The error I was experiencing (Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.) was a misplaced root folder of the new site, not a filesystem issue. The new site was actually located in ~/public_html_3.0/public_html/, because I unzipped it wrong. The new sym-link I put in place, public_html => public_html_3.0, was now pointing to a folder without an index file, hence the error.

This solution requires you to have FollowSymlinks enabled for the server or this specific VirtualHost and assumes your vhost is pointing to /home/user/public_html (~/public_html). See accepted answer for permission/ownership instructions.

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Of course, all the app directories have to have proper permissions, as described in the accepted answer above and the owner:group of the directories have to be the same as the original public_html. Also, the symbolic link must belong to the same user:group with same permissions in case your server configuration allows only symlinks from the same user.

The underlying software and configuration (Passenger) handle the mapping of the application to a publically accessible URL for you. There is zero need to place your application within the public_html folder. Instead, choose a directory named after your application or something similar.

what is the difference between www and public_html? I have hosed my domain in a small hosting company and when i was going through all its folders i found both the folder www and public_html has the same content. but by hosting company asks me to upload all my files into public_html. Iam curious to know the difference between these two folders.

Felgall is right, they are basically the same thing the way that most servers are setup. I have seen some servers setup where the public_html folder would show when you go to the address and the www folder would show when you go to but this is not the normal setup.

There are some programs that expect the folder to be public_html and some that expect www so by giving the one folder both names they make sure that the programs will work whichever of the two names that the program expects.

Not if public_html is the real folder and www is the shortcut - but it will break whatever there is on your saite that references www instead of public_html (perhaps some of the tools in the control panel).

Also i can place different files seperately in www and public_html so they show different files. NOT SAME at all. You need to put all your files in public_html otherwise it will not work. at least not by default

At times, the public_html folder is known as the web root. This designation is commonly found in most web hosting control panels, although it might occasionally be indicated using a slightly varied label. In our illustrative case, the Web root is synonymous with the public_html folder, and this correlation accurately holds true for the cPanel control panel.

Frequently, the primary file hosted for your domain is named index.html (or any of the other default filenames) in the public_html folder. When accessed, this file will showcase the respective webpage.

These are some of the common filenames used for default web pages within the public_html folder, covering various scripting languages like PHP and ASP as well. cPanel does not support .ASP pages.

You also have the option to establish subdomains and add-on domains. These will be located within the public_html folder at your selected destination and will function in a manner similar to how the public_html folder serves your primary domain name.

I have SSH access (limited) and can run composer. My site is in a subfolder, not in public_html directly and the page just throws 403. Any ideas what to do there? Gotta point vhost to the right dir I guess, but am at a loss where to do that or how to set it up inside Bedrock.

When you set up a web hosting account using cPanel, one domain must be the primary domain. Your primary domain will always go in a directory labeled public_html. If you host other sites on the same cPanel account, then they are addon domains. cPanel used to require that these addon domains go inside public_html. Now, you can have your addons anywhere in your user directory. This tutorial will show you how to place your addon domains in the best location.

Keeping multiple sites inside of public_html needlessly complicates your site configurations. This is especially true of WordPress sites. Certain configurations will cause .htaccess and php.ini settings from one site to affect other sites stored in the same directory. If you keep your addon domains inside public_html, they are affected by the primary domain configuration files. Moving the addon domain outside of public_html lets you isolate that domain.

public_html/index.html or index.php is where cPanel looks for the page to serve when someone visits The easiest way to get a webpage there is to put a HTML file at index.html.

If you want only one website in your account, you'll either want to move the contents of your subdirectory up so that index.html is in public_html, or you'll want to redirect where your home page is living.

Once you have located public_html/index.html or a redirect, take a look at its permissions in File Manager. The permissions should be identified as 644, so that you can write to it but the rest of the world can only read it.

This article describes how to change the document root directory for an account on a shared server. By default, your account's document root directory is the /home/username/public_html directory, where username represents your A2 Hosting account username. However, sometimes you may want to use a different directory as the document root. This is often the case, for example, if you want to try out a new application or test a website configuration before it goes live.

You can change the document root directory by moving the contents of the public_html directory to another directory, and then creating a symbolic link that points public_html to the new document root directory. To do this, follow these steps:

You can restore the original configuration and use the public_html directory as the document root again by reversing the procedure that you followed above. To do this, follow these steps:

Type the following command, replacing source_directory with the name of the directory that you want to use as public_html. For example, this directory could be the public_html_backup directory that you created in the previous procedure, the new_document_root directory that you were using for testing, or an entirely different directory:

If you are installing on cPanel, you already have "public_html" as your web root so using this template to make a default install will generate a "web" folder that is supposed to be your new web-root so you will now have to reconfigure your account to use "web" instead of "public_html" as your web-root.

4. From my-project-directory, run composer install to download Drupal and all its dependencies. Drupal will be placed inside public_html. You can go ahead to install the site, set up your custom theme and do some initial site building in local.

7. From cPanel root, run composer install --no-dev The --no-dev switch skips the installation of packages not intended for use in production. Composer will download vendor folder on the cPanel root and place Drupal inside public_html.

I have cpanel emailing me every time it does a cron job and what it sends me is the code you see if you view the source on the home page. If it was really loading the controller, it should go to the page that the controller controls.

Background: When I changed the php.ini settings through cPanel, there was an error "Error: The EUID, 1005, does not own /home/my_user_name/public_html/.htaccess." I understood this because it was the .htaccess file was owned by root:root,

cPanel original structure:

My subdomains public_html files are under microsub folder structure below within the main domain public_html files (standard in cPanel). Only admin subdomain folder is at the root of public_html and seems to have worked fine with virtualmin migration.

It looks like the subdomain folder is only compatible to be under /home/user/public_html/subdomain and because my subdomain folder was under another folder i.e. /home/user/public_html/microsub/subdomain the php module was failing to switch it, because it seems that the folder structure is hardcoded somewhere instead of taking it from the server root settings instead.

I just played around with my hosting (based on Cpanel). I discovered that I can place a subdomain outside the public_html folder. I could then also access it from a domain. I have more than one domain (in public_html) on that server. It means that I could have shared files on that hidden subdomain. Would that be a good idea? Pros, cons?

I could then also access it from a domain. I have more than one domain (in public_html) on that server. It means that I could have shared files on that hidden subdomain. Would that be a good idea? Pros, cons?

As a part of 1st step to install my new downloaded theme, I'm suppose to copy app and pub folder to public_html folder. Since there are 2 such folders already present, i'm assuming that we have to merge these 2 folders. ff782bc1db

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