Amplitude - value (position on the Y-axis) of one sample of the digital audio signal, or the maximum value of the sound wave displacement (relative to zero) during the period (if we are talking about oscillations of the generator);Audio signal - representation of sound in the form of a graph (wave), process of changing the amplitude over time; in analog audio, amplitude is the voltage level; in digital audio, amplitude is a discrete value (usually a 32-bit floating point number);

Automation - automatic change of project parameters during playback; for example, the program can smoothly decrease/increase the filter frequency, or change the tempo; the source of the automation commands is either a pattern, or one of the special modules (MultiCtl, Pitch2Ctl, Sound2Ctl, Velocity2Ctl);Balance - relative gain of the left and right channels; examples:balance = -128: left channel volume = 100%; right channel volume = 0%;balance = 0: left channel volume = 100%; right channel volume = 100%;balance = 128: left channel volume = 0%; right channel volume = 100%.BP, BPF - Band-pass filter;BPM - number of Beats Per Minute;DC offset, DC bias - vertical displacement of the center of the waveform relative to zero; DC offset for a fragment of length L = sum of sample amplitudes / L;Envelope - graph of the dependence of some parameter (volume, frequency, panning, etc.) on time; in general, any sound wave is an envelope - the audio signal can be converted into control commands using the Sound2Ctl module;HP, HPF - High-pass filter;LFO - Low Frequency Oscillator which is used to modulate some synth/effect parameters (frequency, volume, panning, etc.);LP, LPF - Low-pass filter;Panning - the sound location in the left-right stereo space; if the sound source is mono, then this parameter is equivalent to Balance (described above).Phase - position of a point in time on a waveform cycle (in Generator) or on a sample. Usually this means the initial phase, not the current position.

Sample:one unit of sound data - represents an amplitude of the digital audio signal at a point in time;portion of some sound in digital form: set of the values (amplitudes) described above; it can be very long (loop or the whole audio track) and very short (one note of some instrument).Sample rate - number of samples per second.Sustain - suspension point (until the Note OFF) on the envelope.Tick - smallest time interval in SunVox pattern. 1 beat = 24 ticks.TPL - number of Ticks Per Line.Velocity - universal parameter combining such types of expression as the velocity (how fast or hard the keys are pressed) and the aftertouch (amount of force on held-down key). It can be changed at any time in the life cycle of a single note.

Linux:Download SunVox for Linux (ZIP archive).Unpack this archive to the home user directory (/home/username).You will see the new directory sunvox after unpacking - open it, and go to the sunvox/linux_X directory, where the X is the name of the architecture of your device.You will find several executable files in the last folder:sunvox - version with 32-bit audio engine;sunvox_lofi - version with 16-bit audio engine for slow devices.In case of some errors: open Terminal, go to the sunvox directory (use cd command), enter chmod a+x sunvox and then ./sunvox ; if still not working - copy all error messages from the Terminal and send it to is the instruction for Raspberry Pi users

Sunvox Module Download


macOS:Download SunVox for macOS (ZIP archive).You will see the new directory sunvox after unpacking; move it to some another user-created directory; don't use the Applications folder.Go to the sunvox/sunvox/macos directory.Read this important information for the macOS 10.12+ usersLaunch SunVox.

Windows CE:Download SunVox for Windows CE (ZIP archive).Unpack it to any folder on your computer.You will see the new directory sunvox after unpacking - open it, and go to the sunvox/wince directory.You will find the file in the wince folder - just copy and install this file on the Windows CE device.Some old Windows CE devices has no GAPI pre-installed - this library is required for SunVox; you can try to get it here.

The SunVox interface is divided into the several rectangular windows (areas): pattern editor;musical keyboard;controllers of the selected module + modules (routing);timeline (select the pattern here and its content will be shown in the pattern editor at the top).Each window has its own menu with different options and functions - use the button with three horizontal lines to open this menu. By clicking on one of the windows, we make it active and place it in focus. All keystrokes will be sent to this active window first. If the window does not know what to do with the received commands, then it will forward these commands to the pattern editor, since this is the highest priority window.

What if you need navigation but there is no middle mouse button?macOS:CMD + left button;or install some application to emulate the middle button, for example Middle.All systems:there is middle button emulation on some touchpads: using three-finger click or by simultaneously pressing the left and right buttons (see the system touchpad settings);switch between editing modes using the button with a selection rectangle;if there is no such button, uncomment one of the show_sel_btn options in sunvox_config.ini.

General rules for all devices:pressing with the stylus or finger is equivalent to pressing the left mouse button;double click in an empty area - create a new object (if possible);double-clicking on an object opens its properties (if possible);scroll wheel - zoom in or scroll up/down;right mouse button = menu;SHIFT + left button = connect modules or disable snapping to the timeline grid;CTRL + left button = multiple selection mode (previous selection is not cleared).

Starting from v2.1 these panels can be customized (add/remove buttons). To do this, go to the Main menu -> Preferences -> Toolbars. Each toolbar is described by a string with the names of buttons and commands, separated by commas. Commands < and > set the direction of adding buttons: from left to right or from right to left.

Available names:< - switch the direction of adding buttons: from left to right (default);> - switch the direction of adding buttons: from right to left;play;play2 - play from the beginning;play3 - play pattern;stop;rec;vol - volume;svol - volume (short version);lev - signal level indicator;undo;redo;cut;copy;paste;dup - duplicate;bpm - BPM;bpmtpl - BPM and TPL;clock - current time;cpu - CPU usage monitor;cpu2 - CPU usage monitor (pressing will open a list of modules).

Menu itemDescriptionNew projectCreate a new project (empty or based on a template) through this menu item. The template file can be specified here: Main menu -> Preferences -> Main -> Set starting template.Load projectLoad project file. Supported formats: sunvox, mod, xm, midi.Merge projectSame as the previous item, but without clearing the current project.Save projectSave project file. When re-saving the file name is not asked.Save project asSave project file. The file name is always asked.Export/importVarious options for saving and loading a project. For example, export to MIDI or WAV. For some systems, there may be functions for exchanging files with other apps.Project propertiesOpen the window where you can change the following project parameters:name;BPM and TPL (tempo);time grid display options;the version of the program in which this project was originally created; required for correct playback of files created in older versions of SunVox; affects the sound of some modules;sync settings: SunVox can receive sync commands from other apps via MIDI or from AU host (iOS only); external MIDI sync source can be specified here: Main menu -> Preferences -> MIDI.UndoRedoToolbarOpen the movable window with some commonly used functions (copy, paste, etc.).Touch ThereminOpen the virtual Theremin window for live play with the selected module. Tapping with your finger/cursor activates one of the voices. Moving up and down changes the volume of the voice. Moving left and right sets the pitch.PreferencesOpen the window with the program settings. Settings are divided into the following groups:Main;Modules;Timeline:show timeline:auto - depending on the screen size;yes - always show timeline;no - timeline is hidden by default, but you can show it by pressing the T button in the modules window;show line numbers from 0 or 1;hexadecimal line numbers (on/off);hexadecimal track numbers (on/off);grid cell X size; 1 = time grid value in the Project properties;grid cell Y size; 1 = supertrack / 32;Toolbars - toolbar settings;Interface: scale, colors, fonts, shortcuts, language, etc.;Audio: input/output sound device (not for all systems), buffer size (latency), sample rate;Recording: settings for recording SunVox commands (notes, controller changes):metronome ON/OFF;fit pattern to grid: when enabled - the start position of the new recorded pattern will be multiple of 32;note quantization: when enabled - the Delay effects (40...5F) will not be used for the new recorded notes;automation quantization: when enabled - the Delay effects (40...5F) will not be used for the automation (controller changing) commands, and the pattern size will be much more compact (one track per controller) and readable;MIDI: external MIDI controllers and their settings.AboutApp version and sound engine information.HelpBrief and detailed instructions.ExitCompletely close the program. 2351a5e196

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