I think the real reason that Ruby loves Otis, or at least a main reason, is that she sees Otis as a great future father. In her beginning season conversation with Jean she states that she never wants to become pregnant due to the father being a dickhead and still having to see him because of the kid. Mayne subconsciously she sees Otis a great guy and links it to having a loving connection that may or may not exist. This is of course just speculation from me and I'll love to hear what you guys have to say as well.

You start down really low, really simple, having to learn very little, and then you can go all the way to become the top person in your company, in your industry, even if you don't have the credentials. I love that part of Ruby on Rails. I love the diversity of the people who've been able to create a career in programming because of this framework that we've created.

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So now imagine a dystopian scenario, in which someone is blindly in love with Ruby and is a person with slightly authoritarian tendencies. In such a world, negating the awesomeness of Ruby would just not be possible. They could first define a punishment in the form of an instantly-dreaded Falsehood Error:

Funny enough, as I was writing this post, I noticed that Ben Greenberg and Paul Ardeleanu discussed the day prior why Ruby rocks during the Vonage twitch Ruby mini-series. The wealth of the ecosystem was one of the main points they mentioned. They referred the delightful Ruby books like "Why's poignant guide to Ruby", which in turn reminded me of other lovely Ruby publications such as "99 Bottles of OOP" by Sandi Metz and or "Confident Ruby" by Avdi Grimm. Even though these are programming books, you read them with pleasure (Avdi's book is especially great for the geeks and sci-fi aficionados). The joy of coding in Ruby emanates through these books.

At some point, Ben asked whether this amazing ecosystem extends to the community as well. Thinking about this made me realize that in trying to "defend" Ruby, I was completely missing the point of why I love Ruby so much. This also coincided with a lovely message from my friend Michelle Nguyen about the inclusive aspect of how Ruby was designed.

Ruby cherishes kindness and that also extends to its community, which embraces the acronym MINASWAN, which stands for 'Matz is nice and so we are nice". I mean, can it be a coincidence that some of the most wholesome people on tech twitter like Ben Greenberg, Ben Halpern, Michelle Nguyen or Yechiel Kalmenson are Rubyists? Or, that Ruby on Rails Link is such a lovely slack community?

In terms of English, it reads the same as the ruby. "Do this block of code, while this condition". 

It's a bad comparison.. I don't think I have ever needed to do something like this in js. If for example, I know I should do something 5 times based on the length of an array, I would be doing myArray.forEach((item, index) => {....}). (I imagine this is the equivalent of each_with_index you mention too).

I also find ruby, python and the like difficult to read because there aren't braces!! Creating a new instance of a class in a lot of languages look like this let jen = new Person("Jen") which is more "like English" over Person.new "Jen".

I get why a lot of people love ruby, unfortunately I don't see/benefit the upsides since I've been writing js for a while now. Some of the things you mention can be easily remedied, and really I don't see very much any more. If you're writing JS in an OO way, then SOLID is 100% possible, and is quite common. IDEs and linters will weed out anything that isn't SOLID. But it's quite common to see JS written in a FP way - especially now that React is pushing for more FP, and serverless code.

I started working with ruby about a year ago when I joined a company that was using ruby on rails, I had no prior knowledge in ruby but it only took a few days to get acquainted with the syntax. 

Since then I have found so many things in ruby that just amaze me and simplify my life on a daily basis.

It is also worth noting that writings tests in ruby is way easier than in most other languages and I am yet to find a lib in other languages that magically works like search_cop.

however my levels of overly complicated are now quite sensible because of Ruby, ruby truly cares about you as a rubyist and your happiness and makes so much things easier, I really like that about Ruby.

I learn Ruby after reading about it in many blog. At first it was just a curiosity because my favorite language was Python, but the more I learn the more I fell in love... Only couples day after learning my fist Ruby methods, I convinced my partners to switch our already started PHP project to Ruby on Rails :-)

The kindness of the Ruby community is one of the reasons that I have grown to love Ruby so much! The whole experience of programming in Ruby is much more enjoyable for me than Python or JS (which I also use regularly for my job).

Here at the base of the falls, you will find two viewing platforms that allow some unique and fantastic perspectives of the falls. These platforms are large with plenty of room for visitors to move about, and they have several benches so that you can sit and relax in the ambiance of the falls tumbling beside you.

The lights changed from greens and blues to reds and oranges. With every shift in color, the falls took on a new life. Athena asked me if fairies were changing the color of the falls. I knew that it was just man-made lights but I still felt the magic. We were over 1000 feet underground yet we were witnessing a waterfall.

What an amazing way to highlight the caves and waterfall, a light show is fantastic. We live close to some caves here in Australia that they do tours through but nothing this spectacular. Your pictures make the story come to life

Our Planet has so many hidden but yet beautiful secrets! I have never seen an underground waterfall, but talked a technical diver the other day, who told me about many beautiful caves like this one. You are so lucky to have seen it in real!

What a gorgeous discovery. I hope we have a reason to make it to Chattanooga. We live in NC and headed to Transylvania County which is called The Land of the Waterfalls because it has 250 waterfalls. We hiked to the bottom of the falls where the Hunger Games and Last of the Mohicans were filmed. Absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing this gem.

We have never been caving but certainly would love to give it a go. Ruby Falls looks wonderful and your photos are fantastic. The Basilica Cistern in Istanbul was pretty cool and was sort of like caving, we definitely will be looking for future opportunities to do a little cave exploration.

Wow, is this timely! I was just trying to wrestle with our hose and vowed to get some sort of hose reel very soon. I would love to have the hoselink reel. Will check out their website right now, just in case.

Hello Rebecca,

I love your blog and Im glad you are doing well. Your side yard looks incredibly serene. We are trying to figure out our side yards also, I really love imagining and researching ideas after all there is joy in the journey I love the process of creating its a blessing for sure

Thank you for the inspiration. Beautiful side yard and I love that you opened up that side of the house so that you could enjoy it from the inside. I am thrilled to hear about the Hose reel.. My husband and I have tried everything but our hoses are hard to handle. This looks like a great solution on our terrace. Thank you .

I am not sure which was most appealing, the lovely redo of the side garden or the solution to a messy hose all over the place. The side garden must have a relaxing meditative effect. The hose solution, on the other hand, is a means to avoid frustration. The two go hand in hand perfectly!

I am new to this inspirational place to go to which, in this messy world, I find refreshingly inspirational and gives me a dose of peace of mind.

Thank you for sharing the beautiful transformation of your side yard. I love all the shapes, colors and textures that nature has provided through the boulders and moss backdrop and you additional planting- very inspiring.

Perhaps the most significant visitor to Lookout Mountain Caverns was Leo Lambert. Leo, like many Chattanoogans of the time, loved to explore Lookout Mountain Cave. In 1905, his childhood playground was closed when the Southern Railroad Company was forced to build a tunnel through Lookout Mountain, which sealed the natural cave entrance.

I put this section in with a little trepidation. Ruby Falls obviously uses artificial lighting, widened the passages, and installed a walkway. These modifications were necessary to create a safe and accessible show cave experience. The question remains, is Ruby Falls a real waterfall.

As is true of most karst streams, the waterfall in Ruby Falls was quite spectacular during most of the winter and spring, our wet season, but dried up to barely a trickle in the summer and fall. Unfortunately, the summer is their big tourist season.

So is Ruby Falls fake or real? I believe the falls are absolutely real, and the flow you see on the commercial tour represents a reasonable, high season volume. There is evidence, like this NSS entry, the reported pump sounds, and the fact that the flow varies little season by season, that suggests the falls might have been augmented for the tour. One might even argue the enhancement is reasonable for a commercial cave tour.

Inspired by the love story leading to the discovery of Ruby Falls in 1928, the 14th annual after-hours event celebrates the season of love with a romantic lantern-lit walk to the underground waterfall and sweet keepsakes on select nights February 10 -14.

"Leo Lambert's love for his wife, Ruby, inspired him to follow his dreams and find what is considered by many to be one of the world's most beautiful waterfalls," says Hollie Baranick, tours and special projects manager. "We're delighted to share that legacy of love with Romance at Ruby guests as a special way to celebrate or begin their own love story." 006ab0faaa

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