, car-ried rifles.Still, we also encountered thedisgruntled. We heard some com-plaints and even an occasionalsigh for "the good old days ofA Matagalpa cooperative farmer with his rifle.42Somoza." On April 27, Reaganechoed the sigh of that formerlyprivileged, tiny minority. He hasnever been to Nicaragua. His in-formation doubtless comes fromexiles in Miami and the U.S. Em-bassy.The Embassy, isolated by highwalls, fences, barbed wire andimposing gates, has so succeededin insulating itself from its environ-ment that it might just as well be inIceland. Three delegates from ourtour group met with Roger Gam-ble, deputy chief of mission, andKen Rosenberg, who describedhimself as "in administration,"within the confines of that formid-able bastion.Those two officials had little tosay that was positive about Nica-ragua, believed that few supportedthe Sandinistas and labeled theland reform a "failure." Their re-marks confirmed our feeling ofhow removed the Embassy wasfrom reality. Gamble characterizedReagan's address to Congressas "one of the most balancedspeeches I've ever heard a presi-dent make." Our delegates handedhim the resolution we wrote pro-testing Reagan's speech as mis-informed and calling for an end toU.S. support of the contras.La Prensa Remains SilentMeanwhile, outside the Embas-sy, our group marched, chantedand carried signs affirming oursupport for the revolutionary pro-cess. When we first approachedthe main gate, it clanged shut andremained padlocked during ourtwo hour demonstration.Shortly after the demonstrationbegan, a police car pulled up anda young Sandinista officer jumpedout. Greeting us with a smile, heexpressed the Nicaraguans' ap-preciation for our gesture. Otherpolicemen directed traffic-intentNACLA Reportupdate * update . update . updateon keeping things moving as driv- ers paused to gawk. Most who passed by seemed as delighted as they were surprised to read our long banner: Somos Americanos- Amigos de Nicaragua Libre. Horns honked, the victory sign flashedand fists raised.Our expression of solidarity be-came a fraternal interaction be-tween Nicaraguans and NorthAmericans, well covered by thepress (the opposition La Prensa,however, remained silent) andtelevision. We made our point: notall Americans are bamboozled byHollywood hype; many supportthe revolution. A few days later,the "internationalists" living inManagua, several hundred strong,also marched on the U.S. Embassyto denounce Reagan's bellicosity.Their moonlight vigil followed amemorial service--the popularmass of Latin America's campe-sinos and workers-for Dr. AlbrechtPflaum, the West German volun-teer murdered by contras with13 other health and agriculturalworkers.Our hotel staff in Matagalpahad gathered to hear Reagan'sspeech transmitted live on Hon-duran TV. Nicaraguan radio trans-mitted the speech live with simul-taneous translation and the textwas printed in full the next day inthe press. Universally the peoplediscussed the speech in detail.Their direct access to Reagan'smessage impressed me. After all,only the week before the U.S. gov-ernment had denied Minister ofthe interior Tombs Borge entryinto the United States, where atleast three universities had invitedhim to speak, among them Harvard.The State Department chargedhe would use the vist for "prop-aganda purposes." These eventsmake one wonder who has free-dom of access to information. 006ab0faaa

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