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The prestigious event culminates with the glamours Fastest 50 Gala saluting the trade shows that saw the fastest growth and spotlights the exceptional shows that take home the coveted Fastest 50 Grand Awards.

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ERIC: From the Museum of Science in Boston, this is Pulsar, a podcast where we search for answers to the most popular questions we've ever gotten from our visitors. When we open up questions during our live streams, or virtual school programs, as we've said before, extremes tend to be a very popular area of question. The biggest star, the oldest dinosaur, and today we're going to explore the question, what's the fastest animal? When I get this question, I have a few different things I like to talk about. And when I talk about animals, I like to talk to Marcus from our education team, who always has such awesome animal facts. Marcus, thanks for joining me.

ERIC: Yeah, so it's not just one animal goes the fastest, the end. It's the same as when we were talking about the biggest animal last time. Do you mean fastest overall? Can gravity be involved to help? Do you mean fastest for a long period of time? There's so many different fast animals.

MARCUS: Absolutely. And I'm glad you mentioned over time, because speed depends on distance, and absolutely time. And we might think, all right, well, what's the fastest person? Many people have heard of Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world. But he's fast for a very specific distance and for a very specific time. And so we want to think about that when it comes to animals. Sure, an animal can be really fast in a short burst of speed. But when it comes to a strike or certain movement, that speed is astoundingly diverse across the animal kingdom.

MARCUS: Absolutely. The peregrine falcon is recorded to be one of the fastest animals, it's about 270 miles per hour. It is astounding, like you mentioned faster than a NASCAR. But if we think about it, that's not exactly the animal moving independently. Of course, all animals will move against the force of gravity, the earth pulling us down. But the peregrine falcon uses it to its advantage. It uses gravity to help it move faster. That high speed of about 270 miles per hour is obtained dive bombing towards prey that are flying in the sky. And so they use that gravity to reach that top speed. But the bird isn't really flapping its wings. It is trying very hard. But again, that's different versus an animal that's running very quickly or pushing against that force of gravity to move quickly.

MARCUS: Exactly. It's easy to tell a person: run as fast as you can for this certain amount of time or this distance. But it's very hard to tell, let alone train an animal to do that. And so recording or finding the fastest speed in the animal kingdom is difficult. But at the same time, there are a lot of people out there, and this is a question people want to know the answer to. So they are ready to find that out: how fast does this animal move? And so we have some pretty interesting records out there. One of them that people don't typically think of is reptiles. We might think of lizards as potentially slow, or if they're fast, they're just darting into the shadows.

ERIC: Now we're just talking in absolute terms of miles per hour, which really isn't fair to small animals. Because you know, an ant could be really fast for that scale. But I'm always going to be able to walk faster than an ant can sprint. So is there any kind of like, fastest animal by unit body size?

MARCUS: That's one of the things about these records, you might have heard some of the fastest land animals that might be different from what we're saying. And that's true, it might have been different back then. And it will probably be different in the future. Because we're learning new things every day in science, and we're measuring especially the lesser known animals, like different species of fish, and especially invertebrates, very much the very small ones. And that's where we tend to find some particularly astounding movements, is in the very small animals. The Southern California mite, for example, runs very quickly. But when it comes to the fastest twitch, the fastest movement that scientists have recorded, the world record is held by an invertebrate: a very tiny ant.

Scoring a Formula 1 victory is all about speed; but is the winner always the fastest? Redefining our standards of speed, the DHL Fastest Lap Award is one for fierce competitors. This is how it works: one driver sets the fastest lap at each race - the award will go to the man who sets the most over the season.

Before the final race, there was another celebration for Max Verstappen when he picked up the 2023 DHL Fastest Lap Award, just as he had in the previous year. He was unable to break one record, however: his nine fastest race laps were one short Kimi Rikknen's ten. The now retired Formula 1 driver achieved this feat in 2008.

Human trafficking is among the world's fastest growing criminal enterprises and is estimated to be a $150 billion-a-year global industry. It is a form of modern day slavery that profits from the exploitation of our most vulnerable populations. One common misperception is that human trafficking requires movement across borders. In reality, it involves controlling a person or group through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victims for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. This can occur entirely within a single country or it can cross borders. Human trafficking strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation's promise that every person in the United States is guaranteed basic human rights. It is also a crime. Attorney General's Office is focused on combating the pervasive issue of human trafficking in California and has made it one of his top priorities. 006ab0faaa

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