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 this post is blacklisted because it contains and is not fully visible on the index page. the link takes you to the permalink page. click here to view it. Posted on Friday, 17 February 2023 Posted by 1captainjordan4 Procreate vs rough animator

@JacobZeier1992 This really depends on the studio and the workflow, but in general, yes, the layout can be used as rough key drawings. There are places where the studio has a layout artist that does character and background layout based off the storyboard, and in other places the key animator does the layout and this is used as rough keys.

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Do you mean I should just use the layout poses as key drawings? I most certainly will because I think it would make more sense because it would be totally pointless and redundant to trace over the layout drawings with rough key drawings, since the layout drawings are already rough in the sense that they are sketched, just like the storyboards except smaller.

I export the storyboards, layout drawings, including the backgrounds, and rough animation drawings as .jpg files because they are, well, already poor but watchable images. For the clean-up animation drawings, painted cels, and painted backgrounds, I export them as .png because they are, well, much better quality images, which are excellent for the finished product.

For now, to get your file up and running again, I recommend copying your problem-file, and then go methodically through it to find out first which layer(s) has the problem. Delete them one by one and save for each time. If after deleting a certain layer it suddenly has a huge drop i filesize, you found your problem layer. Depending on how many frames it consist of you could redraw the drawing one by one. You often do this anyway as you do your cleanup or inking. Redraw (trace) on to a new layer and get rid of the old messed up layer. Then save again and you should have a clean file taking up next to no space and being super fast to work with.

In traditional animation, the first drawings are called "roughs" or "rough animation" because they are often done in a very loose fashion. If the animation is successfully pencil tested and approved by the director, clean versions of the drawings have to be done. In larger studios, this task is given to the animator's assistant, or, in a more specialised setting, to a clean-up-artist. The artist doing the clean-ups is responsible for the final line and finished look of the drawn character or object.

Clean-up animation is the process of creating the final drawings you see in the finished film. It does not necessarily mean a "clean" fine line. The artist, usually a team of artists, uses key drawings and animation charts from the animator, making it appear as though one artist has created the whole film. The clean-up artists will follow the intentions of the animators and stay true to performance and movement.

Clean-up is generally done on a new sheet of paper. They can be done on the same sheet as the rough animation if this was done with a "non-copy blue" pencil. This certain tone of blue will be invisible to photocopying machines, and can be filtered out by scanners. The finished animation will be copied on cels or transferred into a computer for further processing.

I'm not a very good animator, but hopefully the idea comes across. You grab the MOA from behind and tear off the battery pack, throwing the MOA and the pack aside. Now you may be asking, "StallordD, what if it doesn't kill the MOA? Would they just run around with no pack?" The answer is simple. Robotics are instantly killed by stealth finishers. I think it makes sense that robotics would have a sure fire repeatable way to instantly destroy them as opposed to humanoids which can be unpredictably durable. Kind of a cop out, but I think it makes sense.

In today's digital age, animators are fortunate to have access to affordable or even free digital animation tools. This opens up opportunities for aspiring animators to explore their skills without making a significant financial or time commitment. With the availability of easy-to-use software, particularly in the form of apps on smartphones and tablets, hobbyists can now test the waters and practice animation on the go. In this article, we will focus on two popular mobile animation software: Flip a Clip and Rough Animator. We will compare and evaluate these software options to help you determine which one might be the best fit for your needs.

The increased accessibility of digital animation tools has revolutionized the animation industry. In the past, animators relied heavily on expensive software and equipment, which limited the number of people who could pursue animation as a hobby or career. However, with the advent of affordable and user-friendly software, anyone with a smartphone or tablet can now try their hand at animation.

The availability of affordable animation software brings numerous benefits to aspiring animators. Firstly, it eliminates the need for expensive investments in professional-grade tools, making animation more accessible to a wider audience. Additionally, affordable software allows hobbyists to experiment and improve their skills without the pressure of financial commitment. Moreover, the convenience of having animation software available on mobile devices enables users to animate on the go and practice whenever inspiration strikes.

In this section, we will take a closer look at Flip a Clip and Rough Animator, comparing their features, usability, and overall performance. Both of these software options cater specifically to 2D digital animation, making them suitable for beginners and experienced animators alike.

One of the standout features of Rough Animator is its ability to provide a hand-drawn animation experience. With its vast range of drawing tools and advanced features, Rough Animator emulates the traditional animation process, allowing animators to bring their ideas to life with precision and creativity. This makes it an excellent choice for artists who prefer the authenticity and control of hand-drawn animation.

When deciding between Flip a Clip and Rough Animator, it ultimately comes down to individual preferences and needs. If you are a hobbyist looking for a simple and easy-to-use animation app, Flip a Clip might be the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you are an experienced animator seeking a more advanced and versatile software with hand-drawn animation capabilities, Rough Animator is the superior option.

In conclusion, the availability of affordable animation software such as Flip a Clip and Rough Animator has transformed the animation landscape, allowing anyone with a smartphone or tablet to explore their creativity in animation. While Flip a Clip offers simplicity and ease of use, Rough Animator provides advanced features and hand-drawn animation capabilities. The choice between these two software options ultimately depends on your skill level, preferences, and animation needs. Whether you are a hobbyist or a professional animator, both Flip a Clip and Rough Animator can be valuable tools in your animation Journey. 006ab0faaa

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