To see your debug message "Hello" in the log, you must update a issue in your selected project. The Result, Logs and Timing Tabs at the bottom are useless in this view. Just trigger the Listener with a issue update in your selected project and search your debug message in the atlassian-jira.log file.

Being a Scriptrunner beginner and a Java dummie, does anyone have any handy tutorials or instructions for me for getting familiar with (simple) scriptrunner coding? I don't have to get a Scriptrunner goeroe, but understand and write simple parts of coding. I have seen the Scriptrunner Introduction, but without any basis, that's not that simple. Thank you and kind regards.

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However, this does not mean you cannot use the query in other functions, as when you save and share the enhanced search filter, a regular Jira filter is created where we sync the list of issue keys returned by the enhanced search filter to the regular jira filter.

Our indexes were corrupt and we are in process of rebuilding our indexes (we deleted indexes, cache from jira-home) and we see that only 20k issues have reindexed (in 5hours) out of 1015221 issues. Currently our instance is up and users are able to create issues. However, we cannot see issues on the boards, dashboards, or in issue navigator. And, we think that indexing is going to take 15-17hours to complete.

I would like to write some code to check if an issue has been exalated in scriptrunner, I am using the following code in scriptrunner for the scripted field that I created as a custom field but it seems that I have a compilation error: I am getting the error stating that [Static type checking] - The variable [eventTypeManager] is undeclared. I am importing the appropriate packages though, how can I fix this problem. Otherwise, how can we check in scriptrunner that and issue has been exalated?

I used the code which instantiates EventTypeManager and I get the error Cannot find matching method com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventTypeManager#getEventType(java.lang.Object). Please check if the declared type is correct and if the method exists

yes but I do not want to add an extra field in my incoming script , I want to do everything with scriptrunner, your suggestion would mean I would need to add a new custom field to my Jira and I do not want that

This method will ignore case of issue key.Parameters:key - The Issue key.Returns:a MutableIssue with the given key, or null if no such Issue exists.Throws:DataAccessException - if there is an error in the Data Access Layer.Since:6.1getIssueByCurrentKey@ExperimentalApiMutableIssue getIssueByCurrentKey(String key) throws DataAccessExceptionRetrieves the Issue that has the given key, or null if no such Issue exists. This method will strictly only return the issue which has current issue key equal to the one given.Parameters:key - The Issue key.Returns:a MutableIssue with the given key, or null if no such Issue exists.Throws:DataAccessException - if there is an error in the Data Access Layer.Since:6.1getIssues@DeprecatedList getIssues(Collection ids)Deprecated. Use getIssueObjects(java.util.Collection) instead. Since v5.0Get issues with the following ids. The issues are sorted in the order that the ids were given in.Parameters:ids - Issue IDs.Returns:A collection of issue GenericValuesgetIssueObjectsList getIssueObjects(Collection ids)Get issues with the following ids. The issues are sorted in the order that the ids were given in. Any ids that are not found will be missing from the list. That is list will not contains nulls.Parameters:ids - Issue IDs.Returns:A collection of issue MutableIssuesgetVotedIssuesList getVotedIssues(ApplicationUser user)Get a list of issues that the user has voted on and can see.Parameters:user - The user.Returns:A list of Issue objects the user has voted on.Since:v6.0getVotedIssuesOverrideSecurityList getVotedIssuesOverrideSecurity(ApplicationUser user)Get a list of issues that the user has voted on.Parameters:user - The user.Returns:A list of Issue objects the user has voted on.Since:v6.0getWatchersList getWatchers(Issue issue)Deprecated. Use getWatchersFor(Issue) instead. Since v6.0.Return a list of watchers for a particular issue.Parameters:issue - the IssueReturns:A list of Users.getWatchersForList getWatchersFor(Issue issue)Return a list of watchers for a particular issue.Parameters:issue - the IssueReturns:A list of Users.getWatchedIssuesList getWatchedIssues(ApplicationUser user)Get a list of issues that the user is watching and can see.Parameters:user - the User.Returns:A list of Issue objectsSince:v6.0getWatchedIssuesOverrideSecurityList getWatchedIssuesOverrideSecurity(ApplicationUser user)Get a list of issues that the user is watchingParameters:user - the User.Returns:A list of Issue objectsSince:v6.0getEntitiesByIssueList getEntitiesByIssue(String relationName, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue issue) throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityExceptionGet a list of entities (versions, components etc) related to this issue.Parameters:relationName - A IssueRelationConstants string indicating some issue relationissue - Issue to considerReturns:A list of entity GenericValues associated with the issue.Throws:org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException - An exception in the ofbiz Entity Engine.getEntitiesByIssueObjectList getEntitiesByIssueObject(String relationName, Issue issue) throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityExceptionGet a list of entities (versions, components etc) related to this issue.Parameters:relationName - A IssueRelationConstants string indicating some issue relationissue - Issue to considerReturns:A list of entity GenericValues associated with the issue.Throws:org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException - An exception in the ofbiz Entity Engine.getIssuesByEntityList getIssuesByEntity(String relationName, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue entity) throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityExceptionDeprecated. Use VersionManager.getIssueIdsWithAffectsVersion(com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version), VersionManager.getIssueIdsWithFixVersion(com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version), or ProjectComponentManager.getIssueIdsWithComponent(com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.component.ProjectComponent) instead. Since v6.1.Get a list of issues related to an entity (version, component etc).Parameters:relationName - A IssueRelationConstants string indicating some relation of entityentity - The entity related to the issues we're afterReturns:A list of issue GenericValues associated with an entity.Throws:org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException - An exception in the ofbiz Entity Engine.getIssueObjectsByEntityList getIssueObjectsByEntity(String relationName, org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue entity) throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityExceptionDeprecated. Use VersionManager.getIssueIdsWithAffectsVersion(com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version), VersionManager.getIssueIdsWithFixVersion(com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version), or ProjectComponentManager.getIssueIdsWithComponent(com.atlassian.jira.bc.project.component.ProjectComponent) instead. Since v6.1.Get a list of issues related to an entity (version, component etc).Parameters:relationName - A IssueRelationConstants string indicating some relation of entityentity - The entity related to the issues we're afterReturns:A list of MutableIssues associated with an entity.Throws:org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException - if it failed to get the list of issues.getAllIssueKeysSet getAllIssueKeys(Long issueId)Returns all issue keys that are associated with Issue.Returns:all issue keys (including the current one) associated with the issueSince:v6.1See Also:ChangeHistoryManager.getPreviousIssueKeys(Long)createIssue@Deprecatedorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue createIssue(String remoteUserName, Map fields) throws CreateExceptionDeprecated. Use createIssueObject(String, Map) instead since v5.0.Creates an issue.Parameters:remoteUserName - Issue creatorfields - A map of the issue's immediate field values. See the Issue definition in entitymodel.xml for values.Returns:GenericValue representing the new issue.Throws:CreateException - If JIRA is unable to create the issue.createIssueObjectIssue createIssueObject(String remoteUserName, Map fields) throws CreateExceptionCreates an issue.Parameters:remoteUserName - Issue creatorfields - A map of the issue's immediate field values. See the Issue definition in entitymodel.xml for values.Returns:representing the new issue.Throws:CreateException - If JIRA is unable to create the issue.IssueFieldsCharacterLimitExceededException - when issue fields exceed the jira character limitcreateIssue@Deprecatedorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue createIssue(ApplicationUser remoteUser, Map fields) throws CreateExceptionDeprecated. Use #createIssueObject(User, java.util.Map) instead. Since v5.0.Creates an issue.Parameters:remoteUser - Issue creatorfields - A map of the issue's immediate field values. See the Issue definition in entitymodel.xml for values.Returns:GenericValue representing the new issue.Throws:CreateException - If JIRA is unable to create the issue.createIssueObjectIssue createIssueObject(ApplicationUser remoteUser, Map fields) throws CreateExceptionCreates an issue.Parameters:remoteUser - Issue creatorfields - A map of the issue's immediate field values. See the Issue definition in entitymodel.xml for values.Returns:the new issue.Throws:CreateException - If JIRA is unable to create the issue.IssueFieldsCharacterLimitExceededException - when issue fields exceed the jira character limitcreateIssue@Deprecatedorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue createIssue(ApplicationUser remoteUser, Issue issue) throws CreateExceptionDeprecated. Use #createIssueObject(User, Issue) instead. Since v5.0Persists a new issue.Parameters:remoteUser - Issue creatorissue - The new issue.Returns:GenericValue representing the new issue.Throws:CreateException - If JIRA is unable to create the issue.createIssueObjectIssue createIssueObject(ApplicationUser remoteUser, Issue issue) throws CreateExceptionCreates an issue.Parameters:remoteUser - Issue creatorissue - The new issue.Returns:the new issue.Throws:CreateException - If JIRA is unable to create the issue.IssueFieldsCharacterLimitExceededException - when issue fields exceed the jira character limitupdateIssueIssue updateIssue(ApplicationUser user, MutableIssue issue, EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption, boolean sendMail)This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore. The issue will be saved and re-indexed unless EventDispatchOption.DO_NOT_DISPATCH is specified. This method performs no permission checks. This method should be used if you want to exert more control over what happens when JIRA updates an issue. This method will allow you to specify if an event is dispatched and if so which event is dispatched, see EventDispatchOption. This method also allows you to specify if email notifications should be send to notify users of the update.Parameters:user - who is performing the operationissue - the issue to updateeventDispatchOption - specifies if an event should be sent and if so which should be sent.sendMail - if true mail notifications will be sent, otherwise mail notifications will be suppressed.Returns:the updated issue.Throws:IssueFieldsCharacterLimitExceededException - when issue fields exceed the jira character limitSince:v4.0updateIssueIssue updateIssue(ApplicationUser user, MutableIssue issue, UpdateIssueRequest updateIssueRequest)This method will store the provided issue to the JIRA datastore. The issue will be saved and re-indexed. This method performs no permission checks. This method should be used if you want to exert more control over what happens when JIRA updates an issue.Parameters:user - who is performing the operationissue - the issue to updateupdateIssueRequest - details about how to perform the update, including user context, event dispatch strategy and history metadataReturns:the updated issue.Throws:IssueFieldsCharacterLimitExceededException - when issue fields exceed the jira character limitSince:JIRA 6.3See Also:UpdateIssueRequestdeleteIssuevoid deleteIssue(ApplicationUser user, Issue issue, EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption, boolean sendMail) throws RemoveExceptionThis method will delete an issue from JIRA. This will clean up all issue associations in JIRA and will de-index the issue. This method should be used if you want to exert more control over what happens when JIRA deletes an issue. This method will allow you to specify if an event is dispatched and if so which event is dispatched, see EventDispatchOption. This method also allows you to specify if email notifications should be send to notify users of the deletion.Parameters:user - who is performing the operationissue - the issue to delete.eventDispatchOption - specifies if an event should be sent and if so which should be sent.sendMail - if true mail notifications will be sent, otherwise mail notifications will be suppressed.Throws:RemoveException - throw if something goes horribly wrong when deleting the issue.Since:v5.0deleteIssue@Deprecatedvoid deleteIssue(ApplicationUser user, MutableIssue issue, EventDispatchOption eventDispatchOption, boolean sendMail) throws RemoveExceptionDeprecated. Use #deleteIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, Issue, com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption, boolean) instead. Since v5.0.This method will delete an issue from JIRA. This will clean up all issue associations in JIRA and will de-index the issue. This method should be used if you want to exert more control over what happens when JIRA deletes an issue. This method will allow you to specify if an event is dispatched and if so which event is dispatched, see EventDispatchOption. This method also allows you to specify if email notifications should be send to notify users of the deletion.Parameters:user - who is performing the operationissue - the issue to delete.eventDispatchOption - specifies if an event should be sent and if so which should be sent.sendMail - if true mail notifications will be sent, otherwise mail notifications will be suppressed.Throws:RemoveException - throw if something goes horribly wrong when deleting the issue.Since:v4.0deleteIssueNoEventvoid deleteIssueNoEvent(Issue issue) throws RemoveExceptionDelete issue without firing any events, or sending notifications. This is preferred in some bulk operations, but normally you would call #deleteIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, Issue, com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption, boolean)Parameters:issue - issue to deleteThrows:RemoveException - if the removal failsSee Also:#deleteIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption, boolean)deleteIssueNoEvent@Deprecatedvoid deleteIssueNoEvent(MutableIssue issue) throws RemoveExceptionDeprecated. Use deleteIssueNoEvent(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue) instead. Since v5.0.Delete issue without firing any events, or sending notifications. This is preferred in some bulk operations, but normally you would call #deleteIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, MutableIssue, com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption, boolean)Parameters:issue - issue to deleteThrows:RemoveException - if the removal failsSee Also:#deleteIssue(com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.api.User, com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue, com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption, boolean)getProjectIssues@DeprecatedList getProjectIssues(org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue project) throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityExceptionDeprecated. only used in test cases, should use a search provider instead.Get all the issues for a given project.Parameters:project - the ProjectReturns:a List of GenericValue objectsThrows:org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException - If there are errors in the persistence layer.isEditableboolean isEditable(Issue issue)Returns true if the issue can be edited. This is determined by looking at the workflow step the issue is in.Parameters:issue - the Issue.Returns:true if the issue can be edited. This is determined by looking at the workflow step the issue is in.isEditableboolean isEditable(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)Returns true if the issue can be edited by the current user. This is determined by looking at both the user's permissions and the workflow step the issue is in.Parameters:issue - the issue you want to edituser - the user who will be performing the editReturns:true if the user has permission and the issue is in an editable workflow stepgetIssueIdsForProjectCollection getIssueIdsForProject(Long projectId) throws org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityExceptionReturns all issue ids for a particular project. This uses constant memory (i.e. doesn't load all issues into memory.Parameters:projectId - Project ID.Returns:A collection of issue IDsThrows:org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException - An exception in the ofbiz Entity Engine.getIssueCountForProjectlong getIssueCountForProject(Long projectId)Returns the number of issues that exist for the provided project id.Parameters:projectId - identifies the project which the issues are associated withReturns:a count of how many issues exist in the projecthasUnassignedIssuesboolean hasUnassignedIssues()Returns a boolean indicating whether there are unassigned issues.Returns:a boolean indicating whether there are unassigned issuesSince:5.1getUnassignedIssueCountlong getUnassignedIssueCount()Returns the number of unassigned issues.Returns:the number of unassigned issuesSince:5.1getIssueCountlong getIssueCount()Returns the number of issues.Returns:the number of issuesSince:6.3atLeastOneIssueExistsboolean atLeastOneIssueExists()Return true if an issue exists. This is a performance enhancement over counting the issues.Returns:true if an issue existsSince:6.3.4findMovedIssue@InternalIssue findMovedIssue(String oldIssueKey)Returns an issue that has been moved by searching on the old issue key.Parameters:oldIssueKey - the original key of an issue that has since been moved (moving between projects assigns a new key to an issue)Returns:the moved Issue objectrecordMovedIssueKey@Internalvoid recordMovedIssueKey(Issue oldIssue)Used internally when we want to record that an Issue has changed its Issue key (because it has moved project).Parameters:oldIssue - The issue with it's old issue keygetProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys@Internal @NonnullSet getProjectIssueTypePairsByKeys(@Nonnull Set issueKeys)Returns a set of project ID / issue type combinations that given issue keys cover.Parameters:issueKeys - Set of issue keysReturns:Project ID / issue type pairsgetProjectIssueTypePairsByIds@Internal @NonnullSet getProjectIssueTypePairsByIds(@Nonnull Set issueIds)Returns a set of project ID / issue type combinations that given issue IDs cover.Parameters:issueIds - Set of issue IDsReturns:Project ID / issue type pairsgetKeysOfMissingIssues@Internal @NonnullSet getKeysOfMissingIssues(@Nonnull Set issueKeys)Check existence of issues for the given set of keysParameters:issueKeys - Set of issue keysReturns:Set of invalid keys or the ones that don't represent an issuegetIdsOfMissingIssues@Internal @NonnullSet getIdsOfMissingIssues(@Nonnull Set issueIds)Check existence of issues for the given set of IDsParameters:issueIds - Set of issue IDsReturns:Set of IDs that don't represent an issueSkip navigation linksOverviewPackageClassUseTreeDeprecatedIndexHelpPrev ClassNext ClassFramesNo FramesAll ClassesSummary: Nested | Field | Constr | MethodDetail: Field | Constr | MethodCopyright  2002-2017 Atlassian. All Rights Reserved. 2351a5e196

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