The training mixture includes 20 different languages, listed here in descending order of number of tokens: 

Markdown, Java, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, SQL, JSX, reStructuredText, Rust, C, CSS, Go, C++, HTML, Vue, Ruby, Jupyter Notebook, R, Shell

In total, the training dataset contains 175B tokens, which were repeated over 3 epochs -- in total, replit-code-v1-3b has been trained on 525B tokens (~195 tokens per parameter).

The model has been trained on the MosaicML platform with 256 x A100-40GB GPUs, leveraging their latest LLM examples repo.

replit-code-v1-3b is powered by state-of-the-art LLM techniques, such as: Flash Attention for fast training and inference,AliBi positional embeddings to support variable context length at inference time, LionW optimizer, etc.

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Only the code is blurry- not the file tree and not the terminal. My replit home page and all other pages (that are not code) work fine with no blur.

I have tried accessing different projects of mine, and those are all blurry.

I have restarted my computer, logged out, and back into replit, closed and replaced the replit tab,

and tried making a new project file.

All of those did not change the blurriness.

The blurriness temporarily goes away as I change the size of the file tree tab or the terminal tab, but as soon as I let go of the tab, the code goes back to being blurry.

With Generate Code, you can give Replit AI a natural language prompt, and Replit AI will return a block of code to fulfill the purpose. This feature can write large chunks of code at once, so it's useful when you want to write small programs or several related functions in one shot.

I tried to use nasm in a bash project on Replit (educator) but it failed as nasm was not installed. 

However, there are some assembly projects on Replit. So I forked a project, added my code, and boom it worked. 

How nasm got installed in that project? Dunno, cause it's nowhere explained.

Now, I'd like to use external functions like printf in the assembly code. The code being x86-32, I need to install something similar to glibc-devel.i686 and glibc-devel (this on Fedora). Seems to be gcc-multilib in Ubuntu.

To install a Linux package in a bash project on Replit, run the command directly from the console or shell. If the command is found on Nix, you'll get an invite to run it from Nix and the package will be added to the config file replit.nix in your poject.

If you need help on a project and want other developers to see your code and files, then you share that browser link. Others won't be able to see your environment variables when you share your project.

This class will make heavy use of on two online services, Canvas (with Panopto) and Canvas and Panopto will be where you will find videos, discussions, and hyperlinks to Zoom sessions. All of your coding (writing, debugging, running, submitting, and grading) will occur in is a cloud-based service that lets you write and run code directly in your web browser. It supports more than fifty programming languages, but it originated as a platform for Python, the language we use in this class. is an online service that lets you easily write and run code in Java (and a number of other programming languages) without needing to install anything on your computer. It also has a feature called "multiplayer," where multiple people can work on the same code at once ( la Google Docs). We will use this feature for pair programming in labs.

The "documents" (programs) you work on in are called "repls." Most of the time, for a lab we will give you a repl containing some code to start with. You will then "fork" it (make a copy in your own account) to work on. (These are terms from software development: "repl" is short for "real-eval-print loop," something that lets you type code and see immediately what happens, like the Interactions pane in jGRASP. "Forking" means to copy an existing software project so that you can create your own spin on it, which is something that is very commonly done in open source projects.)

At their Developer Day on April 25, Replit announced their own open source code generation LLM that was trained in 10 days on the MosaicML platform with 256 x A100-40GB GPUs, leveraging MosaicML's latest LLM examples repo. The replit-code-v1-3b model is a 2.7B LLM trained on 20 languages (Markdown, Java, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, SQL, JSX, reStructuredText, Rust, C, CSS, Go, C++, HTML, Vue, Ruby, Jupyter Notebook, R, Shell) from the Stack Dedup v1.2 dataset.

I took Bolt ai internship and in that first code in replit is to add api key but my api key is not working.I even used different phone number and email id but it shows the following

1692376023990753261405552774276919202560 318 KB is an online IDE. You can use it to write code and build apps from your internet browser. It supports tons of languages. I've mostly been using it while learning JavaScript, but they offer support for dozens of languages.

Build a leaderboard website for online technical challenges using the replit.web framework. The implementation focuses on generic aspects of a leaderboard and allows you to customize the styling to create one for your own competition.

Fair point. I guess I never really bought into the idea of packs as a way to expand the the functionality of a single doc. It seems to me that packs were built to be distributed, but I want to quickly write code to use in a single doc.

I really, really, like the instant and intuitive building experience of Coda, and I come to it when I need to build things fast and without knowing in advance what my schema will be. It usually starts off ugly, and then I iterate to get to something that works really well for me and my team. I would like the code part of my doc to be deeply integrated with the rest of the building experience and just as easy to iterate.

In 2009, Amjad Masad sought to write implementations of other programming languages in JavaScript, but realized it was not practically feasible. He saw great leaps in browser and web technologies and was inspired by the web capabilities of Google Docs. He thought of the idea of being able to write and share code all in a web browser. He spent two years creating an open-source product with Haya Odeh called "JSRepl".[9] This product allowed him to compile languages into JavaScript. It powered Udacity and Codecademy's tutorials. After becoming an early employee of Codecademy, this project was put off until years later, when he and Odeh decided to revive the project of a programming environment in a browser.[3][8]

Since March 2021, "" has been the default domain name for the web service replacing the older "". This change was attributed to Masad's preference that people pronounce the website's name as /rplt/ instead of /rpl/.[9] Another reason cited by Masad was issues with the ".it" top-level domain, such as renewal restrictions.[10]

Replit originally was only a REPL. However, the Ace editor was eventually implemented, allowing for editing of programs as well. In 2017, Replit switched to the Monaco code editor, the same editor used in Visual Studio Code. Due to issues with mobile support, the code editor was switched to CodeMirror over 2021 - 2022.[11] This decision was met with backlash and criticism from the Replit community, which eventually calmed down after bugs and major issues were addressed.

Replit's supports collaborative coding with the ability for multiple users to edit a shared repl, real-time edits across files, and instant messaging.[18] Using a shared compute engine, code can be run and displayed the same to multiple users in a Repl.[18]

Repl environments have built-in source control via Git[19] on all Repls and users can switch branches, push files, and revert code. Replit allows for the pulling of code form a GitHub repository and linking Repls to GitHub repositories.[20] Some Repls also have debugger and unit testing support. Replit uses the Debugger Adapter Protocol to provide debugging services in Java, Python, Node.js, and C++ for all users connected to a Repl.[21] Replit has zero-setup unit testing in several languages.[22] Repls also have secrets management,[23] allowing users to hide values from others who see the Repl publicly. ff782bc1db

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