I need to attach a simple object {foo:"bar"} to a x-www-form-urlencoded cURL post request. Notice the metadata tag in the example below: How do you encode an object like that? I realize it's not literal JSON, like I have in the request example below.

Early March 2022, curl released a new command line parameter --json with version 7.82.0. This allows for a shortcut to send through JSON and eliminating the need to define the Content-Type that you had missing and Accept headers as these are automatically assumed, hence reducing risk of mistakes:

Download S3 Object Using Curl

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But wait... there is more. Instead of defining the json parameter as a string to the curl command line, use the nifty jo CLI tool to define JSON as series of key value pairs and pipe the output through curl. Using jo only to define your JSON, it works this way:

I ran into this again today, using Cygwin's cURL 7.49.1 for Windows... And when using --data or --data-binary with a JSON argument, cURL got confused and would interpret the {} in the JSON as a URL template. Adding a -g argument to turn off cURL globbing fixed that.

I am trying to perform a HTTP PUT to create and update objects while specifying a custom meta-data header. I am having difficulty generating the correct signature while I have no issue generating signatures for other requested operations. Here is my basic bash / CURL example. Let me emphasize, I must see and use Bash and Curl, not leverage s3curl, or other libraries or CLIs in my specific situation:

I'm trying to add policy objects using cURL on Windows. I keep getting error "Bad request: There was a problem in the JSON you submitted." I don't have regular access to a Linux machine but when I run this command there it's working. There are a few clients and a lot of entries I need to add and I need to do this work from a Windows computer. What am I doing wrong here?

From the Windows machine I use: curl -L -H "X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key:[redacted]" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST --data-binary {"name":"Test Object","category":"network","type":"cidr","cidr":"ip4 address","groupIds":"[]"} [redacted]/PolicyObjects -v

Checking the cache status of an object on your website can help when troubleshooting problems. You can use the web interface or the curl command (an open-source command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax from or to a server using one of many supported protocols) to check Fastly's cache nodes for a cached object, and you can use the information provided to examine the object's status, response time, and content hash.

You can use this information to verify that the same copy of an object is stored on all of our servers. If the content hash is different across nodes, that usually indicates that there's a caching problem.

The easiest way to tell if your request is caching in the Fastly network is to use the check cache feature in the Fastly web interface, but if you prefer command line utilities, you can also use one of two curl commands for debugging purposes:

This output tells us the current age of the object in cache. It also shows shielding is enabled because two cache nodes display in X-Served-By. However, we're most interested in the output of the X-Cache header. A properly caching object displays a value of X-Cache: HIT, X-Cache: HIT, HIT, X-Cache: HIT, MISS, or X-Cache: MISS, HIT.

For example, with optional shielding being used and a TTL set to 86400 (24 hours) using Surrogate-Control, the command curl -svo /dev/null -H "Fastly-Debug:1" www.example.com produces something like the following section of output:

Because surrogate keys are present, the Fastly-Debug header exposes them. As with the simple curl command, this section of output tells us the current age of the object in cache. In addition, Fastly-Debug exposes specific header details to help with debugging as noted below.

With shielding enabled, you should generally see four cache servers listed in this header. In rare cases where a cache server exists as both an edge and a shield within the cluster for that object, you may see two or three caches listed.

I created an application password and used that in the Curl call, which was successful, but [reportData] in the returned object is empty, as I believe it is marked as private. (This should have the rows of data for the pages by pageviews.)

Amazon S3 is a popular object storage service that allows you to store and retrieve data in the cloud. One way to interact with S3 is by using the AWS SDKs, but you can also use command line tools such as curl to retrieve objects. In this post, we will show you how to use curl to retrieve an object from an S3 bucket.

Retrieving a private object: If the object you want to retrieve is private, you will need to add an Authorization header to your request containing your access key and a signature. You can use the aws-cli to generate a presigned url which allows you to use the url with curl and other tools for a certain period of time. Here's an example of how to use aws-cli to generate a presigned URL for an S3 object, and then use curl to retrieve the object using the presigned URL.

Curl is a powerful command-line tool that can be used to interact with S3. With a few simple commands, you can retrieve objects from S3 buckets, whether they are public or private. You can also use the aws-cli to generate a presigned URL, which allows you to use curl or other tools to retrieve private objects.

Please make sure you have permission to access the object before trying to retrieve it. It's always a good idea to check the AWS documentation for the most recent and accurate information, as the aws CLI and SDKs are updated regularly.

the main problem i seem to be having is that its a form encoded post with a parameter that contains a json object (rather than a flat body post) and i just cannot figure out how to enter it into postman to make it work

How did you figure out the curl command? I was trying to create a curl command to create a group (container) with a simple member definition based on a custom property but I couldn't quite get the syntax correct. Is there an easy way perhaps using SWQL studio to get the curl syntax right?

First, a curl tip - if you are not getting the results you want, add "-v" to the command line. By default, curl won't print anything except the server response body. With "-v" you will get a bunch more info, including the server response code.

I thought I had tried curly braces before but I was using your example from another post actually where you showed brackets, but I was trying everything, brackets, curly braces etc... didn't catch that comma mistake though, its always the little things...

Again, thanks for your help, you seem to be THE man for the SDK! I'm trying new things and experimenting with trying to make my life easier by scripting a migration from Whats up gold to solarwinds using the API, might have some more questions for ya if you don't mind. (in a new thread of course)

But instead I use the parameter o filepath, I use the binary object inside body request, for example, some 010101101011010101010 binary code inside request instead of "/folder/filename.extension" . Because I am building a system client-server that a user can upload a file, sending by Post request to server, and the server must to take this file via $_ENV[] and insert it into a request to upload to Dropbox. And doesnt a way to server save temporary file inside your filesystem because the your provider is ephemeral, and so, because it i have to insert the file binary data inside request.

For example, using curl on the command line, this would upload a file to the remote path "/test_605632.txt" in Dropbox, telling curl to send the contents of the local file at the local (relative) path "test/test.txt" (the "@" is a way of telling curl to read from the local filesystem):

@karanag In your code, you're sending the data in your 'content' variable, which just contains the string '"@" + imagePath', not the actual file data at that path. In the examples in the Dropbox API documentation, the "@" is a way of telling curl on the command line to read from the local filesystem at that path. That wouldn't necessarily work in other environments, such as using XMLHttpRequest like you are here. You'll need to update your code to pass in the actual file data. Please refer to the documentation for your platform for information on accessing file data.

First, you need to create a network object of type Host.

Next you need to find the "REF_xxxx" for this object

Now you can create the rule and use that object as the "source".

... only theory

I spend a lot of time with the rest API browser to create the host object, but I could not assign that object to a group.

Reading the section 5 of the documentation I found the Swagger interface - just go to _address_of_ UTM:4444/api/ and you can find all that the API can do. It is fantastic. This is how I was able to create the Network Host object in the UTM.

I created a firewall rule in the UTM's web GUI with Source being a Network Group that I'd created. The idea is that after I've created the Network Host using the API, I'd use the API to tell put it in the Network Group.

Now my issue is that this curl command will overwrite what is already there. Ie if the Network Group already has a few Hosts as members they will be removed with this curl command - its only member would be

Even that threw the same error.

Anyways, I found the GUI method to delete index-patterns through saved objects option. So problem solved. I can delete around 200 patterns in one go now.


anyways, I found alternate method. The objective was to delete index patterns. I know that it is deviating from the original question about curl method, but not bad if it gets the job done. I was able to delete index patterns in bulk from saved objects from kibana. Just for the help if someone comes across this.

Creates a new Curl Object which corresponds to aCURL handle in libcurl. Curl objects automatically setCURLOPT_VERBOSE to 0, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS to 1, provide a defaultCURLOPT_USERAGENT and setup CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER to point to aprivate error buffer. e24fc04721

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