First of all the automatic bracket completion is easy. Just go to Settings >> Preferences >> Auto Completion and uncheck the parentheses, brackets, and curly brackets from the list as shown in the following picture. This will stop auto completion of those brackets.

I've never had this problem with notepad++ before, but after my last install, the program feels the need to remove my tab/indent every time I try to indent my curly brackets so I have to go back and hit tab again after both are typed. Does anyone know what preference option can fix this?

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Just to sum this all up one more time. If my previous line of code was indented 3 times, I want to still be indented 3 times when I hit enter/return. I also want it so when I go to indent my curly brackets for them to stay where I indented them and to not drop down one indent.

I had requested (by mail) an option to disable this new feature introduced since Notepad++ 6.7 but never receive a response. Somebody created an issue on GitHub you may support ; -plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/296

Someone could extend this by writing a 'bracket interpreter' which goes through a given file (selection) and checks to make sure that all of the brackets match up (and giving an error if you have a situation like this: "[...{..]...}" where the numbers match up, but there's a single bracket between each pair).

You could also use either of the tools mentioned in the thread references above to extract either all matching lines or, less usable, only all matching brackets, but this wouldn't allow you to insert the original line numbers first.

It's crude, but I was in a hurry, and it does exactly what I need. It counts the number of left brackets, braces, parenthesis, less than, and the number of right brackets, etc, and alerts if they are not equal. I was able to find the one screwed up line out of thousands. The perfect place for this in Notepad++ would be in the SEARCH dialog.

Highlighting matching brackets (braces, parenthesis) is a good feature.

But it would be better if I could jump to them. I really have problems to find a maching bracked that is a few hundred lines away ... even if it's highlighted.

BracketHighlighter purposely stops trying to find brackets after a certain threshold. The threshold is in the settings file. This is to ensure performances remains tolerable while you are typing and moving your cursor around. You can increase the threshold if you like. I also provide a command in brackethighlighter to do a on-demand search that will not use the threshold and search to the end of the file. There are also commands to jump between the brackets that also do not use the threshold. You can bind all of these commands to shortcuts if you like. I provide an example shortcut file to show you how.

Would be nice to be able to configure this, though the value of visual highlighting is somewhat lost across this many lines. Ctrl+M (jump to matching bracket) still works though, across any number of lines.

Recently had base64 code injected into our site, a junior tech then rn a batch replace (Find in Files) didn't include all of the brackets (from the start of the inserted code). I really don't feel like manually going through the disturbing amoount of injected code to fix this.

@Harzach is right. Tip: Drop that line of code into NotePad++, and put your cursor next to a bracket. The bracket is highlighted and its other bracket in the pair of open/close brackets is also highlighted. Keep doing that until you find a bracke that is not highlighted, and then you have found the bracket that is not part of a pair.

Yup, N++ makes it easy to break down those bracket-filled lines for error-checking. There are also a few SQF plugins/language XMLs you can install that will do syntax highlighting/autocomplete/etc. Very handy stuff.

I did find that I had too many brackets as per the solutions given BUT, after removing it, I am getting other errors now which makes me think that since I didn't get a match when I tried johnnyboys method, I am questioning whether I might NEED another bracket. Here are the errors:

Just because every bracket has a mate, doesn't mean you have formatted a call properly. You could try removing items, triggers, units, one-by-one until the error goes away. You will then know which object or trigger or whatever is causing it. Process of elimination. Good luck.

I purchased this one, where the H60 is listed as being compatible, but I have gone to install it and the cooler does not fit inside the bracket, it is too big, and there is no way to pull apart the mounting bracket so you can attach it on either side.

Please can someone advice as to whether this is the correct mounting bracket and if so, what I could be doing wrong when trying to insert the cooler into the bracket? If it isn't, please could someone point me to the correct mounting bracket I need to buy to fit my H60 (2018)?

I reached out to Corsair support for my H100i because I didn't have an AM5 bracket for my new build. They got my serial number and shipped out a bracket at no cost (very nice of them). I am confused though, I got this multi-piece bracket that I can't seem to be able to figure out how it attaches to my H100i. I've reached back out several times for installation tips or some sort of documentation and technical support has gone completely silent the last couple weeks. I really need to get this build running, can anyone provide some instruction? I've attached pics, I can attach more if needed.

Interesting. If I were to get the correct AM4 bracket for this H100i what's the reason it would not support the AM5 socket? This answer is confusing after support led me to believe there would be a bracket and after reading this AIO FAQ article: -us/articles/9842633794317-Is-the-AMD-AM5-motherboard-socket-compatible-with-older-cooler-brackets-

To weshowe: I wanted to understand your approach immediately. But my "demon" doesn't agree with that!

The brackets are closed and I enter the quotation marks (") - without a cursor left. These jump to the next line - see screenshot. The indentation of "Serial..." is also gone.

I have been tasked with building out a fully functional double elimination tournament bracket. I have the scene built with respect to layout and on-animation, and am starting to think about functionality.

Wowee this is a good, but perhaps daunting challenge. I'll start with the last one since that seems easiest to me. I don't see a reason why you need to have the bracket to a profile and back to a bracket within one scene. I've done several draft shows in my career and this would likely just be a separate player profile scene. How you animate out of one scene and into the next is just a matter of how clever you can get. I'm sure you could build that functionality in there but the cost doesn't outweight the benefit when doing it was one scene. So as far as transition logic, I don't know that you need a whole lot of it. In fact you could just run the player profile scene on a layer above the bracket so it transitions over it and then take it offline when you need so it would just be a standard In/Out transition logic solution.

The immediate thing that I can think of would be using an XML or CSV file and an OnSetText script to trigger certain animation controllers in individual boxes with each winner. So that ultimately you would just have your bracket on a Framebuffer and your operator would be just updating a CSV file rather than having to worry about manipulating anything in the scene or some template options. That would require a Datalinq solution though.

Willie, I'm in the off season and this could be a fun one to tackle. I agree with using a dashboard. Pie in the sky you could lay out the dashboard panel with your bracket as the background. Click on the winner of the first matchup and it would trigger a specific animation sending winner to next bracket. However, your second round would need all new custom animations and so on. We did a little bracket for our mascot bowling event and though it was simple, it worked well. The XML idea or CSV idea sounds like a good one too if the operator is up to the task of editing the data "live". I'm not that good at it so I would program out my shortcomings on the dashboard. Good luck, let me know if I can help.

Basically it starts with the 16 names. I have published radio buttons with a 0, 1, or 2 option for each match, with 0 being no winner (yet), 1 indicating the person in the upper position of the plate wins, 2 indicating the person on bottom wins. That drives the text in the next set of of match-ups to display the winner's name in the next stage of the winner bracket and the loser's name displays in the correct position of the loser's bracket

Can you email me the background image of the first photo, and a separate image of the blue and green squares? If you can give me a red one also I'll make it flip the toggle for that. Or else we can just use generic dashboard buttons (probably easier).

The toggle buttons all have a state of 0 and 1, so you could trigger a scene director to animate on. I'll also have a NONE state for your data so a specific bracket can be invisible.

From there its all key framing and what not. You'll still have to be particular for the operator, but you could just program all your major CG controls into the panel (REP IN/OUT / BUG /ETC). I'll make sure everything is tabbed. 2351a5e196

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