If I provide a bad host address then an "except" is thrown during both connect calls and the error message is trapped and displayed. This works correctly for both connectors before I compile with pyinstaller.

However, the mysql.connector "except" does not occur in the compiled version of my program. The "except" does work correctly for the mysqldb connect call and the error message appears.

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The Debezium MySQL connector reads the binlog, produces change events for row-level INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations, and emits the change events to Kafka topics. Client applications read those Kafka topics.

As MySQL is typically set up to purge binlogs after a specified period of time, the MySQL connector performs an initial consistent snapshot of each of your databases. The MySQL connector reads the binlog from the point at which the snapshot was made.

An overview of the MySQL topologies that the connector supports is useful for planning your application. To optimally configure and run a Debezium MySQL connector, it is helpful to understand how the connector tracks the structure of tables, exposes schema changes, performs snapshots, and determines Kafka topic names.

The Debezium MySQL connector has yet to be tested with MariaDB, but multiple reports from the community indicate successful usage of the connector with this database.Official support for MariaDB is planned for a future Debezium version.

When a single MySQL server is used, the server must have the binlog enabled (and optionally GTIDs enabled) so the Debezium MySQL connector can monitor the server. This is often acceptable, since the binary log can also be used as an incremental backup. In this case, the MySQL connector always connects to and follows this standalone MySQL server instance.

The Debezium MySQL connector can follow one of the primary servers or one of the replicas (if that replica has its binlog enabled), but the connector sees changes in only the cluster that is visible to that server. Generally, this is not a problem except for the multi-primary topologies.

A Debezium MySQL connector can use these multi-primary MySQL replicas as sources, and can fail over to different multi-primary MySQL replicas as long as the new replica is caught up to the old replica. That is, the new replica has all transactions that were seen on the first replica. This works even if the connector is using only a subset of databases and/or tables, as the connector can be configured to include or exclude specific GTID sources when attempting to reconnect to a new multi-primary MySQL replica and find the correct position in the binlog.

When the connector restarts after either a crash or a graceful stop, it starts reading the binlog from a specific position, that is, from a specific point in time.The connector rebuilds the table structures that existed at this point in time by reading the database schema history Kafka topic and parsing all DDL statements up to the point in the binlog where the connector is starting.

When the MySQL connector captures changes in a table to which a schema change tool such as gh-ost or pt-online-schema-change is applied, there are helper tables created during the migration process.You must configure the connector to capture changes that occur in these helper tables.If consumers do not need the records the the connector generates for helper tables, configure a single message transform (SMT) to remove these records from the messages that the connector emits.

You can configure a Debezium MySQL connector to produce schema change events that describe schema changes that are applied to tables in the database.The connector writes schema change events to a Kafka topic named , where topicPrefix is the namespace specified in the topic.prefix connector configuration property.Messages that the connector sends to the schema change topic contain a payload, and, optionally, also contain the schema of the change event message.

For a table that is in capture mode, the connector not only stores the history of schema changes in the schema change topic, but also in an internal database schema history topic.The internal database schema history topic is for connector use only and it is not intended for direct use by consuming applications.Ensure that applications that require notifications about schema changes consume that information only from the schema change topic.

Never partition the database schema history topic.For the database schema history topic to function correctly, it must maintain a consistent, global order of the event records that the connector emits to it.

When a Debezium MySQL connector is first started, it performs an initial consistent snapshot of your database.This snapshot enables the connector to establish a baseline for the current state of the database.

Debezium can use different modes when it runs a snapshot.The snapshot mode is determined by the snapshot.mode configuration property.The default value of the property is initial.You can customize the way that the connector creates snapshots by changing the value of the snapshot.mode property.

The connector completes a series of tasks when it performs the snapshot.The exact steps vary with the snapshot mode and with the table locking policy that is in effect for the database.The Debezium MySQL connector completes different steps when it performs an initial snapshot that uses a global read lock or table-level locks.

You can customize the way that the connector creates snapshots by changing the value of the snapshot.mode property.If you configure a different snapshot mode, the connector completes the snapshot by using a modified version of this workflow.For information about the snapshot process in environments that do not permit global read locks, see the snapshot workflow for table-level locks.

Determine the tables to be captured.By default, the connector captures the data for all non-system tables.After the snapshot completes, the connector continues to stream data for the specified tables.If you want the connector to capture data only from specific tables you can direct the connector to capture the data for only a subset of tables or table elements by setting properties such as table.include.list or table.exclude.list.

By default, the connector captures the schema of every table in the database, including tables that are not configured for capture.If tables are not configured for capture, the initial snapshot captures only their structure; it does not capture any table data.

Confirms that the table was created before the snapshot began.If the table was created after the snapshot began, the connector skips the table.After the snapshot is complete, and the connector transitions to streaming, it emits change events for any tables that were created after the snapshot began.

In some database environments administrators do not permit global read locks.If the Debezium MySQL connector detects that global read locks are not permitted, the connector uses table-level locks when it performs snapshots.For the connector to perform a snapshot that uses table-level locks, the database account that the Debezium connector uses to connect to MySQL must have LOCK TABLES privileges.

In some cases, you might want to limit schema capture in the initial snapshot.This can be useful when you want to reduce the time required to complete a snapshot.Or when Debezium connects to the database instance through a user account that has access to multiple logical databases, but you want the connector to capture changes only from tables in a specific logic database.

In some cases, you might want the connector to capture data from a table whose schema was not captured by the initial snapshot.Depending on the connector configuration, the initial snapshot might capture the table schema only for specific tables in the database.If the table schema is not present in the history topic, the connector fails to capture the table, and reports a missing schema error.

(Optional) After the snapshot completes, initiate an incremental snapshot to capture existing data for newly added tables along with changes to other tables that occurred while that connector was off-line.

If a schema change is applied to a table, records that are committed before the schema change have different structures than those that were committed after the change.When Debezium captures data from a table, it reads the schema history to ensure that it applies the correct schema to each event.If the schema is not present in the schema history topic, the connector is unable to capture the table, and an error results.

In this procedure the connector performs a full initial snapshot of the database.As with any initial snapshot, in a database with many large tables, running an initial snapshot can be a time-consuming operation.After the snapshot completes, you can optionally trigger an incremental snapshot to capture any changes that occur while the connector is off-line.

By default, a connector runs an initial snapshot operation only after it starts for the first time.Following this initial snapshot, under normal circumstances, the connector does not repeat the snapshot process.Any future change event data that the connector captures comes in through the streaming process only.

However, in some situations the data that the connector obtained during the initial snapshot might become stale, lost, or incomplete.To provide a mechanism for recapturing table data, Debezium includes an option to perform ad hoc snapshots.You might want to perform an ad hoc snapshot after any of the following changes occur in your Debezium environment: e24fc04721

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