Oracle Academy curriculum pathways align with Oracle Foundations Associate professional certifications, which provide concrete evidence of Java programming and database knowledge and skills as students look to differentiate themselves when applying for jobs.

Students in secondary schools and two- and four- year colleges and universities who have studied Oracle Academy curriculum with hands-on practice in Java or database may wish to explore earning Oracle professional certifications. Oracle Foundations Associate certifications can prepare students and educators to progress to the Oracle Certified Associate level, and later to become an Oracle Certified Professional.

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An Oracle Database (aka Oracle RDBMS) is a collection of data organized by type with relationships being maintained between the different types. The primary purpose of a database is to store and retrieve related information.

Applications and databases are key assets to every line of business. Typical applications and responsibilities include ERP, CRM, IoT, analytics, industry-specific (e.g., vertical), and DevOps. Today, traditional relational databases are complemented by NoSQL options for nontransactional use cases.

NetApp products deliver predictable performance, availability, and scalability for Oracle and other databases. When full-stack optimization principles are applied, the benefits of engaging with NetApp are fully realized.

I am learning database. I have installed Oracle 12c in windows. Then i have created some tables, i have read the tables values and have done some basic operations. I have created about 12 tables. Now my problem is if i am creating any new table then it is showing that the table has created successfully. And insertion of Data is working. Now if i am creating and inserting data from sqlplus, in the SqlDevelopper and in the netbeans IDE it is only showing the table name but no data and sometimes not even showing the table name, though i have refreshed. And after closing the sqlplus and opening it again if i am trying to retrieve the data, it is showing that no row has selected. But the describe command in sql showing that there exist a table.

In addition, it is essential that the execution of the funds transfer preserve the consistency of the database. That is, the value of the sum of the balances of A and B must be preserved. This correctness requirement is called consistency.

A transaction is a collection of operations that performs a single logicalfunction in a database application. Each transaction is a unit of both atomicity and consistency. Thus, we require that transactions do not violate any database consistency constraints. That is, if the database was consistent when a transaction started, the database must be consistent when the transaction successfully terminates. However, during the execution of a transaction, it may be necessary temporarily to allow inconsistency, since either the debit of A or the credit of B must be done before the other. This temporary inconsistency, although necessary, may lead to difficulty if a failure occurs.

Finally, when several transactions update the database concurrently, the consistency of data may no longer be preserved, even though each individual transaction is correct. It is the responsibility of the concurrency-control manager to control the interaction among the concurrent transactions, to ensure the consistency of the database. The transaction manager consists of the concurrency-control manager and the recovery manager. The concept of a transaction has been applied broadly in database systems and applications. While the initial use of transactions was in financial applications, the concept is now used in real-time applications in telecommunication, as well as in the management of long-duration activities such as product design or administrative workflows.

Transactional control commands are only used with the DML commands INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE only. They can not be used while creating tables or dropping them because these operations are automatically commited in the database.

I am working on widget that creates user sessions as json objects that I then save to an Oracle database. I am saving the json definition to a CLOB field in Oracle. The tool is working fine except when my session contains graphics whose json definition includes the "imageData" property. The imageData is typically a very long string > 4000 characters and the whole json string cannot be saved to a CLOB field in Oracle.

Today I would like to tell you about an internal database migration effort of this type that just wrapped up after several years of work. Over the years we realized that we were spending too much time managing and scaling thousands of legacy Oracle databases. Instead of focusing on high-value differentiated work, our database administrators (DBAs) spent a lot of time simply keeping the lights on while transaction rates climbed and the overall amount of stored data mounted. This included time spent dealing with complex & inefficient hardware provisioning, license management, and many other issues that are now best handled by modern, managed database services.

We migrated 75 petabytes of internal data stored in nearly 7,500 Oracle databases to multiple AWS database services including Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), and Amazon Redshift. The migrations were accomplished with little or no downtime, and covered 100% of our proprietary systems. This includes complex purchasing, catalog management, order fulfillment, accounting, and video streaming workloads. We kept careful track of the costs and the performance, and realized the following results:

The migration gave each internal team the freedom to choose the purpose-built AWS database service that best fit their needs, and also gave them better control over their budget and their cost model. Low-latency services were migrated to DynamoDB and other highly scalable non-relational databases such as Amazon ElastiCache. Transactional relational workloads with high data consistency requirements were moved to Aurora and RDS; analytics workloads were migrated to Redshift, our cloud data warehouse.

DBA Career Path

 As I explained earlier, our DBAs once spent a lot of time managing and scaling our legacy Oracle databases. The migration freed up time that our DBAs now use to do an even better job of performance monitoring and query optimization, all with the goal of letting them deliver a better customer experience.

As part of the migration, we also worked to create a fresh career path for our Oracle DBAs, training them to become database migration specialists and advisors. This training includes education on AWS database technologies, cloud-based architecture, cloud security, OpEx-style cost management. They now work with both internal and external customers in an advisory role, where they have an opportunity to share their first-hand experience with large-scale migration of mission-critical databases.

Migration Resources

 If you are ready to migrate from Oracle (or another hand-managed legacy database) to one or more AWS database services, here are some resources to get you started:

Application and data services to make development and deployment of enterprise applications simpler. Build SaaS apps with CI/CD, Multitenant database, Kubernetes, cloud native, and low-code technologies.

Intelligent applications unify both structured and unstructured data to run operations or perform business analytics. Oracle Database brings all data types in an operational scalable database significantly improving operations agility, data security, DevOps, and DataOps capabilities.

SQL remains the most powerful database tool, and there are several ways to make the use of SQL easy and powerful at the same time. Low code tools like APEX hide SQL by providing UI driven interfaces for application development, i.e. low-code.

Many applications need the use of analytics or machine learning to make decisions or to present summaries of results. Machine learning is built into the Oracle Database, and many pre-trained ML models are available to run in the database or can be imported using ML services. This use case recommends food and wine pairing by analyzing food reviews and wine reviews, looking at the descriptions of each food and wine, and extracting a taste/flavor vector from the text and matching them, using a ML model word2vec with the Oracle Database.

Using a Hololens 2 or Oculus devices doctors can see patients information more holistically. Develop healthcare use cases with the Oracle Database with AI, messaging, graph technologies in the database cloud.

The new service delivers a fully integrated experience for deploying, managing, and using Oracle database instances within Azure. It enables organizations to drive breakthroughs in the cloud using their existing skills to leverage the best of Oracle and Microsoft capabilities directly within the Azure portal.

About Oracle

Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at

When the source is an Oracle database, comments can be converted to the appropriate format in, for example, a PostgreSQL database. AWS SCT can convert comments on tables, views, and columns. Comments can include apostrophes; AWS SCT doubles the apostrophes when converting SQL statements, just as it does for string literals.

The first time you connect to the Oracle database, you enter the path to the Oracle Driver file (ojdbc8.jar). You can download the file at -091264.html. Make sure to register on the free Oracle Technical Network website to complete the download. AWS SCT uses the selected driver for any future Oracle database connections. The driver path can be modified using the Drivers tab in Global Settings. 2351a5e196

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