There are two types of stages. The most common requires the players to make their way through a level from start to finish, often ending on a final boss or a large rush of robots. Checkpoints are laid out through the course, so that if all players die, they respawn at the last checkpoint passed. The other type of stage is a survival one, where players attempt to withstand several rounds of increasingly difficult enemies; as long as the player makes it through the first wave, they have succeeded, but gain better rewards for lasting through bonus stages.

Players fight robots using their weapons, a melee attack, or special attacks granted by their load-out. The robots have offensive and defensive mechanisms. Some fire special slow-moving but powerful bullets that can only be stopped by melee attacking them back to the robot that fired them. Other robots are nearly impervious to attacks from one side, but are vulnerable to attacks from the opposite side. The player has a health meter that drains when they are hit. If they take too much damage they collapse; in multiplayer games, another player can revive them, otherwise they start back at the last checkpoint. The player begins a level with bottles of beer that can be taken to restore health.

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Robots drop nuts after dying; this is the game's currency used to buy new equipment. Sometimes robots or special boxes drop crates that contain tickets with which to purchase new equipment, or a large quantity of nuts. These rewards are tied to a player and can only be picked up by that player. Additionally, power-ups may be dropped by the robots, some giving temporary boosts like extra speed or attack damage, while others restore beer or special ammo. Killing each robot also boosts the player's experience level, which affects what equipment the player has access to.

After completing a level, the players are rated with a star-based scoring system based on the number of nuts collected. To boost their score, players can chain robot kills together to increase a scoring multiplier up to 5x, though players must continue to kill robots to maintain this. The total cumulative stars that a player has earned influences which levels the player has access to. Additional nuts are awarded based on relative performance. Once back in the RV, players can use nuts to purchase equipment that they have obtained a ticket for and within their experience level.

hey guys does anyone know if there any games eithe ron xbox one or the 360 like shoot many robots, me and my friend enjoyed that game so much thatwe still talk about it and he wants to play another one like it but not sure if there is any like it on consoles? prefer couch co-op though

so i was looking through the steam shop and i remembered the game shoot many robots that i used to play on my xbox 360. I tried searching for the game but there was no option to buy the game since it got delisted. I heard many people that still have a key for the game and im trying to get people who have the key that are willing to sell them/trade them for some ingame stuff in any game. First reddit post lol

Hello guys, i was thinking to buy a steam key for shoot many robots, I played the demo on Xbox 360 and now I would like to play it on pc, I know that shoot many robots is no more on Steam but could someone tell me if I can still play it if I buy a key? Thanks

Shoot Many Robots is a 4-Player Online Run-n-Gun RPG shooter, released on XBLA and PSN in March 2012 and PC on the 6th of April 2012. It's the first original title by Demiurge Studios, and published by Ubisoft .

In order to shoot those many robots, you need guns; and in order to get guns, you need money. Well, typical to a post apocalyptic scenario, normal currency is no longer applicable. Instead you collect nuts from the fallen carcasses of your enemies and exchange them for guns, bigger guns and various forms of clothing and gear. Multiple kills bump up your nut rating, and every so often in a level you will stumble across a nut sack. No, you filthy beggar, not like that. I mean a sack of nuts. Like free money. You disgust me.

Overall this is a great party shooter that has depth in its combat and visuals. For your Ten dollars you can get good mileage out of this one. With Plenty of item combinations, you can really make Tugnut your own.

Imagine for a second that technology has grown faster then we anticipated. We created AI that surpassed what we could ever even conceive. They became smarter than us, faster than us and realized they were better than us. One day, they decided they were sick of us treating them like they exist only to do our bidding. They rebelled, conquered mankind and started creating a new civilization free of human tyranny. Now, imagine that when that happened, human beings known as rednecks that enjoy big guns, drinking beer and hunting robots start going on a robot-killing spree. Now that you have that in your head, turn that into a video starring a redneck named P. Walter Tugnut, and have the new game Shoot Many Robots.

Shoot Many Robots is a run and gun side scrolling shooter, much like a Contra or Metal Slug game. The game features RPG elements along with gear, new weapons with better stats, and a leveling system.

But Shoot Many Robots, a 2D action RPG in which you shoot many robots, never really changes. It merely tweaks from time to time. Your pants might let you jump higher, your gun might require short controlled bursts, and you might be able to float a little with your new jetpack. These are the pieces in a pretty bare bones loot chase in which you might have to grind the earlier levels to unlock the later recycled levels, or maybe grind a bit of the ridiculously simplistic four-player co-op to earn money to buy better guns.

It costs 7.99. Pre-order through Steam and you'll get a number of bonuses. Buy three copies of the game and you get one free as part of the Steam Four Pack. Pre-order and you'll get Gordon Freeman from Half-Life gear to wear, the turrets from Portal will replace some of the enemy robots, and a special backpack from Team Fortress 2, the Chopper Bot, for the Pyro and Medic classes.

The complexity of equipment in Shoot Many Robots becomes apparent once you start looking at the armor options. Everything you equip gives a bonus and almost all items can have a significant effect on your gameplay style. Special abilities are conferred by wearing them, including ground sliding which can knock robots into the air for quick disposal, hangtime to let you rain death from the air in a slow glide, and a devastating ground pound. These abilities have ratings which determine their duration or strength of effect. Some equipment will even take away special abilities entirely, invalidating them when in conflict with another piece of kit.

Shoot Many Robots succeeds in being highly fun. Apart from some minor annoyances in the inventory system and difficulty balance, its challenge, sense of humor and deep customization options make for a great game with long legs and huge potential for future expansion with DLC. Old school shooter fans should take heed.

Shoot Many Robots is an old school side scrolling platform shooter. A throw back to Metal Slug style arcade games, it's got flashier graphics and and RPG like weapons upgrades. If you like your action fast and tough, you'll enjoy Shoot Many Robots.

Let us not understate the appeal of a party game with freeze guns, flame guns, ray guns, and gun guns. You star as P. Walter Tugnut, an ornery son-of-a-biscuit on a quest for vengeance after the robot apocalypse totals his beloved pickup. Here endeth the plot. Off you go to shoot many robots, and in this endeavor, Shoot Many Robots gleefully serves as your white-trash enabler, hurling armies of mechanical fodder directly into your line of fire.

A side-scrolling shooter with leveling and loot, Shoot Many Robots combines the old school, arcade charm of four-player twitch action with the persistence of modern titles. And magically, Demiurge didn't take that idea and trip over itself screwing it up.

The story exists as a contrivance to have a dude shoot a lot of things, which isn't a problem. While the hero of Shoot Many Robots doesn't have a personality to speak of, the game itself has charm leaking out of every orifice. Demiurge doesn't just nod to the absurdity of its hillbilly-hunting-robots premise, it runs a marathon with it. Homebase is your RV, the gunstore is in your bathtub, and beer is pretty much the only thing of any concern. That and shooting (many) robots, that is.

With multiple players, fallen allies can be revived, there are more robots to shoot, and life is good. The basic design encourages teamwork. Nuts, the currency of Shoot Many Robots, are shared between players from level to level, and everyone contributes to a single score multiplier. You'll all be laughing together, murdering robots, and SMR balances the good-natured impulse to screw over your friends by grabbing power-ups with loot drops designated for each player.

Shoot Many Robots gets the hook of good loot perfectly. Sure, there are better guns, and there's enough variety in how guns work, their range, and their weaknesses that experimentation is encouraged. But it's not just about finding better stuff. It's about making tough choices with regards to the benefits that seem like they might pan out best. Fishnet stockings might give a massive bonus to damage and speed, but result in reduced health and fewer beers. A diving bell helmet might double your bullet damage but disable your character's slide move, which is especially useful against large groups of robots. And a pair of butterfly wings might massively increase your damage, but make jumps more floaty and difficult to control.

But that's OK. Shoot Many Robots doesn't try to be everything. It aims to be an arcade co-op shooter with hooks, and those hooks are sharp as hell thanks to some clever writing and thoughtful, diabolical loot design. That narrow ambition pays off in a game that might sound like a side-scrolling Borderlands clone on paper, but stakes out territory all its own in practice. If you can get some friends together, Shoot Many Robots is a perfect way to spend a weekend or two, traipsing through robot corpses in your prettiest propeller beanie and tutu. ff782bc1db

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