These APIs are defined by versionhelpers.h, which is included in the Windows 8.1 software development kit (SDK). This file can be used with other Microsoft Visual Studio releases to implement the same functionality for Windows versions prior to Windows 8.1.

The mistake I did was that I also installed Git for windows (not portable) and I think that's where most of the issues started. But I am not sure. Now I uninstalled it and I am back to Git portable for Windows.

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3) Also, I am not sure what was my previous value for credential.helper. I guess it was manager but I am finding here on SO that there's also wincred. But this wincred seems really old thing. So I guess I should set it to manager.

4) Btw, when I put manager for credential.helper, I get some weird bitbucket (browser-like) pop-up where I need to enter my username and password (btw, where does this pop-up come from? I didn't install anything from bitbucket?).

The Windows IP Helper service (behind svchost) is just that: just a helper. It doesn't bind or reserve any ports by itself out of the box - it only starts doing that because other applications ask for it. In my case, it was netsh, I had setup port forwarding to WSL2 (just like @amra above) and forgot about it. It might be that this also solves your problem.

I just reinstalled windows after nvme secure erased my SSD and this is a scan 1 day after reinstall they appear.. I was wondering what exactly they are and if I should worry or how to permenetly get rid of them as I think they come back every so often?

Before you can connect to AWS CodeCommit for the first time, you must complete the initial configuration steps. For most users, this can be done most easily by following the steps in For HTTPS users using Git credentials. However, if you want to connect to CodeCommit using a root account, federated access, or temporary credentials, you can use the credential helper that is included in the AWS CLI.

Although the credential helper is a supported method for connecting to CodeCommit using federated access, an identity provider, or temporary credentials, the recommended method is to install and use the git-remote-codecommit utility. For more information, see Setup steps for HTTPS connections to AWS CodeCommit with git-remote-codecommit.

Follow these steps to set up an Amazon Web Services account, create and configure an IAM user, and install the AWS CLI. The AWS CLI includes a credential helper that you configure for HTTPS connections to your CodeCommit repositories.

(Optional) If you intend to use HTTPS with the credential helper that is included in the AWS CLI instead of configuring Git credentials for CodeCommit, on the Configuring extra options page, make sure the Enable Git Credential Manager option is cleared. The Git Credential Manager is only compatible with CodeCommit if IAM users configure Git credentials. For more information, see For HTTPS users using Git credentials and Git for Windows: I installed Git for Windows, but I am denied access to my repository (403).

The AWS CLI includes a Git credential helper you can use with CodeCommit. The Git credential helper requires an AWS credential profile, which stores a copy of an IAM user's AWS access key ID and AWS secret access key (along with a default AWS Region name and default output format). The Git credential helper uses this information to automatically authenticate with CodeCommit so you don't need to enter this information every time you use Git to interact with CodeCommit.

Open a command prompt and use Git to run git config, specifying the use of the Git credential helper with the AWS credential profile, which enables the Git credential helper to send the path to repositories:

The credential helper uses the default AWS profile or the Amazon EC2 instance role. If you have created an AWS credential profile to use, such as CodeCommitProfile, you can modify the command as follows to use it instead:

If your installation of Git for Windows included the Git Credential Manager utility, you see 403 errors or prompts to provide credentials into the Credential Manager utility after the first few connection attempts. The most reliable way to solve this problem is to uninstall and then reinstall Git for Windows without the option for the Git Credential Manager utility, because it is not compatible with CodeCommit. If you want to keep the Git Credential Manager utility, you must perform additional configuration steps to also use CodeCommit, including manually modifying the .gitconfig file to specify the use of the credential helper for AWS CodeCommit when connecting to CodeCommit. Remove any stored credentials from the Credential Manager utility (you can find this utility in Control Panel). After you have removed any stored credentials, add the following to your .gitconfig file, save it, and then try connecting again from a new command prompt window:

On some versions of Windows, you might see a pop-up message asking for your user name and password. This is the built-in credential management system for Windows, but it is not compatible with the credential helper for AWS CodeCommit. Choose Cancel.

Every time I start up my computer ESET Activation helper v.2.1 window pops up, only problem is before this whole ordeal I chose to ask again, but the day later I activated without the activation helper and so now I have ESET activated but the window keeps popping up. and I cant select any options from the window because it just says not responding and it stays like that. any way I can fix this annoying pop up every time I turn on my PC?

the result is that this is an attack on windows servers in your environment. So the challenge now is to see which of your workstations are responsible for sending out these packets. This will be a manual process since all you have here in the logs is the bogus DHCP link local address. You will need to trace back to the switches to see if you can associate this traffic with mac addresses as some point in the chain.

Browser Helper Objects are in-process Component Object Model (COM) components. Whenever you launch an instance of Internet Explorer 4.x and higher, it reads a specific registry key to locate the installed BHO's and then loads the objects whose CLSID is stored there. It's important to note that BHO's are tied to the main browser window. That means that if you open multiple instances of Internet Explorer a new instance of the BHO is created when the new browser window is created. The browser initializes the object and asks it for a certain interface. If the interface is found, then IE uses the methods provided to pass its IUnknown pointer down to the helper object. This process is shown in the diagram on the left.

We mentioned above that the information regarding the installed BHO's is stored in the registry. The relevant registry key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects . If this key exists and there are CLSID's listed underneath it, then Internet Explorer uses that information to create an instance of each object. The CLSID of the object must be listed as a subkey and not a named value. These registry keys can be created manually although the self-registration of the BHO may create the registry key as well. Again, it's important to note that multiple copies of the BHO are loaded if you explicitly open new instances of Internet Explorer. Opening a new window from IE is different than launching a new instance of iexplore.exe. When you open new windows from Internet Explorer, each window is duplicated in a new thread without originating a new process - and therefore without reloading BHO's. By comparison, Windows File Explorer will load a separate BHO instance for each new window that is created.

I have the same issue. My workflow used the 'evernote helper' 4+ hours a day to take meeting, class and conference notes - by clipping screen shots, typing, annotating screen shots, adding link, dragging stuff into the note, etc. Now the screen shot doesn't open in the note, it is sent as its own single note to evernote and you never see it. What use is this if you are taking 50 screen shots over the course of an hour zoom meeting? I want the 50 screen shots in my note and I want to annotate them. Sometimes I would use 2 notes. One was the intermediary - the top bar evernote helper where I would do the screen shots and then I would drag them from there to a new note.. because a normal note does not have the capablity of screen shoting over and over again and annotating. It was BRILLIANT!!! So amazing and no matter how many hours I took notes in that one note it NEVER once lost it . I could rely on this workflow 100%. There is nothing like this... SO why disable this workflow? Especially in the time of ZOOM? This is a seller for evernote - just this one workflow!!!

Hey @bstep, hope you're doing well. The 1Password extension helper is a component that is required in order to run the classic extension. However, we do have a new extension available, and it sounds like this is what you have installed in Microsoft Edge. Let's help you get the new extension in Chrome as well.

This is not the rule engine, but the helper libraries . The easiest thing to do is to go into Paper UI and install the Eclipse IoT Marektplace and then look under Bindings for Jython and the Jython Helper Libraries. This is very new and not announced yet, but will only take a couple clicks and will replace the Jython beta. Things to note:

what a mission that was. end result was the following procedure.

uninstall everything relating to the rules.

reinstall rule engine

reinstall helper libraries

reinstall jython rules

copy into the OH file system the 'automation folder

restart OH

then all the bits of the rules that control all my pool automation started working again.

thank you Scott for all of your help and patience with this.

Project Description

Powershell script to run sync and check. It will stop and start before and after sync. Abort on disk errors in the eventlog prior to sync, and email status.

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