I looked again at this couple. They were now so guileless and so truly noble that it was impossible to question their motives. They were gladly exposing their most devious sins for my sake, and were genuinely glad to be able to do it.

As we are begin the third year in which I have written this Word for the Week for our Internet friends, I want to do a brief review of its purpose. When given the visions that I wrote about in The Final Quest, I climbed a mountain with different levels, which represented different biblical truths. Climbing that spiritual mountain has been the quest of my life ever since. It is also the purpose of this Word for the Week. My prayer is that all who read this would be encouraged, helped, and continually go higher in the Lord. Our goal is nothing less than to be like Him and do the works that He did, to the glory of His name.

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(In the transcript of an interview at _joyner.htm,Rick Joyner states: "I think we are approaching a quarterof a million being distributed. It is by far our best sellingbook ever, or at least headed towards being our best selling bookever. The reception has been extremely positive, even overwhelmingpositive, even among conservative evangelical circles. We arevery thankful for that." Its translation into Spanish asLA BUSQUEDA FINAL, ISBN 0883684896, should result in even greatersales.)

I welcome and request your feedback,whether constructive, supportive or critical. Please substantiateany criticisms you might have with reasonable supporting proofs,whether from Scripture or from THE FINAL QUEST or from other sources(i.e., don't just tell me that you disagree with me or that Iam wrong or call me nasty names).

I have gotten many requests to read thisreview, and several sites are now linking to it. Of the responsesand comments I have received from those who have read it, themajority have been basically of two kinds: a. Agreement with muchof what I've written coupled with wonder or dismay at the numberof readers who are enthusiastic about the book; and b. Writtenattacks and criticisms of me for daring to "judge" or"criticize" one of God's "prophets." Few respondents,however, have done what I specifically asked them to do when challengingwhat I have written, i.e.: substantiate their criticisms withreasonable supporting proofs, whether from Scripture or from THEFINAL QUEST or from other sources.

Though I have more than once requested you to do so, you have yet to demonstrate, either from the Scriptures or from THE FINAL QUEST itself, that what I have written about Joyner (e.g.: Joyner is basically calling the apostle Paul a liar; Joyner is placing the spiritual validity of his writings on a par with, or even above, the Scriptures) is incorrect. I therefore stand by what I have written and continue to believe that Christians are better off being made aware of these aspects of Joyner's teachings than, as you have told me to do, just to pray for Joyner without any biblical judgment or discernment applied to his public teachings.

On the other hand, I have received a few notes from persons who were very thankful that I had taken the time and effort to share some valid concerns with the Body of Christ, and for that I have been grateful. One person was fearful of losing his position in his church for questioning Joyner, whose book was quite popular in his fellowship, but the Lord strengthened him and enabled him to go to his pastor with my material and some other things, and his pastor welcomed it and began to change his own previously-favorable views of Joyner. Interestingly, this pastor's wife had some of the same reservations and concerns about THE FINAL QUEST that I addressed in my critique. Coming across my critique and conversing with me and a friend by e-mail helped this person come to his decision about how to talk with his pastor, and it has all turned out for the better, the last I heard.

Again, until persons can disprove or discount what I have written, or until Joyner explains the questionable and unbiblical and anti-biblical statements he makes in this book, I will continue to believe that it is better to share what I have written than not to share it.

For those who feel that any criticisms that are made in any format in which unbelievers might easily observe, again, the question must be asked, Where do you get such a notion? What authority is there for such an idea? Our Lord ministered under the Old Covenant, yet he was publicly critical of the religious leaders of his day; He spoke against the priests, the Pharisees, the scribes, and the Sadducees. He went into the temple, in full view of the Roman guard, and drove the money makers out with a whip! (Hmm. Talk about harsh.) Furthermore, it is apparent from the New Testament that it was not entirely unusual for unbelievers to be present among the saints, even in the meetings of the church (1 Cor. 14:23); so, really, the idea of a format that is public to the church but not available to unbelievers isn't feasible.

My question about the mantel (sic) Joynerreceives is: Does God give us a mantel of humility (also see pp.66 and 68 regarding this mantel), or is it rather an attitudethat we are to adopt and cultivate in keeping with our new lifeand nature (Ephesians 4:2; Philippians 2:3; Colossians 3:12)?Note: Joyner later spells "mantel" as "mantle."

If the eagles ("prophets") areindeed dead Christians, then Joyner could be implying that God'speople need to receive direction from the spirits of the deceased(and it could also imply that those whom Joyner and his associatesare currently holding forth as God's "prophets" areactually channeling the spirits of these deceased persons). Howdead persons are to help the living in this "last battle"against Satan and his demons is perplexing to me. It does, however,seem that some of the people in this "vision" are living(i.e., the Christians that Joyner sees fighting and being attackedby the demons), though some are dead (i.e., those Joyner meetsin the course of his "vision" who help him along onhis spiritual quest/adventure). I'd hate to add necromancy tothe list of unscriptural or quasi-scriptural practices Joynerseems to be encouraging the church to engage in.

In an interview located on the Internetat _joyner.htm,Joyner states in answer to a question about the eagles: "Ithink the Eagles are definitely people, especially, I felt, thatthey represented hidden but deeply experienced men and women ofGod who had just spiritually soared in the high places with theLord and had grown very close to Him and His nature, but are stillvery hidden away. Just like eagles very seldom flock together,these are found individually and in small groups around, but theyknow the Lord well and they are going to be seen and revealedin due time." This would indicate that the eagles are livingpersons.

Joyner's statements about the doors andthe treasures sound like they come from Tolkien's THE LORD OFTHE RINGS or a fantasy novel or a "New Age" quest-adventurebook. I suppose there might be passages in Proverbs or elsewherethat might suggest that such treasures are in our "heart"and that we collect more treasures as we reach higher levels (kindof like a ZORK or King's Quest computer game!), but I tend tothink that all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge arein Christ (Colossians 2:3), and that they will stay in Christ,rather than us being or becoming "the treasure house of God."

These comments about veils being removedmake this "vision" of Joyner's sound more like a "warriorquest" fantasy/fiction novel than a biblical experience.His appropriation (or, rather, misappropriation) of II Corinthians3:15-18 fails at several points, in my opinion: 1) Paul writesthat we are now able to view the Lord with unveiled faces; it'snot something that happens after we die and "come to thetrue judgments of God"; 2) the veil is removed by turningto the Lord, not by encountering persons in some mystical "corridor"who help remove it; 3) it is while (or because) we are beholding(or reflecting) the glory of the Lord that we are changed intothe same image (probably by the Lord, since the passive voiceis used; even though in Greek the passive is identical in thepresent tense with the middle voice, the context clearly favorsthe passive, not the middle, voice, and no translations give ita middle rendering, i.e., "we are transforming ourselves").

This section should cause the reader toseriously question Joyner's claim that the contents of THE FINALQUEST came from legitimate, God-given "visions." I don'tknow which disturbs me more -that Joyner would put this forthas a genuine vision from God and/or actually believe that thiswas a vision from God, or that despite this section (or maybebecause of it) tens of thousands of Christians are loving andrecommending this book. You can read some of these ecstatic "readerreviews" of THE FINAL QUEST at Amazon Books:

Though it doesn't surprise me, it doesgrieve me that many in the Charismatic church have embraced andwelcomed this book. In the transcript of an interview with Joynerat _joyner.htmin which he elucidates some points about THE FINAL QUEST, Joynercomments on the great number of copies that are being sold andits generally positive reception by Christians. Search engineresults on the Internet show that it is a "bestseller"in many Christian markets.

For Joyner to prove that this was a genuineencounter with the apostle Paul, he should have had Paul answersome real questions, e.g.: What was Paul's "thorn in theflesh"? How are the events in Galatians to be reconciledchronologically with the Acts accounts? Was the Cephas that Paulrebuked at Antioch the apostle Peter, as is commonly believed,or another person, as some in the early church believed? Whatis Paul's position on women speaking in church, teaching men,holding office, etc. (i.e., his statements in I Corinthians 14:34ff.,I Timothy 2:11ff., etc.)? What is or what became of the Laodiceanletter (Colossians 4:16) -i.e., is it what we now call Ephesians?Which of the letters ascribed to him did Paul actually write ordictate? How should one punctuate or grammatically diagram theGreek of Ephesians 1? 006ab0faaa

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