Exceptional Quality ImagesThe PaperStream IP driver enables Ricoh Image Scanner solutions to consistently create exceptional quality optimised images, reducing operational costs and supporting downstream processing. Making images cleaner and more accurate delivers industry-leading OCR accuracy, while optimised files sizes mean faster, lower cost storage and access.

First song off the Save This World EP! A bouncy collaboration with @user_paperskiesStream: socials: lil backstoryBefore I even learned how to produce, I would always hang out in music producers' servers and in the help channels, people always used this website called "Clyp" to share what they're working on. Paper skies has been in the game grindin' for HELLA long because back in the day, people were really looking up to him and he was trending on clyp. His progress is honestly awesome to witness. Even through his ups and downs, bro is STILL grinding despite events as insanely unbased and not goated as promoters gatekeeping him from liveshows.Thus, years later, as a fellow Canadian homie when he asked to be collab partners for a 24 hour contest, you already know it was gonna be legendary. We made some absolutely INSANE progress on the song during the contest which you can actually hear in a mix I did a while ago. We decided this was a special song and we wanted to take our time with it, iron out all the mixing quirks, prepare visuals, etc. It's the EXACT type of nostalgic, complextro goodness that takes me back to the simpler times, back when I enjoyed EDM for the first time. It's a True 50/50 collab, where both of us did our best to integrate our styles!Lastly, as a tribute to this mythical collision of fates, Paper Skies suggested we give out a free sample pack featuring our favorite sounds from the song =) Use them as you wish to flip, remix, or produce to your heart's desires, and feel free to tag us with your work too! This song is NOT a Spu7nix reference.

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The major research paper (POLI 598) is based on an independent research project, normally 40-50 pages. If your supervisory committee approves, you may write a research paper on a political science topic for an external organization, like an employer or a non-profit.

The purpose of this manual is to provide a comprehensive description of state-of-the-art standardized stream-gaging procedures, within the scope described below. The manual is intended for use as a training guide and reference text, primarily for hydraulic engineers and technicians in the U.S. Geological Survey, but the manual is also appropriate for use by other stream-gaging practitioners, both in the United States and elsewhere.

We propose an approach for generating a sequence of natural sentences for an image stream. Since general users usually take a series of pictures on their special moments, much online visual information exists in the form of image streams, for which it would better take into consideration of the whole set to generate natural language descriptions. While almost all previous studies have dealt with the relation between a single image and a single natural sentence, our work extends both input and output dimension to a sequence of images and a sequence of sentences. To this end, we design a novel architecture called coherent recurrent convolutional network (CRCN), which consists of convolutional networks, bidirectional recurrent networks, and entity-based local coherence model. Our approach directly learns from vast user-generated resource of blog posts as text-image parallel training data. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art candidate methods, using both quantitative measures (e.g. BLEU and top-K recall) and user studies via Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Many Internet of Things (IoT) applications would benefit if streams of data could be analyzed rapidly at the Edge, near the data source. However, existing Stream Processing Engines (SPEs) are unsuited for the Edge because their designs assume Cloud-class resources and relatively generous throughput and latency constraints.

This paper presents EdgeWise, a new Edge-friendly SPE, and shows analytically and empirically that EdgeWise improves both throughput and latency. The key idea of EdgeWise is to incorporate a congestion-aware scheduler and a fixed-size worker pool into an SPE. Though this idea has been explored in the past, we are the first to apply it to modern SPEs and we provide a new queue-theoretic analysis to support it. In our single-node and distributed experiments we compare EdgeWise to the state-of-the-art Storm system. We report up to a 3x improvement in throughput while keeping latency low.

Notes: Shiny brown bark when young, turning bright white with age, separates from trunk in thin, papery strips. Leaves are double toothed and arranged alternately. Produces brown or green catkins in April/May.

The Sequential Liquid-lignin Recovery and Purification (SLRP) process was developed by Michael Lake and John Blackburn, in collaboration with Clemson, with the intention of creating a continuous method for recovering lignin from paper-mill black liquors. Thies and co-workers have developed the Aqueous Lignin Purification with Hot Agents (ALPHA) process for taking bulk lignins (including lignin from the SLRP process) and purifying and fractionating that lignin based on molecular weight. The key advantage to both processes is that they can be carried out continuously and, therefore, can be scaled up to meet demand.

Ever wonder what powers Google's world spirit sensing Zeitgeist service? No, it's not a homunculus of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel sitting in each browser. It's actually a stream processing (think streaming MapReduce on steroids) system called MillWheel, described in this very well written paper: MillWheel: Fault-Tolerant Stream Processing at Internet Scale. MillWheel isn't just used for Zeitgeist at Google, it's also used for streaming joins for a variety of Ads customers, generalized anomaly-detection service, and network switch and cluster health monitoring.

Wilder Penfield is justly famous for his contributions to our understanding of epilepsy and of the structure-function relationship of the brain. His theory on the relationship of the brain and mind is less well known. Based on the effects of the electrical stimulation of the cortex in conscious patients, Penfield believed that consciousness and mind are functions of what he referred to as the centrencephalic integrating system. This functional system comprised bidirectional pathways between the upper brainstem, the thalami, and the cerebral cortex of both hemispheres, and was the physical substrate from which memory, perception, initiative, will, and judgment arose. It was the source of the stream of consciousness and the physical basis of mind. This paper reviews how Penfield arrived at this conception of the mind-brain relationship. Although Penfield ultimately felt that he had failed in his attempt to unify brain and mind, his work shed new light on the relationship of memory to the mesial temporal structures and to the temporal cortex; and his association of consciousness and the brainstem preceded the conceptualization of the reticular activating system by a generation. In these, as in so many aspects of neurobiology, Penfield was prescient.

Thanks to seminar participants at IPTS, the SEEK Digital Economy Workshop at the Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, and Zurich/ETH. Joel Waldfogel has served as a consultant to Pandora. The views expressed in the paper are those of the authors' and should not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission, the EC Joint Research Center, the IPTS, or the National Bureau of Economic Research.

The growth of textile waste in the United States is outpacing the growth of every other major category of waste. This report evaluates the current state of textile waste in the U.S. waste stream and explores a future-state system in which textiles are maintained in best and highest use throughout the value chain.

Solving for textile waste in the United States can have a measurable global impact on the upstream investment of human and natural capital like oil, cotton, energy, water, and chemicals used to make textile products. Building systems to recover textiles requires strategic partnerships from across the recovery value chain. This paper outlines the essential elements of an ideal recovery system and describes a way forward to a circular textile economy.

What i did not get working is, to create a video widget in PaperUI and get the stream to be shown there.

I tried both of the upper variants and more (like as url, since i think this is some docker-related stuff.

So today i visited :8080/ipcamera/[uid]/ipcamera.mjpeg again and was expecting to NOT see a stream because in the meantime i restarted my server.

But the stream was running as yesterday, and i am sure that no /usr/bin/ffmpeg folder is there anymore.

But again: I dont know much about these things and maybe my PC can decode stuff on its own without the need of a ffmpeg installed inside OH-container?

So could it be, that i have to debug ffmpeg, because this could be the reason why showing this stream on Main UI is not working?

Establishing a single stream recycling program provides many benefits for businesses and institutions, including savings through avoided disposal costs, compliance with waste bans, progress towards sustainability goals, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and conservation of resources during manufacturing. In order to maximize the monetary and environmental benefits of single stream recycling, it is important for businesses and institutions to collect only the proper materials and prevent contamination from materials that should not be placed in single stream recycling containers.

Single stream recyclables that businesses and institutions collect at their facilities are transported to a MRF to be sorted and processed into raw material streams for manufacturing. Collecting mixed materials saves space both inside the establishment and at the loading dock area. 17dc91bb1f

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