Poweroff is a small program for Windows to schedule a shutdown/reboot/logoff/poweroff/Standby/Hibernate/Lock/Wake-On-LAN at a certain time. I also support command line options that allows poweroff to be used in batch scripts.

systemd has a good feature which is named as timer. Timer is like service and is intended for starting services at specific time. systemd shutdown system by calling systemd-poweroff service. So it's need to write systemd-poweroff.timer:

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For example, when I say "hey Google, turn off the TV at 12am" or "turn off the TV in 30 minutes" it sets a timer for the TV to turn of but how would I cancel this or extend the timer if I wanted the TV on longer before shutting off?

Saying the commands again does not overwrite the original command. I've also tried saying "cancel the TV sleep timer" and "cancel my last command" but those don't seem to work. It doesn't show up in the alarms and timers page in Google home either.

EDIT: oops, I misread - my mind inserted an "of idle time" after the title / description. If you really just want to trigger it after a specific amount of time relative to the timer activation, then yes, just use a timer with OnActiveSec rather than OnCalendar.

Sanity check: have you contemplated how you're gonna prevent the user from disabling the user timer?

(It's possible, given the system is encrypted, so there's effectively no physical access - but you'll have to jump through some hoops)

Ah, this seems to be a much better idea although one might think of this as being a computing challenge for my son... I did get the timer working but I guess for naught. I'll try out some of the screentime options.

There's not much of a challenge even with powering off. If he is not inclined to accept a proposed time limit, then all he'd have to do is turn the computer back on. The end result would not be limiting screen time, but quite likely creating resentment as I suspect there could be certain moments in computer / online activities where an abrupt disconnect / poweroff would be received quite poorly and likely cause a lot of backlash.

In contrast, if your son is cooperative with the idea of a time limit, and egg timer next to the computer would do - without the downsides of an abrupt shutdown (e.g., if he's in the middle a writing an message, the timer goes off and he can still send the message and / or say goodbye to any online friends, etc). This would be much more conducive to maintaining his cooperation.

Do you really need the MSP430 completely powered off, or just put into a very low-power mode? What you describe sounds more like a typical MSP430 application where you would put the MSP430 into a very low power mode, with a timer running while the part is asleep. That way the timer can fire an interrupt to wake the MSP430 every 3 seconds. If the goal is just to have very low overall current consumption, this is a good way to do it.

Which MSP430 device are you using? Some 5xx/6xx and FR5xx devices have an LPM3.5 mode where RAM and register states are not retained, but the device can still wake from an RTC event (see section 1.4 of the 5xx/6xx user's guide). You couldn't do it with a normal timer, but the RTC is able to wake the part after a length of time from this mode.

I swear I am at my wits' end with this camera bought a few days ago. Having this morning enabled a 2-second self timer to aid tripod shooting at high zoom, I know wish to disable entirely or reset the self timer to 0 seconds for some hand held shooting of close ups. But there's no earthly way I can find to do this. The self timer menu option only allows three choices - 2 seconds, 10 seconds or 10 seconds for a ten photo burst. There is no 'off' or 0 seconds. Please help save my sanity...

The way to turn off the timer is to press the Drive/Timer button and then select Single drive mode. The timer menu itself has only 2s, 10s or custom multiple but those apply only after you select to be in Timer mode. See below.

I have "Act" unchecked because really the light is going to be turned on via the switch not this app.

The Means to Activate are to "Activate" the app and kick off the turn off timer. Button 1 is an UP on the switch, the reason I have it here is to reset the timer while the light is already on.

To set your Windows 10 sleep timer, you'll change your Windows sleep settings. In the Search box, search for sleep, and select Power & sleep settings from the results. In the Sleep section, under When plugged in, PC goes to sleep after, select the drop-down box to choose the amount of time you want your computer to remain idle before going to sleep.

To set a shutdown timer in Windows 8, press Windows+X to bring up the Quick Access Menu. Select Run, enter a shutdown command in the box > OK. Or, open Task Scheduler and choose Create Basic Task, enter shutdown > Next. Then, select the start date, shutdown time, and frequency and follow the prompts.

If you would like to set the on/of timer on your LG TV, first check that the time is set correctly on the TV. If the time is wrong or shows incorrect time information, an error may occur when setting the power on/off timer.

I am having the exact same issue. I replaced a RPI3 with a new RPI4b 8G and the heats work fine but when i try to home get the mcu shutdown timer too close. I have an ender 5 plus with an Octopus running Klipper and Voron Trident printer config. It ran fine with the RPI3B, but it took forever sometimes for the commands from my laptop to start running on the printer. My power is exactly 5.1vdc, no overheating and the only thing running is the same OS that ran the 3B. Not sure what to check next so i am going to do some research on the Raspberry Pi side. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Hi at all guys!

I was thinking about setting a timer for the shutdown and wakeup of my OMV. Is this possible?

Also, I don't get why, but even if both my motherboard and OMV have WoL enabled, I can't wake it up 

Can someone help me with both the things?

Hello everybody!

I am having a difficult time trying to program a quite simple On-Off timer with different times. I basically need it to do something like this:

-Turn on pin 4 for X seconds

-Turn pin 4 off and wait Y seconds

-Turn pin 5 on for X seconds

-Turn pin 5 off and wait Y seconds

As far as that goes, I have no big problems, but when I try to time the whole action, it just never stops.

For example, I would like the above routine to go on for let's say 30 seconds, with X time equal to 5 seconds and Y time equal to 3 seconds. I can do the routine, but I don't know how to make it last 30 seconds.

If necessary I can post the code here, but I wanted to see whether you could suggest a better way of doing this

Thanks in advance

I have it set to turn off at 11:20pm on Sunday-Thursday. twice in the last week, and about 4 times in the last month, it has failed to turn off. I cannot for the life of me figure out why. The time and date are set correctly. I first thought maybe it was because I did not have the TV connected to the internet so it was not keeping the day set properly (although it looked right to me), so I reconnected it. This has not solved the issue. It did it last night, I verified everything was set correctly, changed the off time to a few minutes later and it turned off. It really defeats the purpose of having an off timer if I have to get up a couple times a week to manually turn the TV off (it's in another room).

If it works like I understand, very useful for countdown timer.

I need and use one fir recirc pump for hit water. Saves expense of running it too much. Small household with hot water needed at different times. Like to do on command. Neighbors do same. So far been using smart life plug. Because it had countdown scene in it

Please note that you can set the timer to stop when you shut down your computer on the desktop app. On the extension, though, you can set it up so that the timer stops when the browser is closed [see screenshot Nicola left in the first reply to the thread]

I have been using my Orbi Voice Satellite Alexa feature. It has been great. Two days ago, I noticed the Alexa ability using a timer (or an alarm) no longer works (it doesn't ring or flash). Alexa will tell me the timer has been set, and will even tell me how much time is remaining on the timer. But when the timer is supposed to go off, nothing happens. I have unplugged/replugged. Disconnected and reconnected my Amazon account within the ORBI app. All other Alexa functions appear to work correctly. I contacted AMAZON and they walked me through some steps but say that the problem is NetGear's not theirs. I also have an Echo Dot and the Alexa Timer ability works fine on that device, using both sound and lights. Anybody else come across this? 2351a5e196

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