A few words on this. It is NOT always forced marriage. Sometimes, it is out of choice. YES, it can violate the rights of women SOMETIMES, it can be a problem, but it has gotten a lot better in recent times, even if it still is a problem SOMETIMES. Many of my relatives are perfectly happy in arranged marriages- hell, my uncle chose to be arranged, and though it is a less common situation, he is very happy with my aunt, the two found each other through their families and it was a mutual choice for them to be married. One myth that should be dispelled is that arranged marriages always lead to eventual love or eternal unhappiness. This is not the truth, arranged marriages are NEVER limited to those two extremes. You can be happy with your partner but not love them. You can literally just learn how to tolerate each other and be friends. There are limitless possibilities for how it CAN ago and I am sick of seeing the same two.

The context of forced marriage in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge is different from forced marriage as occurred in other atrocity situations, such as Sierra Leone, Uganda and Mali. In Sierra Leone, Uganda and Mali, girls and young women were forcibly married to men. However, in Cambodia, both the male and female in the couple were the victims of a third party, namely, the Khmer Rouge authorities. There was, however, often an age difference, with girls and young women married to men older than them.

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As mentioned, couples who were forcibly married were also forced to consummate the marriage. This was carried out under the eye or ear of Khmer Rouge cadres; for example, a cadre would listen, under the (raised) house, to hear if the couple were having sexual intercourse.

Thus, the finding in the Trial Judgment was that men and women were victims of forced marriage as an inhumane act; but that only girls/women were victims of rape within the forced marriage as an inhumane act. This is clearly problematic in its denial of the victimhood of men as victims of rape, and contrary to the advances made in past decades of the evolution of the definition of rape in international criminal courts and tribunal jurisprudence, including a gender-neutral definition to acknowledge that both men and women can be raped.

In the Trial Judgment of November 2018, Khieu Samphan was convicted of the crimes against humanity of other inhumane acts forced marriage (against men and women) and rape in the context of forced marriage (against female victims), as part of a joint criminal enterprise. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, which was merged with the life sentence imposed on him in Case 002/01, with sentences served concurrently.

"We have had a number of cases where we have found that families have been blackmailed into agreeing to forced marriages because, you know, the father or the brother has been picked up, they are being held, and until they agree to marry their daughter to some gunman, they will not be released."

You can be forced into marriage by others such as parents, families or religious leaders. They may force you through assault, threats or violence, making you feel guilty, or taking your money away from you (theft). This is abuse. It is important you remember that this is not okay and you should always have a choice.

An arranged marriage is completely different to a forced marriage. In an arranged marriage, family members may choose the marriage partner. But the bride and groom involved can choose if they want to get married or not and still have the right to say no.

The three-count indictment, unsealed Tuesday, was filed in the District of Columbia accusing Vitel'homme Innocent, the leader of the Kraze Barye gang, of being behind last October's kidnapping for ransom scheme of Jean and Marie Odette Franklin.Advertisement

"We remain steadfast in our mission to hold those responsible for violent crimes committed against U.S. citizens in Haiti," U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves for the District of Columbia said Tuesday. "The gangs and gang leaders in Haiti must be held accountable for their atrocities committed against innocent civilians.

Strange request, I know, but I'm looking for some shows where the heroine is kidnapped by the hero, or forced into a marriage with him. He can be rich/part of a gang/mafia etc, I don't mind which. I don't mind slap/kiss kinda shows but I'd prefer the hero to not be extremely abusive (he's gotta be loveable). He can be manipulative and rough etc, but he has to love the heroine. Any ideas?.... Also, if it has a part where the heroine runs away from the hero and he hunts her down to bring her back to him that would be a bonus!

Little is known about Flores Acosta and her relationship with the MS-13; court documents give nothing away about her life other than her activities as a Black Widow. Sonja Wolf, an assistant professor affiliated with the drug policy program at the CIDE university in Mexico, cautioned against assuming Flores Acosta was a powerful ringleader acting independently, given the track record of women in the Mara gangs.

Forced marriage is a marriage in which one or more of the parties is married without their consent or against their will. A marriage can also become a forced marriage even if both parties enter with full consent if one or both are later forced to stay in the marriage against their will.[1]

A forced marriage differs from an arranged marriage, in which both parties presumably consent to the assistance of their parents or a third party such as a matchmaker in finding and choosing a spouse. There is often a continuum of coercion used to compel a marriage, ranging from outright physical violence to subtle psychological pressure.[2]

Though now widely condemned by international opinion, forced marriages still take place in various cultures across the world, particularly in parts of South Asia and Africa. Some scholars object to use of the term "forced marriage" because it invokes the consensual legitimating language of marriage (such as husband/wife) for an experience that is precisely the opposite.[3] A variety of alternative terms have been proposed, including "forced conjugal association" and "conjugal slavery".[4][5]

In 2009, the Special Court for Sierra Leone's (SCSL) Appeals Chamber found the abduction and confinement of women for "forced marriage" in war to be a new crime against humanity (AFRC decision).[10][11] The SCSL Trial Chamber in the Charles Taylor decision found that the term 'forced marriage' should be avoided and rather described the practice in war as 'conjugal slavery' (2012).[12]

In 2013, the first United Nations Human Rights Council resolution against child, early, and forced marriages was adopted; the resolution recognizes child, early, and forced marriage as involving violations of human rights which "prevents individuals from living their lives free from all forms of violence and that has adverse consequences on the enjoyment of human rights, such as the right to education, [and] the right to the highest attainable standard of health including sexual and reproductive health", and also states that "the elimination of child, early and forced marriage should be considered in the discussion of the post-2015 development agenda."[13][14][15] The elimination of this harmful practice is one of the targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5.[16]

An arranged marriage is not the same as a forced marriage: in the former, the spouse has the possibility to reject the offer; in the latter, they do not. The line between arranged and forced marriage is however often difficult to draw, due to the implied familial and social pressure to accept the marriage and obey one's parents in all respects.[36][37] The rejection of an offer to marry was sometimes seen as a humiliation of the prospective groom and his family.

In Europe, during the late 18th century and early 19th century, the literary and intellectual movement of romanticism presented new and progressive ideas about love marriage, which started to gain acceptance in society. In the 19th century, marriage practices varied across Europe, but in general, arranged marriages were more common among the upper class. Arranged marriages were the norm in Russia before early 20th century, most of which were endogamous.[38] Child marriages were common historically, but began to be questioned in the 19th and 20th century. Child marriages are often considered to be forced marriages, because children (especially young ones) are not able to make a fully informed choice whether or not to marry, and are often influenced by their families.[39]

Forced marriage was also practiced by authoritarian governments as a way to meet population targets. The Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia systematically forced people into marriages, in order to increase the population and continue the revolution.[42]

These marriage ceremonies consisted of no fewer than three couples and could be as large as 160 couples. Generally, the village chief or a senior leader of the community would approach both parties and inform them that they were to be married and the time and place the marriage would occur. Often, the marriage ceremony would be the first time the future spouses would meet. Parents and other family members were not allowed to participate in selecting the spouse or to attend the marriage ceremony. The Khmer Rouge maintained that parental authority was unnecessary because it "w[as] to be everyone's 'mother and father.'"[42]

In the 21st century, forced marriages have come to attention in European countries, within the context of immigration from cultures in which they are common. The Istanbul Convention prohibits forced marriages (see Article 37).[44]

There are numerous factors which can lead to a culture which accepts and encourages forced marriages. Reasons for performing forced marriages include: strengthening extended family links; controlling unwanted behavior and sexuality; preventing 'unsuitable' relationships; protecting and abiding by cultural values; keeping the wealth in the extended family; dealing with the consequences of pregnancy out of wedlock; considering the contracting of a marriage as the duty of the parents; obtaining a guarantee against poverty; aiding immigration.[72][73] 17dc91bb1f

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