I am looking for an open data that contains the average salary per job. It would be great if the data is available via an open API but not necessary. I saw that glassdoor has an API but i don't think that this data is available. I am trying to avoid scrapping if possible. I am also interested in data for the current hiring/ tension on each Job (exemple : if there is a lot of demand currently for a certain job).

Each year, the City of Boston publishes payroll data for employees. This dataset contains employee names, job details, and earnings information including base salary, overtime, and total compensation for employees of the City.

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The Socrata Open Data API (SODA) provides programmatic access to this dataset including the ability to filter, query, and aggregate data. For more more information, view the API docs for this dataset or visit our developer portal

Description: This dataset lists all current City of Chicago employees, complete with full names, departments, positions, and annual salaries. For hourly employees the annual salary is estimated. The final column lists the approximate annual salary with furlough days/salary reductions.

Hello I am trying to create a Rshiny dashboard, I have done the following R script, but function error doesn't let the web page load and it crashes with the following error. Thank you I had to do R shiny for the first time for just a week as i took a wrong elective, this is the final assignment i need to complete to finish grad school, I've been trying different stuff to get it sorted but didnt reach anywhere for a week. If you have a little time on your hand and provide a little help for developing a quick dashboard with this dataset (nothing fancy just 2-3 page subitem for any type for analytical graphs, literally super basic), it would really really helpful.

Below are two public (open-access) and real datasets that we will use for the analyses. For each dataset, you will find its description, minor data wrangling (or data manipulation), and descriptive statistics in both numeric and visual formats.

The Payroll Explorers enable multiple ways to search for payroll data. The dataset includes the annual salary and the regular earnings for the calendar year to date. This data also includes overtime payments, other miscellaneous payments, the agency where the person works, the job title, and, if the worker is in a union, the bargaining unit. Using the Explorer, you can search on any combination of: calendar year, employee name, department/agency/authority, title, employee relations group (bargaining unit), salary and overtime. The dataset is also available directly. It is updated quarterly.

The ECU College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Faculty Salary Survey Reports compile aggregated CUPA-HR data and compare ECU faculty salaries to those at other Doctoral Universities (2015 Carnegie Classification). Because salary data are collected and reported separately for tenured/tenure track faculty and non-tenure track faculty, a separate report (PDF) is provided for each.

This is an exploratory analysis of the Salaries dataset from the carData package in R. This data was collected from a college in the U.S. that contains information on the 2008-2009 nine-month academic salaries of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors.

The distribution for the nine-month salary variable above seems to be skewed right. The Median nine-month salary is $107,300 compared to the mean of $113,706. The minimum salary of a faculty member is $57,800 and the maximum salary is $231,545.

As we move into assessing the relationship between variables and then modeling, I want to address any observations that should perhaps be excluded from analysis. For example, it may be reasonable to exclude faculty members in the dataset with < 1 year of service.

One possible explanation for why these 11 people have < 1 year of service is that they just started working at the University when this data was collected. In future analyses, I would recommend seeing what happens when these individuals are taken out of the dataset.

It appears that years since Ph.D. is somewhat positively correlated with salary. Generally, as the number of years since a faculty member received their Ph.D. increases, their salary increases as well.

Furthermore, it appears that rank is also somewhat positively correlated with years since Ph.D. and salary as well. Assistant Professors appear to have the lowest nine-month salaries receiving between $57,800-$100,000 (the minimum from above was found to be $57,800. Associate Professors receive a nine-month salary in the range of $50,000-$125,000. Professors tend to have the highest range in nine-month salaries based on the graph.

There does not appear to be a strong relationship between salary and discipline or even between discipline and years since Ph.D. However, it does appear that the data points from faculty members in applied departments are situated higher than data points from faculty members in theoretical departments.

There does not appear to be a strong relationship between nine-month salary and years of service, but there is somewhat a relationship between rank and years of service as expected. Faculty members that are Professors or Associate Professors tend to have served longer in departments and therefore hold higher positions and get paid more compared to Assistant Professors.

There does not appear to be a strong relationship between nine-month salary and sex or between sex and years of service. However, as noted previously, more observations in this dataset are from male faculty members (n = 358) compared to female faculty members (n = 39 ).

According to these results, rank does contribute to nine-month salary at this college as expected. Professors and Associate Professors tend to be more experienced than Assistant Professors and thus paid more in accordance with their faculty positions. The baseline group in this case is Assistant Professors. While Assistant Professors at this college have an average nine-month salary of $80,776, Associate Professors earn an additional $13,100 compared to Assistant Professors. Similarly, Professors earn an additional $45,996 compared to the nine-month salary of Assistant Professors. The amount of variance in salary explained by rank in this model is around 39%.

Although the coefficient for the predictor sex is found to be significant in the model, sex only explains around 2% of the variance in salary in this model. These results can be interpreted as saying female faculty members at this college make an average nine-month salary of $101,002 whereas male faculty members make an additional $14,088 more on top of that.

Similar to the results above for sex, the coefficient of discipline is found to be significant, but only explains around 2% of the variance in salary in this model. The baseline group is A which suggests that faculty members in theoretical departments make on average $108,548 whereas faculty members in applied departments (B) make an additional $9,480 beyond that of members in theoretical departments.

From this regression model, years of service explains about 11% of the variance in salary. For each additional year a faculty member has served, their salary estimate increases by an additional $779.60.

The best salary data providers will have certifications to show that their data is high-quality, and they will be able to explain the verification procedures they carry out to ensure data accuracy. They will also be updating their datasets regularly, and you should be able to find good reviews from clients of the best salary data providers. Lastly, ask for a data sample before you buy from a salary data provider to ensure that their salary data is of the quality that your business needs.

Data providers and vendors listed on Datarade sell Salary Data products and samples. Popular Salary Data products and datasets available on our platform are Forager.ai - Global Job Postings Data Set | 732M Records | Refreshed Daily | 97M Updates/Month | Delivery Hourly via CSV/JSON/PostgreSQL DB Delivery by Forager.ai, Grepsr | Jobs Posting Data Feeds from Job Aggregator sites: LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster, Zip recruiter | Global Coverage by Grepsr, and CrawlBee | Web Scraping Data | Web Data Extraction | Web Data | Web Activity Data by CrawlBee.

This dataset is a listing of all current state employees excluding sworn law enforcement officers. Current employees are defined as employees paid in the last 30 days. The following fields are included in the dataset: Agency, Agency Division, Employee Name, Position Title, Period Pay Rate, and YTD Gross Pay. This list is updated on a weekly basis.

I'm looking for a very specific kind of dataset or a website that documents this data. I need data for NBA players' salaries ideally going back 30 years. I've found some sites that have the data, but they don't go into enough detail. I would like the data to include a marker that says when a new contract is signed and a number specifying how much of the contract is guaranteed.


The San Francisco Controller's Office maintains a database of the salary and benefits paid to City employees since fiscal year 2013. B. HOW THE DATASET IS CREATED

This data is summarized and presented on the Employee Compensation report hosted at , and is also available in this dataset in CSV format.C. UPDATE PROCESS

New data is added on a bi-annual basis when available for each fiscal and calendar year.D. HOW TO USE THIS DATASET

Before using please first review the following two resources:

Data Dictionary - Can be found in 'About this dataset' section after click 'Show More'

Employee Compensation FAQ - -compensation-faq 17dc91bb1f

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