The Fifa fitness test for referees (men and women) is introduced to measure the physical ability of match officials. The test has been renewed in 2016 and a different test have been made for assistant referees.

If you want to train at home with the Fifa Interval Test, it's much easier with audio files. You can download the specific files for women referees via the two buttons below and play them on your phone or music device. Good luck with the tests.

Download Referees Fitness Test Audio


Any referee who was not registered with the U.S. Soccer Federation the previous year may be certified at the respective certification level previously held after taking and passing the qualifying clinic, written examination, fitness test, and assessments. The following policy applies to referees who were previously certified and registered with the Federation but have lapsed a year or more in registration:

In order to assess and improve fitness, it is important to have valid and reliable a performance fitness test (PFT) that can be feasibly repeated and recorded by test administers. It is important for PFT?s to take into account specificity regarding different positions and their different physical demands. For the soccer referee crew, that means PFT?s need to assess the requisite fitness demands of soccer head referees (referees) and assistant referees (assistants) discussed in?Part 1?- aerobic fitness, repeated sprint ability (RSA), and change of direction (COD). In this blog, I will review the aerobic fitness portion of the current soccer referee PFT for each position and discuss how they can be improved to better test fitness and determine their match readiness using variations of the Yo-yo Intermittent Recovery Test (YYIRT). I will also provide practical resources for the referee crew to efficiently train their fitness using high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Interval Testing for Head Referees

Designed to be aerobically taxing with intermittent bouts of high and low-intensity runs and adjustable to accommodate some of the positional differences between referees and assistants (see Figure 1 for test description), the Interval Test has many major flaws in its practical application and ability to predict match readiness and performance. First, it requires a track (or a full-size soccer field), which is not readily available for all referees and organization. Secondly, the test audio must be audible to runners across the entire track/field, which necessitates either loudspeakers or one or more test administrators yelling when to start and stop. Also, these administrators should be at each start/stop point in order to determine whether every runner made it or not.? Having participated in a multitude of these tests with my local referee organizations, I rarely see enough test administrators and often witness runners cheat this test, making this test almost useless.

Most importantly, according to Castagna et al, the test itself is ?does not relate to match performance? and should be revised to be more ?task-specific? in order to measure aerobic fitness with repeated high-intensity bouts and COD, such as the (YYIRT)(1). It is important to distinguish between the two YYIRT levels and note that Level 1 is the most appropriate version for referees since it best measures the capacity to perform intermittent exercise using the aerobic system (2). Having been validated for soccer referees, the YYIRT is already being used in some organizations to distinguish referees of higher/lower score with the necessary fitness for hierarchal levels of competition (3). For more information on the YYIRT and how it is and can be used, check out Greg Gustin?s?article.

The YYIRT is also superior to the FIFA Interval Test in several practical ways requiring much less space, only a few cones (Figure A), an audio player (even a cell phone would suffice), and one test administrator. While more research is needed to show the potential correlation of the YYIRT results of referees and their match performance, the YYIRT has been shown to be very valuable for measuring the fitness of soccer players and correlates well with:

Since referees have been shown to best resemble midfielders, it may be possible to generalize these correlations with this position. Another valuable aspect of the YYIRT is its significant correlation to maximal oxygen usage (VO2Max), an important aspect of aerobic fitness, which is calculable (2). Given a large amount of normative data with soccer players, this will allow the referee crew to see their fitness more objectively and see how they compare to the level of players they officiate (Figure B).

Interval Testing for Assistant Referees

Very similar to the Interval Test for referees, the test for assistants is the same total length (4000m) except the intervals are shorter and more frequent (see Figure 2 for test description).

According to another study by Castagna et al, this test is a reproducible and valid means of measuring the intermittent aerobic fitness of assistant referees and ?able to distinguish between assistant referees of different competition levels? (4). For the same reasons as the YYIRT, the ARIET is also superior in practicality and administration to the current FIFA Interval Test for assistants. Lastly, the ARIET is more task-specific and requires to assistants to reproduce similar multi-directional movements and COD that would be used in a match. While more research is needed to show the potential correlation of the ARIET results of assistant and their match performance, referees organizations, even FIFA, are beginning to see the value of this test and using it as a means of measuring the aerobic fitness of assistant referees (3)

I often see and hear referee crew members boasting that the only time they train their fitness (outside of refereeing matches) is 2-3 weeks prior to a PFT and all they do is rehearse the FIFA Interval Test. Yes, this is mostly done out of laziness, but if most of them end up passing the PFT, who?s to blame them? The problem with this approach is, the Interval Test is an invalid match readiness predictor (1); therefore, it is an insufficient way of preparing referees for a match. It is important for officials to be familiar with the current Interval Test in order to pass the PFT, but it is vastly more important for them to be match ready. With sufficient HIIT, referee crews can develop a level of fitness to be match ready and pass the PFT.

Discussion and Next Steps

How referees and assistants can incorporate HIIT into their overall training plan is where the art of program design comes into play. These individuals will need to take into account their current training loads, number of matches, overall running volume, along with several other fitness-related (and non-fitness-related) factors. There are numerous resources available specific to referee crews that provide accessible and practical training options, such as the?US Soccer Referee Department?(6), that take advantage of HIIT on soccer fields or treadmills.

It is important to remember that many sub-elite referees and assistants tend to officiate more often and more total games than their elite counterparts, who tend to officiate only one match per week. Therefore, sub-elite officials may have a higher running volume per week than elite officials. This is certainly why elite referee crews absolutely must train aerobic fitness outside of matches, and why the program from US Soccer is designed for elite referees. This program may need to be accommodated for sub-elite referees to further improve aerobic fitness during the season and off-season.

However, fitness is not the only quality that is measured; RSA and COD are also vital for referees and assistants to test and improve. In the next blog, I will discuss the other portions of the FIFA Fitness Test and how referee crews can train to improve RSA and COD to improve match performance.

NISOA announced new physical performance test events for new members, renewing members and National Referees in January 2017. New test data recording forms, including a new medical examination/waiver form have been developed and are now available for chapter leadership to download. The zip file (link below) also includes audio files that can be used to administer the high intensity run. Click here to watch a video (or download a PowerPoint presentation) describing test administration.

SOONG: They have to be really fit. I talked to a referee who said that they have to be not quite as athletic as the players, but they have to be just as fit. They have to train year round, and they have these fitness tests that they have to pass to be chosen for the World Cup.

SOONG: So FIFA has these fitness tests for different levels. And one of the levels is international referees, so including the World Cup. There are two tests. There's a repeated sprint ability test, and there's, like, an interval test. And they're pretty difficult. I actually had a chance to try it myself, and I couldn't even do one repetition. Not that I'm comparing myself to a league referee.

SOONG: So the first test is called a repeated sprint ability test, and it is six repetitions of 40-meter sprints. And the standards for international referees is six seconds or faster for male referees, and 6.4 seconds or faster for female referees.

SOONG: That's correct. And so referees cover a distance of six to eight miles per match. And so they need to be able to be in position. If you're kind of slightly out of position, you might miss a call. You might miss a penalty. These referees have - really need to be at peak fitness.

All test setup information (distances, running patterns, level requirements, etc.) can be found in the FIFA Fitness Tests for Match Officials 2020 document: https:\/\/\/image\/upload\/fitness-tests-for-match-officials-en-ver-2020.pdf?cloudid=fxfvp6qbo2lcgvjq5lvhHow to use: Select the desired fitness test, gender, and category. Depending on the test and selected attributes, the timings (RSA, interval test, CODA, speed) or the goal level (dynamic yo-yo, yo-yo intermittent, ARIET) may change. At all intervals (run, rest, walk), a beep will indicate being halfway through the interval. For watches with touchscreens, tapping the screen replaces the start\/stop button functionality. Dynamic Yo-Yo and Yo-Yo Intermittent test based on timings for Yo-Yo Intermittent Test Level 1 and ARIET timings based on Yo-Yo Intermittent Endurance Test (Level 2).Tests for referees: Repeated Sprint Ability, Interval Test, Dynamic Yo-Yo, Yo-Yo Intermittent TestTests for assistant referees: Change of Direction Ability, Repeated Sprint Ability, Interval Test, Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance TestTests for futsal and beach soccer referees: Speed, Change of Direction Ability, Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance TestPlease contact me if you experience any issues or bugs with the application. If you would like to support the development of this app, you are welcome to donate here: https:\/\/\/jpowers154?country.x=AU\u0026locale.x=en_AUIcon:"; var appDescriptionMoreLabel = "More"; This watch app provides timings for all FIFA approved fitness tests for match officials, so referees can practice and train for their own fitness tests in their own associations.All test setup information (distances, running patterns, level requirements, etc.) can be found in the FIFA Fitness Tests for Match Officials 2020 document: -tests-for-match-officials-en-ver-2020.pdf?cloudid=fxfvp6qbo2lcgvjq5lvh 17dc91bb1f

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