Finish: This was easy to find, the start arch was also the finish arch. There was a clock and photographers. A volunteer handed each person a bottle of water, and then you were given a medal based on the distance you ran. The chute seemed longer than it did at the start, but was not crowded. It was about a block walk to post race festivities. You could grab your bag from gear check, a recovery drink stand was open with a chocolate drink and powerade. There was a live band performing. A market style stand was set up with bananas and oranges. There was also a gear stand to buy race merchandise. A tent was set up to claim the deja vu platter, it was just a plastic tray.

La Poste a en effet mis fin, au 1er janvier, au timbre rouge pour les lettres urgentes distribues le lendemain pour le remplacer par une version dmatrialise appele "lettre rouge lectronique".

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"Industriellement, il fallait supprimer la lettre rouge" car "les besoins devenaient tellement marginaux", poursuit le dirigeant. "J'assume, et si j'avaisĀ  reprendre la dcision, je la reprendrais."

Le 21 aot 2013, la communaut internationale n'a aucune doute. La "ligne rouge" dicte par Barack Obama vient d'tre franchie, avec un raid aux armes chimiques prs de Damas imput au rgime syrien.

Les vacances, pour beaucoup, c'est (bientt) fini ! Qui dit fin du mois d'aot dit routes charges dans le sens des retours, notamment pour la journe de samedi. Bison fut la classe dj rouge et prvoitĀ  une circulation trs difficile . 2351a5e196

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