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The Privacy Rule generally requires HIPAA covered entities (health plans and most health care providers) to provide individuals, upon request, with access to the protected health information (PHI) about them in one or more "designated record sets" maintained by or for the covered entity. This includes the right to inspect or obtain a copy, or both, of the PHI, as well as to direct the covered entity to transmit a copy to a designated person or entity of the individual's choice. Individuals have a right to access this PHI for as long as the information is maintained by a covered entity, or by a business associate on behalf of a covered entity, regardless of the date the information was created; whether the information is maintained in paper or electronic systems onsite, remotely, or is archived; or where the PHI originated (e.g., whether the covered entity, another provider, the patient, etc.).

An individual's personal representative (generally, a person with authority under State law to make health care decisions for the individual) also has the right to access PHI about the individual in a designated record set (as well as to direct the covered entity to transmit a copy of the PHI to a designated person or entity of the individual's choice), upon request, consistent with the scope of such representation and the requirements discussed below. See 45 CFR 164.502(g) and for more information about the rights that can be exercised by personal representatives.

A covered entity also must provide access in the manner requested by the individual, which includes arranging with the individual for a convenient time and place to pick up a copy of the PHI or to inspect the PHI (if that is the manner of access requested by the individual), or to have a copy of the PHI mailed or e-mailed, or otherwise transferred or transmitted to the individual to the extent the copy would be readily producible in such a manner. Whether a particular mode of transmission or transfer is readily producible will be based on the capabilities of the covered entity and the level of security risk that the mode of transmission or transfer may introduce to the PHI on the covered entity's systems (as opposed to security risks to the PHI once it has left the systems). A covered entity is not expected to tolerate unacceptable levels of risk to the security of the PHI on its systems in responding to requests for access; whether the individual's requested mode of transfer or transmission presents such an unacceptable level of risk will depend on the covered entity's Security Rule risk analysis. See 45 CFR 164.524(c)(2) and (3), and 164.308(a)(1). However, mail and e-mail are generally considered readily producible by all covered entities. It is expected that all covered entities have the capability to transmit PHI by mail or e-mail (except in the limited case where e-mail cannot accommodate the file size of requested images), and transmitting PHI in such a manner does not present unacceptable security risks to the systems of covered entities, even though there may be security risks to the PHI while in transit (such as where an individual has requested to receive her PHI by, and accepted the risks associated with, unencrypted e-mail). Thus, a covered entity may not require that an individual travel to the covered entity's physical location to pick up a copy of her PHI if the individual requests that the copy be mailed or e-mailed.

Yes. An individual's personal representative (generally, a person with authority under State law to make health care decisions for the individual) has the right both to receive a copy of PHI about the individual in a designated record set, and to direct the covered entity to transmit a copy of the PHI to another person or entity, upon request, consistent with the scope of such representation and the requirements of 45 CFR 164.524. See 45 CFR 164.502(g). The same requirements for fulfilling an individual's request to send the individual's PHI to a third party (e.g., with respect to timeliness, form and format, bases for denial, fee limitations, etc.) also apply to requests made by an individual's personal representative.

Yes. Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule, an individual has a general right to access, upon request, PHI about the individual in a designated record set maintained by or for a clinical laboratory that is a covered entity. A test result or test report is only part of the designated record set a clinical laboratory may hold. To the extent an individual requests access to all of her information held by the laboratory, the laboratory is required to provide access to all of the PHI about the individual in its designated record set. This could include, for example, completed test reports and the underlying data used to generate the reports, test orders, ordering provider information, billing information, and insurance information.

Yes, as long as the PHI is "readily producible" in the manner requested, based on the capabilities of the covered entity and transmission or transfer in such a manner would not present an unacceptable level of security risk to the PHI on the covered entity's systems, such as risks that may be presented by connecting an outside system, application, or device directly to a covered entity's systems (as opposed to security risks to PHI once it has left the systems). For example, individuals generally have a right to receive copies of their PHI by mail or e-mail, if they request. It is expected that all covered entities have the capability to transmit PHI by mail or e-mail and transmitting PHI in such a manner does not present unacceptable security risks to the systems of covered entities, even though there may be security risks to the PHI once it has left the systems. Thus, a covered entity may not require that an individual travel to the covered entity's physical location to pick up a copy of her PHI if the individual requests the copy be mailed or e-mailed. In the limited case where a covered entity is unable to e-mail the PHI as requested, such as in the case where diagnostic images are requested and e-mail cannot accommodate the file size of the images, the covered entity should offer the individual alternative means of receiving the PHI, such as on portable media that can be mailed to the individual.

Yes. In general, a covered entity must provide an individual with access to PHI about the individual in a designated record set in the form and format requested by the individual, if it is readily producible in such form and format. In cases where the PHI is not readily producible in the requested form and format, the covered entity must provide the PHI in a readable alternative form and format as agreed to by the covered entity and the individual. See 45 CFR 164.524(c)(2). Thus, individuals have a right under HIPAA to access PHI about themselves in human readable form. In cases where a covered entity is providing an individual with an electronic copy of PHI, we also expect the covered entity to provide the copy in machine readable form (i.e., in a form able to be processed by a computer), to the extent possible and where consistent with the individual's request.

American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading global insurance organization. AIG member companies offer insurance solutions that help businesses and individuals in approximately 70 countries and jurisdictions protect their assets and manage risks. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

AIG is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty and general insurance operations of American International Group, Inc. All products and services are written or provided by subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc. Products or services may not be available in all countries and jurisdictions, and coverage is subject to underwriting requirements and actual policy language. Non-insurance products and services may be provided by independent third parties. Certain property-casualty coverages may be provided by a surplus lines insurer. Surplus lines insurers do not generally participate in state guaranty funds, and insureds are therefore not protected by such funds.

This page is usually the first part of an insurance policy. It identifies who is the insured, what risks or property are covered, the policy limits, and the policy period (i.e. time the policy is in force).

An insurer may change the language or coverage of a policy at the time of the policy renewal. Endorsements and Riders are written provisions that add to, delete, or modify the provisions in the original insurance contract. In most states, the insurer is required to send you a copy of the changes to your policy. It is important that you read all Endorsements or Riders so you understand how your policy has changed and if the policy is still adequate to meet your needs.

You may wish to log into MyDMV to check your registration and insurance status, update your policy information and your address if necessary. Or, Update Your Policy Information without a MyDMV account.

The first option is to complete your response online using the provided access code printed on your letter. Once you have accessed your vehicle, you will have the option to select your response. If you have maintained continuous insurance, you will be able to enter your policy information.

Compare your insurance policy and vehicle registration.It is important the insured name on your insruance card and the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) match the registration.If you change the name on your insurance, you must also change the name on your vehicle registration. At least one person's or business name on the registration must match a named insured on the policy. 2351a5e196

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