The algebra section of QuickMath allows you to manipulate mathematical expressions in all sorts of useful ways. At the moment, QuickMath can expand, factor or simplify virtually any expression, cancel common factors within fractions, split fractions up into smaller ('partial') fractions and join two or more fractions together into a single fraction. More specialized commands are on the way.

Algebra is the branch of elementary mathematics which uses symbols to stand for unknown quantities. In a more basic sense, it consists of solving equations or manipulating expressions which contain symbols (usually letters, like x, y or z) as well as numbers and functions. Although solving equations is really a part of algebra, it is such a big area that it has its own section in QuickMath.

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This part of QuickMath deals only with algebraic expressions. These are mathematical statements which contain letters, numbers and functions, but no equals signs. Here are a few examples of simple algebraic expressions :

Many formulas which occur in mathematics and the sciences determinefunctions. As an illustration, the formula A = pi*r2 for the area Aof a circle of radius r assigns to each positive real number r a unique value ofA. This determines a function f, where f(r) = pi*r2, and we may writeA= f(r). The letter r, which represents an arbitrary number from the domain off,is often called an independent variable. The letter A, which represents a numberfrom the range off, is called a dependent variable, since its value depends onthe number assigned tor. When two variables r and A are related in this manner,it is customary to use the phrase A is a function of r. To cite another example,if an automobile travels at a uniform rate of 50 miles per hour, then thedistance d (miles) traveled in time t (hours) is given by d = 50t and hence thedistance d is a function of time t.

Math drills are a key part to your case interview prep, because quick data analysis is a key part of everyday life in consulting. Your case interviews will most definitely include calculations you need to make mentally while verbalizing your process. So, mental math will be a big part of your case interview success or failure.

Math drills are the best approach to build competence and confidence in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and key business math concepts. We hope you enjoy the provided math drills and that they equip you to crush your case interview and consulting math!

Included below is set of 10 questions per drill category. Need more? An infinite amount of drills in these categories, plus case math and case structure drills, are included as part of the Mental Math for Consulting and Case Interview courses. If you represent a Career Services office, Consulting Club, or PDA, access to all digital prep resources is included in the MC School Subscription Platform.

Each of five games focuses on a different number-sense skill. In "Number Match Monsters," kids count monsters and tap to show how many there are using dot patterns, numerals, or number words. In "Spotlight on Subitizing," kids quickly estimate the number of monsters on the screen without counting them. In "Number Memory Mansion," they keep track of how many monsters enter and leave a house. In "Count and Add Bus," kids drag monsters into a bus to match a given number. And in "Number Line Train," they drag numbered monsters and place them in order.

I am not as interested in problems which motivated the development of complex machinery that eventually solved them, such as the Poincare conjecture in dimension five or higher (which motivated the development of surgery theory) or the Weil conjectures (which motivated the development of l-adic and other cohomology theories). I would also prefer results which really did have difficult solutions before the quick proofs were found. Finally, I insist that the proofs really be quick (it should be possible to explain it in a few sentences granting the machinery on which it depends) but certainly not necessarily easy (i.e. it is fine if the machinery is extremely difficult to construct).

Here is my example. In the 1930's (I think), Wiener gave a proof that if $f$ is a continuous nonvanishing function on the circle with absolutely convergent Fourier series, then so is $1/f$. The proof was a long piece of hard analysis, involving detailed local calculations and complicated estimates. Later (in the 1940's?), Gelfand found that the statement follows from the basic theory of Banach algebras as follows. The functions on the circle with absolutely convergent Fourier series can be characterized as the image of the Gelfand transform $\Gamma: l^1(\mathbb{Z}) \to C(S^1)$. In general if $\Gamma: B \to C(M)$ is the Gelfand transform from a commutative Banach algebra to the ring of continuous functions on its maximal ideal space, then $x$ is invertible in $B$ if and only if $\Gamma(x)$ is invertible in $C(M)$. So the hypotheses on $f$ imply that $f = \Gamma(x)$ for some invertible $x$ in $l^1(\mathbb{Z})$, and a simple calculation shows that $1/f = \Gamma(x^{-1})$.

The Nielsen-Schreier subgroup theorem: subgroups of free groups are free. This has a very quick proof using the fact that a group is free precisely when it acts freely and without inversions on a tree.

The associativity of the group law on an elliptic curve can be proved by a tedious and unenlightening calculation, but it can be derived pretty quickly once you have developed some curve theory (Riemann-Roch, etc.).

How about de Branges' proof of the Bieberbach conjecture? My understanding is that his original proof ran to 100+ pages, but others soon found a way of bringing it down to considerably less than that - maybe not a quick proof, but a relatively quick proof.

If you're compiling for 32-bit x86 then gcc and g++ default to using the x87 for floating point math, on 64-bit they default to SSE, however the x87 can and will produce different values for the same computation so it's unlikely g++ will consider vectorizing if it can't guarantee that you will get the same results unless you use -ffast-math or some of the flags it turns on.

Everybody thinking they above average looks like me is below sad sad  Rusith +2 Level 18 Feb 14, 2021 THIS QUIZ IS WAY TOO EASY  12345wired +1 Level 30 Mar 12, 2021 100% with 16 seconds left on the clock.  Anrinee +1 Level 16 Mar 13, 2021 I finished it, with 56 seconds remaining!! i am 12!!  leathchr19 +1 Level 36 Mar 14, 2021 Too much time, should make it one minute instead  User9999BQuizer +1 Level 19 Jun 5, 2021 I completed half of it then I got to level 15 this is my first comment on a quiz and 2nd comment on JetPunk.  davidlee0722 +2 Level 38 Jun 9, 2021 passed with 1:46 remaining, got my math wizard badge!  spongepat +1 Level 22 Jun 30, 2021 amazing quiz!  rhysbeast9 +2 Level 28 Aug 13, 2021 first try with 21 seconds left.  FactoFanatic +1 Level 68 Aug 16, 2021 Finally got with 18 seconds left... right as I'm tired and about to go to bed.  Haddies +1 Level 33 Sep 13, 2021 Love this....1.19 left to the tens first, then easy to add the single multiplier.  Jor85 +1 Level 94 Nov 16, 2021 Done in 40'' (1'50'' to go).  GrantisAtlantis3 +1 Level 25 Dec 20, 2021 Finished in 1 min, 1 sec :)   MDawg396 +1 Level 56 Jan 24, 2022  84x5   MDawg396 +1 Level 56 Jan 24, 2022 i also got 23x3  Moeilijk +1 Level 51 Jan 28, 2022 Not the greatest mathematician but I am trying to get all the badges (video game badge was a pain to achieve)  Moeilijk +1 Level 51 Jan 28, 2022 Was AFK and almost ran out of time but I came back with 2 mins left and thanks to my quick math skills (high school sucks but it's a valuable lesson) I beat it with 53 seconds left.  Wyattiswhiz +1 Level 47 Feb 13, 2022 Bro beat it in 50 seconds fast math is my kind of thing

And yet I got it done with 1:59 left. How does that make you feel.  Myles980 +1 Level 21 May 4, 2023 Great!  nick270502 +1 Level 56 May 22, 2023 I can't do this... stuck on 19. Disappointing because although I'm not talented at maths I am usually pretty good. Just too slow for this.  john42 +1 Level 15 Jul 19, 2023 20 out of 20 in 16 seconds.  Neptuniumer +1 Level 28 Dec 25, 2023 Bro got heart attack when he was at the last one and completed in the last second Load more comments Add comment Word of the Day Jan 01, 2024 Ephemeral adjective Definition: Lasting for a very short time In a sentence: A beautiful sunset is always ephemeral  New and Popular alldeenesfifritnlplpt US States QuizFast Typing 1 to 100World Capitals QuizU.S. Presidents QuizWord Scramble - CountriesWorld Map with Random Merged CountriesCountries that Start with B

Make it Five/Make it Ten (1-5 minutes)

In this cooperative game, students meet in pairs. One student throws forward some number of fingers. The second student must throw forward however many fingers will make the sum 5 (or 10). For example, if two students meet and one student puts forward two fingers, the other student should, as quickly as possible, look, think, and throw forward three fingers. Then they part and each finds a new partner.

Quick Math Jr. is an app for young users to begin to practice their math skills. At the beginning, the user creates a monster of their own that will be used as they move through various math-centric activities. Users learn to place numbers in order, count by groups, add numbers together, count backwards, and select correct answers when provided with prompts. All activities feature the numbers on screen as well as a person reading them out loud as the user clicks on them, providing two different ways to remember the numbers they are using. As the player accomplishes these activities, they earn various eyes, mouths, noses, and costumes that they can use to edit their current monster or create additional ones to join them in future math games.

Full disclosure: I never enjoyed math class. Especially story problems. They seemed cruel and unusual punishment. My attitude changed when I became a pilot, learned how to use a mechanical E6B and the performance charts in the pilot operating handbook (POH), and learned to fly instruments using the power-performance concept. These were practical applications of story problems. e24fc04721

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