Regardless of gender, shirtless photos, underwear, swimsuit pictures, etc must all be labeled NSFW when posting. Outlines of genitalia through clothes and other graphic content such as severe injury must also be marked NSFW.

Stay on topic to the original post, the pictures, or the original poster's comments. Keep political debate to other subreddits regardless of your intention. Do not derail conversation. Use the report option; do not engage. Feeding trolls attracts more.

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Link only to a progresspic image or a collection of progresspic images. This requires a before and an after of a human. We do not accept pictures of graphs, or other inanimate objects such as belts. Exception: The top stickied post may be used for appropriate subreddit posts/discussion.

All pictures must be original content and posted with the consent of the subject. Reposts or images found elsewhere on the Internet will be removed. If you see content that has been posted elsewhere before, please message the moderators with a link to the original.

Progress-pictures are prohibited if they show clear health progress or achievement. For example, before-and-after pictures of weight-loss, sobriety, or muscle-gain are not allowed, whereas images showing a person's young self and old self are allowed.

Well-established accounts are allowed to offer one self-promotional link per post. Be aware that this does not exclude you from the rest of this rule. Breaking or circumventing this rule may result in temporary or permanent bans.

If you need to contact the mods, you'll need to provide a link/URL to whatever it is that you're talking about. Failure to do this may mean that you get ignored. We have other users to help as well, and making us dig through your profile to find an issue means we have less time to help others and deal with the rest of the subreddit.

Please spay and neuter your pets! While your newborn pets are cute, failing to do this allows your little darlings to add to the population of homeless animals. Adopt pets from your local animal rescues/shelters, there are plenty of animals just waiting for a home.

In the side-by-side above, I hope you can appreciate that Samsung is leveraging an AI model to put craters and other details on places which were just a blurry mess. And I have to stress this: there's a difference between additional processing a la super-resolution, when multiple frames are combined to recover detail which would otherwise be lost, and this, where you have a specific AI model trained on a set of moon images, in order to recognize the moon and slap on the moon texture on it (when there is no detail to recover in the first place, as in this experiment). This is not the same kind of processing that is done when you're zooming into something else, when those multiple exposures and different data from each frame account to something. This is specific to the moon.

The moon pictures from Samsung are fake. Samsung's marketing is deceptive. It is adding detail where there is none (in this experiment, it was intentionally removed). In this article, they mention multi-frames, multi-exposures, but the reality is, it's AI doing most of the work, not the optics, the optics aren't capable of resolving the detail that you see. Since the moon is tidally locked to the Earth, it's very easy to train your model on other moon images and just slap that texture when a moon-like thing is detected.

TL:DR Samsung is using AI/ML (neural network trained on 100s of images of the moon) to recover/add the texture of the moon on your moon pictures, and while some think that's your camera's capability, it's actually not. And it's not sharpening, it's not adding detail from multiple frames because in this experiment, all the frames contain the same amount of detail. None of the frames have the craters etc. because they're intentionally blurred, yet the camera somehow miraculously knows that they are there. And don't even get me started on the motion interpolation on their "super slow-mo", maybe that's another post in the future..

Usually when I scroll reddit all the pictures are visible before clicking the post, but now it started skipping over some, showing just the title and having me needing to click on it to see the picture. Has that happened to anybody else? Or is it just my phone/app that's dumb?

It's not that the subreddits I'm in don't allow them one subreddit I'm in I used to be able to and many other people still post pictures in comments but I just can't find the option on any subreddit comments anymore? What can I do to fix this?

This has been going on for a while, and I have no idea as to why it could possibly be. What always happens is: I reply to the comment with an image, the reply seems to post, but then it gets removed and I get a DM from reddit saying " A comment you shared in response to this comment on (Insert Sub here) at (Insert hour here) has been deleted since it failed to process. This might have been an issue with our systems or with the media that was attached to the comment. Please try to upload it again or resubmit the comment without the media. " It doesn't matter which image or sub I upload it in, it always happens.

Edit: I know I can add new links in the text body in markdown mode. I already have a couple links to pictures there. But when my article appears in the group, it's not taking any of these links as the cover image. With no cover image, there's nothing to catch the eye to draw people in. I wish I could make one of the pictures linked within appear as the cover photo.

I've noticed that for the past few weeks some webpages are not loading images. Sometimes the picture is not there at all, and sometimes there is such a blue little square with "?". Each time I have to open Google Chrome to get these pictures to load properly. I thought the problem could be solved by upgrading to macOS Big Sur and then I would also have a newer version of Safari, but I am afraid of weakening the performance of my MacBook. Maybe the problem is like it was with OS X Mavericks, where Apple changed the look of the whole system, and websites tried to change the look to one more like OS X Yosemite. Maybe it's the same in my case now. My guess.

I'm trying to create a post where I would upload multiple images but also a body of text. Now I have seen this done before but when I try to drag/upload the pictures, it only uploads one and it does not let me add any text.

Is linking the picture in the post section the only option? The only uploads it allows seem to be video. I am on desktop and yes, the subreddit I am posting on allows multiple images to be uploaded, I have seen it be done. Though there is no text aside from the title, but not sure if that is the poster's choice or not.

I deleted the app, redownloaded it, deleted cache (i'm on an android phone), have all permisions acitvated etc.

The weirdest part is that if I take a video and save it with the save button, it does show up on my camera roll. So for some reason this problem only happens with saving pictures.

So i create a new post, type in my text and upload the pictures (new reddit on desktop). If i click "post" from the "Post"-tab, the pictures arent included. If i hit post from the "Image & Video" tab, the pictures are there but the text is gone. How do i get both?

I asked it to do it but it keeps replying "I'm sorry, but I'm a text-based AI and cannot generate pictures or images. My capabilities are limited to generating text-based responses and providing information and assistance through text. If you need image generation, you would need to use specialized image generation software or tools."

My fiance was chatting about a subreddit with another user from Canada and that user was able to post pictures straight from their phone and we cannot find this feature. Can anybody help us with this?

Hey everyone, I've got a Google Nest Hub and currently have the photo frame feature set to show my Google Photos. I've got no idea how to determine what pictures it chooses though so it just picks anything.

This subreddit is intended to be a hub for discussion, speculation and hype for games in The Dark Pictures Anthology. Please keep all posts and comments civil and refrain from using overtly offensive language or signage with other users and observe standard reddiquette. Keep this sub light-hearted and fun for all!

As this sub serves as a forum for discussing the Dark Pictures Anthology with others, self-promotion is not allowed. The mod team feels that self-promotion, especially when done in high-volumes during game releases, will detract from the quality of the content posted on the subreddit.

In the lead-up to new game releases, leaks have been known to surface. Although the subreddit intends to provide a forum to discuss all Dark Pictures content, leaks will detract from others' experience of the game.

In order to protect subreddit members from being inadvertently spoiled, as well as to support the developers' work, posts and comments containing information not sanctioned by Bandai Namco or Supermassive Games for release will be removed. Repeat attempts will result in a ban.

While new content drops are exciting for the Dark Pictures community, they can bring about a spate of posts on the new content of varying quality. This rule aims to maintain the subreddit's quality by consolidating discussions around high-quality posts.

Recently bought a Pixel 8. I noticed that sometimes, pictures don't load on posts when I am using the X(Twitter) app. Happens a bit when using the Reddit app as well. Why exactly is this happening? Any fix for this? It's extremely weird because I switched from a OnePlus 6 and that five and a half year old phone did not have this problem with these two apps.

Hi, I want to upload photo gallery, but I can only select one picture. I know there are other ways to post multiple photos(for example desktop version of reddit or imgur etc.), but I want to know how to fix it in app. 006ab0faaa

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