Skip, Thanks. UM, I have seen references to Anaconda but I am confused about what it is. I expect to be running python scripts from the terminal window. Is Anaconda a separate program and interface? or does it load things that are then accessed via the terminal? And what is Jupyter?? Thank you! Tobias

Fresh install Zorin 16.1

Neither pip3 nor pip is installed with the OS any more ??

I know I can install it with sudo apt install python3-pip but that pip will install packages for the current user only (the directory is not on path either) and the while I was trying to add it to path, I made a few mistakes and broke some things and had to reinstall the OS.

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Hey all,

I have been using twarc2 for quite some time to extract twitter data.

I also used the twarc-csv plugin. However, since upgrading python to 3-11 it stopped working.

I reinstalled twarc-csv through pip3 install --upgrade twarc-csv, but when I run

twarc2 csv --output-columns "id,created_at,text,,author.username,author.location,geo.coordinates.coordinates,geo.full_name,,public_metrics.like_count" test.jsonl test.csv it shows

Does it work if you install wheel first or use that pep flag? I tried it on Ubuntu with those python versions and it worked there. I did see that error before, but I thought the latest version fixed it

@IgorBrigadir since I had to install twarc and python under brew to make it finally work, I tried to make a copy of twarc where I changed all parts that led to the brew directory (to make it work on my pyenv not on brew as I would like to avoid the mess of multiple python versions outside of pyenv).

I managed to change paths in pyvenv.cfg so it says (with twarc still on brew, I should move that package too eventually)

My build is failing. Based on the traceback (two of them, below), I have a general sense as to why. It involves my dynamic SECRET_KEY configuration variable in The traceback refers to a python-decouple module installed previously. So I commented out the import line to that package in, removed the package from my requirements.txt, and used this instead:

I faced the same problem on Ubuntu 19.04, running Python 3.7.3. I used the following command to get rid of the dateutil errorpip install -U python-dateutil==2.80and then encountered the httptools build fail error. To solve that I ransudo apt-get install python3-devTo reinstall the header files and static libraries for python dev.

First of all, if an online installation instructions says pip install ..., replace that with python3 -m pip install .... Second, to install globally to your home directory, remember to always specify the --user option. For example,

To see all Python packages that you have installed globally, use python3 -m pip list --user. To also see packages installed site wide on the cluster, use python3 -m pip list. Packages installed with python3 -m pip list --user are typically installed to your ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ folder. If CLI executables are installed with one of those packages, they are often installed to ~/.local/bin/.

Note how (my_project) is prepended to the shell prompt when the virtual environment my_project is activate. This tells you that you run in a customized Python environment. Specifically, python3 now points to a local, frozen version:

Note how this local python command points to the local python3 command. What is interesting, and important to notice, is that if we set up a Python 3 virtual environment, then the local python command will point to the local python3 command. In other words, when we use virtual environments, the python command will be using either Python 2 or Python3 at our choice.

The last three days I have been struggling to install pandas. Brand new setup. Installed python-3.11.5-amd64.exe, followed by VS Code. Was able to setup my virtual env. Then I tried pip install pandas and its been downhill since then. I've searched many sites and read through many forums. One thread suggested downloading the pandas-2.1.0.tar.gz file locally and pointing the install path to it.

I usually run yay -Syu to upgrade my arch installation. However, for the past week, I have been getting an error where a number of preexisting files under python site-packages exist and the upgrade fails due to file conflicts. Here is the complete log. How do I correct this problem?

ceph-libs is probably the package that yay was going to build. Do you need it or since it was dropped to AUR can you remove it and any packages depending on it?

Even if you remove ceph-libs you want to clean up the untracked files in /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ and stop the activity that is creating them.

Yes and no - but this confusion is one of many reasons why yay is not well suited for these tasks. The aur package that ultimately leads to the errors is ceph-libs. If you do not need that package, you could remove it - though that'd actually only brush the issue under the rug. Yay is attempting to update ceph-libs, and in order to do so it needs to install dependencies including several python packages which it does behind the scenes by calling pacman to install these from the main repos. And several of these python packages result in the conflicting files warnings.

Python 2 and Python 3 are both available via python2 and python3. The command python is an alias for python2. We recommend to be explicit about which version you want to use, also when using the default Python 2, i.e. use python2 when you know your script requires Python 2 and python3 when you know it requires Python 3.

After getting the library installed I can run any one of the python examples and they work as expected. After completing this I then tried to load the DpethAI SDK. I followed the instructions found at " " and ran the following command.

Using a Windows 10 computer I was able to load both the DepthAI Library and DpethAI SDK and they both work as expected with no problems using an anaconda virtual python environment. I just cannot get the DepthAI SDK to work on the Jetson Nano.

To test if the virtual environment was working I ran the following command,

 "source ~/vpython39/p39/bin/activate"

 The result was good in that the command line prompt now showed "(p39)" as being activated.

After install was completed I checked to see where it got loaded and found that two new folders were created,



Try out our example-python repository to see more how lockfile support works, along with other ways Pants improves Python builds like running all your formatters and linters in parallel with caching. And let us know what you think in Slack!

I have no experience with venv. But use pyenv on mac and thus have some understanding of python version seggregation in virtual environments.

Suspecting it had something to do with the installed virtual environment I went to /opt/habapp and did a source ./bin/activate. From the activated venv I confirmed Python 3.7 with python -V and did a python -m pip install pydantic.

This table shows the differences (both python 3.7.3 environment) between the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 (non modified after HABapp installation) and the Rasperry Pi 2 (updated libraries with python -m pip install ).

During the start of the project, CDK version 1 was the only major version available. When working with CDK version 1, every package/module which is needed for the CDK App, needs to be installed. For this application, which is a python CDK App, a requirements.txt is used.

As this is a python based CDK project, packages can be installed in a virtual environment. A virtual environment is standard setup when you first install a CDK project. For the migration to CDK version two, an extra virtual environment to install our CDK version 2 packages in was created.

I also tried to install through the batch files provide here. It created CP_plugin under miniconda environment; however, the similar issues on building centrosome and python-javabridge still happened, and cellprofiler was not installed. The error message looks like below (I activated CP_plugins and tried to manually install cellprofiler):

SUSE mitigates the risk of Python version conflicts with explicit naming, ensuring that respective versions installed from the official repositories have unique file and directory names.For example, you will find the default Python interpreter is the executable file, /usr/bin/python3.6, but, if you have Python 3.10 installed, its interpreter is the file, /usr/bin/python3.10.

Your Python virtual environment has its own pip executable and symbolic links to the Python interpreter you used to create it.These are located in the bin/ subdirectory of your working directory.After activating your virtual environment, use python --version and pip --version to verify the versions of these commands.

More information on Python support in CIAO can be found in "ahelp python", and there is limited customization support as described in users may opt to run their own installation instead; see "ahelp ciaorc".

Like virtual environments,conda environmentsfollow the same paradigm of isolating dependencies for a package or a model.But, they exist globally and are saved in a single location. Further, they don'tneed to be limited to installation of python packages.

Notes: the demo material from Actinia/GRASS, opendatacube and others use an AWS connection. We want to demo without requiring a connection. There was an idea that a video could be a local file with the demo. Enock said he can edit video, and that some High School Summer of Code students submit their project this way, but the quality is not professional. Angelos suggested that any demo in a video should also be available to actually run, if the network is working; also the GRASS Notebooks download data, and then use that as the demo, instead of doing work only in the clouds. Brian said we should move to beta1 with ordinary Jupyter and then make changes to the details of the Notebooks and python stack. e24fc04721

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