Dalam kamus besar bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), Ratib berarti puji-pujian kepada Tuhan yang diucapkan berulang-ulang atau zikir. Kata ini berasal dari bahasa Arab. Dalam bahasa Arab, ratib bersumber dari rattaba yang bermakna 'mengaturkan, menyusun, menguatkan'.

Dalam istilah tasawuf, kata ratib dipakai sebagai suatu bentuk zikir yang disusun seorang guru tarekat atau seorang ulama untuk dibaca pada waktu-waktu tertentu oleh seseorang atau beberapa orang dalam suatu jemaah sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditentukan oleh penyusunnya.

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Isi ratib beberapa diambil ayat Al Quran, dzikir harian, dan doa-doa yang telah disusun sedemikian rupa. Ratib dapat juga diartikan sebagai bacaan doa atau pujian kepada Allah Swt agar mendapat perlindungan dari segala marabahaya.

Sebagian ulama salaf mengatakan di antara keutamaan ratib al attas ini bagi mereka yang tetap mengamalkannya, adalah dipanjangkan umur, mendapat Husnul-Khatimah, menjaga segala kepunyaannya di laut dan di bumi dan senantiasa berada dalam perlindungan Allah







As-Shaykh Ali Baras said: "When read in a village or somewhere, he secures his master as guarded by 70 heroes who are bekuda. This Ratib contains useful secrets. Those who continue to practice it will be forgiven by God for their sins even as much as the foam of the sea. "For those who are exposed to magic and recite Ramaib, God willing saved Allah with the blessing of Asma 'Allah, the verses of the Qur'an and the practice of Prophet Muhammad SAW .

Al-Habib Husayn ibn Abdallah ibn Muhammad bin Mohsen bin Husein al-Atthas said: "Those who practice ratib and snake the snake will inevitably happen to him. For the fearful will survive all that is feared.

There is a village that is quite confident with Habib Umar Al-Aththas and istiqamah in reading ratibnya. Small, big, old and young every night they read the ratib rolling with a strong voice. Incidentally the village had an enemy who was about to attack them. This collection of enemies leads a peeper to search for secrets where they can be attacked. Incidentally when the peeper comes in secret they are reading Ratib and up to the dhikr.

To the dhikr which means:

"In the name of Allah, we believe in Allah and whoever believes in Allah is not afraid of him!" Hearing no fear for him, and repeated until three times, the peeper continues to be afraid and returns and then tells his people what he hears and they do not attack. Then save the village.

Ratib Al-Habib Umar bin Abdurrahman Al-Atthas is now about 400 years old. Ratib is now widely read in countries such as Africa including Darussalam, Mombassa and South Africa. Also in Britain, Burma (Myanmar), India and Arab countries. In Africa he was spread by the students of Al-Habib Ahmad bin Hasan such as Al-Habib Ahmad Masyhur Al-Haddad and others. In India, Cambodia and Burma by Al-Habib Abdullah bin Alawi Al-Aththas. So now the collections of al-Habib Umar or Zawiyah ratib are still practiced in Rangoon and in some areas of Burma. But they are more famous there with the Thariqah al-Aththasiyah. 152ee80cbc

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