The establishment of a single united Bengal Sultanate in 1352 by Shamsuddin Ilyas Shah finally gave rise to a "Bengali" socio-linguistic identity.[30] The Ilyas Shahi dynasty acknowledged Muslim scholarship, and this transcended ethnic background. Usman Serajuddin, also known as Akhi Siraj Bengali, was a native of Gaur in western Bengal and became the Sultanate's court scholar during Ilyas Shah's reign.[48][49][50] Alongside Persian and Arabic, the sovereign Sunni Muslim nation-state also enabled the language of the Bengali people to gain patronage and support, contrary to previous states which exclusively favoured Sanskrit, Pali and Persian.[31][32] The born-Hindu Sultan Jalaluddin Muhammad Shah funded the construction of Islamic institutions as far as Mecca and Madina in the Middle East. The people of Arabia came to know these institutions as al-Madaris al-Bangaliyyah (Bengali madrasas).

The rise of self-determination and Bengali nationalism movements in East Bengal, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This eventually culminated in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War against the Pakistani military junta. The war caused millions of East Bengali refugees to take shelter in neighbouring India, especially the Indian state of West Bengal, with Calcutta, the capital of West Bengal, becoming the capital-in-exile of the Provisional Government of Bangladesh. The Mukti Bahini guerrilla forces waged a nine-month war against the Pakistani military. The conflict ended after the Indian Armed Forces intervened on the side of Bangladeshi forces in the final two weeks of the war, which ended with the surrender of East Pakistan and the liberation of Dhaka on 16 December 1971. Thus, the newly independent People's Republic of Bangladesh was born from what was previously the East Pakistan province of Pakistan.

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A marriage among Bengalis often consists of multiple events rather than just one wedding. Arranged marriages are arguably the most common form of marriage among Bengalis and are considered traditional in society.[126] Marriage is seen as a union between two families rather than just two people,[127][128] and they play a large part in developing and maintaining social ties between families and villages. The two families are facilitated by Ghotoks (mutual matchmakers), and the first event is known as the Paka Dekha/Dekhadekhi where all those involved are familiarised with each other over a meal at the bride's home. The first main event is the Paan-Chini/Chini-Paan, hosted by the bride's family. Gifts are received from the groom's family and the marriage date is fixed in this event.[129] An adda takes place between the families as they consume a traditional Bengali banquet of food, paan, tea and mishti. The next event is the mehndi (henna) evening also known as the gaye holud (turmeric on the body). This is normally followed by the main event, the walima, hosting thousands of guests. An aqd (vow) takes place, where a contract of marriage (Kabin nama) and is signed. A qazi or imam is usually present here and would also recite the Qur'an and make dua for the couple. The groom is required to pay mohor (dowry) to the bride. The Phirajatra/Phirakhaowa consists of the return of the bride with her husband to her home, which then becomes referred to as Naiyor, and payesh and milk are served. Other post-marriage ceremonies include the Bou Bhat which takes place in the groom's home.

Fazlur Rahman Khan was a structural engineer responsible for making many important advancements in high rise designs.[135] He was the designer of Willis Tower, the tallest building in the world until 1998. Khan's seminal work of developing tall building structural systems are still used today as the starting point when considering design options for tall buildings.[136]

The law allows foreign workers to join unions but does not permit them to form unions or hold union office, effectively preventing union formation in enterprises where foreign workers constitute the majority. No new trade union has been established since 1976.

This exploration of one of the most concentrated immigrant communities in Britain combines a fascinating narrative history, an original theoretical analysis of the evolving relationship between progressive left politics and ethnic minorities, and an incisive critique of political multiculturalism. It recounts and analyses the experiences of many of those who took part in over six decades of political history that range over secular nationalism, trade unionism, black radicalism, mainstream local politics, Islamism and the rise and fall of the Respect Coalition. Through this Bengali case study and examples from wider immigrant politics, it traces the development and adoption of the concepts of popular frontism, revolutionary stages theory and identity politics. It demonstrates how these theories and tactics have cut across class-based organisation and acted as an impediment to addressing socio-economic inequality; and it argues for a left materialist alternative.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved different TCAs for specific indications based on clinical trials and proven evidence of their effectiveness and safety for specific medical conditions. The approval of TCAs varies depending on the formulation, encompassing treatment for various conditions.[2] TCAs that have received FDA approval for the treatment of MDD comprise amitriptyline, amoxapine, doxepin, desipramine, nortriptyline, protriptyline, imipramine, and trimipramine.[3][4] Clomipramine holds FDA approval for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in individuals aged 10 and older.[5]

The chemical structure of a TCA comprises a 3-ringed arrangement with an attached secondary or tertiary amine. Desipramine, nortriptyline, and protriptyline are categorized as secondary amines, whereas amitriptyline, clomipramine, doxepin, imipramine, and trimipramine belong to the group of tertiary amines. Tertiary amines typically exhibit significant serotonin reuptake inhibition, whereas secondary amines display heightened inhibition of norepinephrine uptake.[23]

In medieval France the significance of the title of count variedwith the power of those who bore it; in modern France it varieswith its historical associations. It is not so common as inGermany or Italy; because it does not by custom pass to allmale descendants. The title was, however, cheapened by itsrevival under Napoleon. By the decree of the 1st of March 1808,reviving titles of nobility, that of count was assigned ex officio toministers, senators and life councillors of state, to the president ofthe Corps Lgislatif and to archbishops. The title was madeheritable in order of primogeniture, and in the case of archbishopsthrough their nephews. These Napoleonic countships, increasedunder subsequent reigns, have produced a plentiful crop of titlesof little social significance, and have tended to lower the status ofthe counts deriving from the ancien rgime. The title of marquis,which Napoleon did not revive, has risen proportionately in theestimation of the Faubourg St Germain. As for that of count, itis safe to say that in France its social value is solely dependent onits historical associations.

Another member of this family, Peter Courtenay (d. 1492),a grandnephew of Richard, also attained high position in theEnglish Church. Educated at Exeter College, Oxford, Peterbecame dean of Windsor, then dean of Exeter; in 1478 bishopof Exeter; and in 1487 bishop of Winchester in succession toWilliam of Waynflete. With Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham,and others he attempted to raise a rebellion against RichardIII. in 1483, and fled to Brittany when this enterprise failed.Courtenay was restored to his dignities and estates in 1485 byHenry VII., whom he had accompanied to England, and he diedon the 23rd of September 1492.

But what is the number of those laws? Kant reviewing theenterprise of Aristotle in modern times has given a complete listof the laws of thought, but it is arbitrary in classificationand may be legitimately reduced. According toLaws of reason.Cousin, there are but two primary laws of thought, thatof causality and that of substance. From these flow naturallyall the others. In the order of nature, that of substance is thefirst and causality second. In the order of acquisition of ourknowledge, causality precedes substance, or rather both are givenus in each other, and are contemporaneous in consciousness.

COUTANCES, a town of north-western France, capital of anarrondissement of the department of Manche, 7 m. E. of theEnglish Channel and 58 m. S. of Cherbourg on the Westernrailway. Pop. (1906) 6089. Coutances is beautifully situatedon the right bank of the Soulle on a granitic eminence crownedby the celebrated cathedral of Notre-Dame. The date of thischurch has been much disputed, but while traces of Romanesquearchitecture survive, the building is, in the main, Gothic instyle and dates from the first half of the 13th century. Theslender turrets massed round the western towers and the octagonalcentral tower, which forms a lantern within, are conspicuousfeatures of the church. In the interior, which comprises the337nave with aisles, transept and choir with ambulatory and sidechapels, there are fine rose-windows with stained glass of the14th century, and other works of art. Of the other buildings ofCoutances the church of St Pierre, in which Renaissance architectureis mingled with Gothic, and that of St Nicolas, of the16th and 17th centuries, demand mention. There is an aqueductof the 14th century to the west of the town. Coutances is a quiettown with winding streets and pleasant boulevards borderingit on the east; on the western slope of the hill there is a publicgarden. The town is the seat of a bishop, a court of assizes anda sub-prefect; it has tribunals of first instance and of commerce,a lyce for boys, a communal college and a training college forgirls, and an ecclesiastical seminary. Leather-dressing andwool-spinning are carried on and there is trade in live-stock, inagricultural produce, especially eggs, and in marble. 006ab0faaa

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