According to those ideas, exalted abovethe pitch of material models, the Greeksformed their gods and heroes: the profile ofthe brow and nose of gods and goddesses isalmost a streight line. The same they gaveon their coins to queens, &c. but withoutindulging their fancy too much. Perhapsthis profile was as peculiar to the antientGreeks, as flat noses and little eyes to theCalmucks and Chinese; a supposition whichreceives some strength from the large eyesof all the heads on Greek coins and gems.

Certainly, (and we make the confession with sorrowunfeigned,) before the glorious consummation can beachieved, there must of necessity be innumerable andbloody wars, as well as great oppression of the weakby the strong, and most pitiful crushings of the bruisedhuman heart in all nations. But let us not forget theonly, the sad alternative: without such wars, and thesubduing of the savage nations by the civilized, therewould still greater calamities befall the former throughtheir own ceaseless fightings and discords, while theirsavage natures would remain world without end thesame. Certainly, also, many a Warren Hastings, manya Koompanee Jehan, will grow hugely rich out of thespoil of the poor, while many a heartless Legree willcontinue to oppress the enslaved African; but even thewickedness and grasping cupidity of such spoilers willresult in blessing many a laboring man's hearthstoneand humble mechanic's fireside, cheapening the necessaries of life, which they would otherwise be unable topurchase, and enabling them to clothe their families ingarments of such warmth and comfort as they otherwise could never provide.

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