The plot takes place in Bhutin, a fictitious country. Crown Prince In and Kaning get married due to a promise between both of their families. Before getting married to Kaning, Prince In had a close friend who is close enough to be called his "girlfriend" named Minnie. He had asked Minnie for her hand in marriage, but Minnie rejected him. Minnie now regrets doing so, and wants Prince In back. Also, the former Crown princess also wants the throne back for her son, Prince In's cousin. But as Prince In and Kaning spend time together every day, they begin to understand each other more and develop feelings for each other. How will Prince In and Kaning's love story unfold? Edit Translation

The acting is ok, except for the "villains" - Nakhun's mother , Minnie's uncle and sometimes Nakhun's acting leave a lot to be desired. It almost seems like they are acting in a different drama than everyone else! It is so annoying to me that I skip their scenes 9the previous crown princess and minnie's uncle) The dowager queen has this half giggle, half laugh which is ok but she laughs just a bit too long esp when no one else is laughing LOL! kinda awkward. I'm not sure how aware she is of all that's going on in the palace.

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But it seems ironic or unfortunate that a drama that has the queen and dowager queen giving the main leads aphrodisiac so they will have sex, a prince that regularly almost makes a move on the princess has a main lead actress who won't kiss on camera. She's a good actress but there might have been others just as good without that clause. I'm not as bothered as others I think, but it still limits what the show could be.

Anyway, I too had high hopes for this drama. I was hoping against hope they would do to what they did to Full House and Kiss Me, which was that they ironed out some annoying kinks in the originals and somehow made it better and more logical. I was also hoping they would not go the way of the original and up the sweetness a bit more. However, now after having watched Episode 15, I think it would be safe to say all my hopes have been dashed. In my mind, there is only one thing that I think is better here than in the original, and that is how Pattie portrayed the princess. Eun Hye is a great actress, but I thought her princess was just too whiny, bordering on bratty, in fact. She was unnecessarily hostile in many instances and only served to aggravate the situation. Here, at least in the first few episodes, you could totally understand the princess's sadness.

Anyway, as I said, the original had a few key scenes that I thought really made the drama, despite the overwrought conflicts. One of these was when Shin went almost mad looking for the princess, to the point that he even had to ask the ex if she saw the princess. That was key because it made the ex (whose name I could not recall, but I will just call original Minnie) realize that she really had lost him. At the same time, it made the viewers and Shin himself realize just how far he has fallen for his princess. That desperate search was KEY to everything that comes after, and they took it out. Wow. Talk about bad choices. Also, in the original, it was implied that the prince was very sad and lonely and there were a lot of scenes where you could tell that the princess slowly drew him out of his shell and made him actually happy. This made you understand why he fell for her. In this one, there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the sweet scenes.

I think that part was in the original as well. It's just that this remake is so badly written, directed and edited that Minnie has been reduced to a stereotype, the lakorn villain, and all subtleties were annihilated. She's like a cardboard copy of the original, as, I think, is Inn. In the original, you could understand where Shin and Hyo-rin (I finally looked up her name) were both coming from. Hyo-rin there is not an evil villain that is bad just for the sake of being bad. We all hated her, but there was a part of us that understood her too. If you think about it, she was the original girlfriend, who happened to just make the mistake of placing her dreams before her love. What happened to her afterwards was her journey of remorse and regret stemming from that decision, and how she tried to get back what she had lost. You could somehow understand her. Shin, in the meantime, was torn from the start between being loyal to the throne and living a normal life and pursuing his dreams. This was made clear very early on, whereas in the Thai version, it's like you're overhearing bits and pieces of this but it's never made clear until much later, when it's too late to form a sympathy for Inn. For Shin, Hyo-rin may have represented or have been a part of that initial dream of leading a normal life for himself versus for the country. For me, at least, this conflict is believable and understandable. Shin is a young man on the verge of taking on a HUGE responsibility, and when we get to know him and when the princess enters his life, he is in the midst of an existential crisis. So, what I mean is, the whole thing with Hyo-rin was understandable because he was so conflicted. He hasn't yet arrived at that point where he realizes who he is and what he should choose. And this is precisely where that drama failed me. I wanted Shin to be like Domyouji at the end of HYD2, to own his destiny and who he is. He could have made concessions. The princess never should have been ousted. They could have found a way to live both their dreams while still owning who they are and living up to the responsibility. It just seemed like a total cop-out to me, that ending, and I really didn't like it. If it were me, I would have ended that drama in that scene where they were walking down the street incognito in the middle of a crowd, like an ordinary couple, and kissing each other under their caps. Whenever I rewatch the original, I end it there because for me that was the better ending. Better leave the issue of the crown hanging than knowing Shin gave up. It seemed to me it should have been a coming-of-age tale for Shin, as for Domyouji, where in the end the hero would realize who he really is. That was my real beef with the original. I also hated when the Princess announced on live TV that she was going to divorce the prince. That was totally selfish and thoughtless and just bad taste. I'm glad that that for one seems to have been removed from this remake. That for me was the princess at her brattiest. I also really didn't like the way Eun Hye's eyes would roll around brattily and shoot daggers at Shin, and how she couldn't seem to avoid Yul when she had other friends she could have turned to. It seemed at times like she was really on the verge of starting an affair with Yul. There were scenes in the original where the way Euh Hye acted implied this. I didn't like the way she was with Yul. That is where I guess the unsubtlety of the Thai version offers a small mercy. We don't get to see all those endless scenes between Yul and the princess where I wanted to shake her and shout, "Stop seeing him, for gadssakes. You're just making everything worse!" I don't know. In the original, it just seemed like she couldn't stop herself from seeing Yul, and I don't get that here at least. So, as I said, I at least like the Princess here a little better, although it's funny how her character seems inconsistent. She swings from being uber childish to petulant to suddenly mature. It's just weird. Oh, well. You really could tell the screenwriter they got for the Thai remake has no skills whatsoever, and no sense of subtlety. This is Goong made into a typical lakorn. This is Goong stripped of all the little things that made it good despite it being "bad" LOL. e24fc04721

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