During J. Robert Oppenheimer's security clearance trial, numerous scientists from around the United States wrote to Henry DeWolf Smyth to express their feelings on the case. Smyth was a member of the Atomic Energy Commission and his dissenting opinion in the case can be seen in this exhibition. In this telegram, dated from June 1954, a professor at the University of Iowa warns Smyth that he is "serious concerned about the deteriorating morale resulting from Oppenheimer hearings." He urges Smyth to restore hope in the scientific community surrounding the government's security measures.

On December 23, 1953, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer was notified that his security clearance had been suspended, and informed of his right to a hearing under AEC procedures. By telegram dated January 29, 1954, Dr. Oppenheimer requested that he be afforded a hearing and on March 4, 1954, after requesting and receiving three extensions of time, he submitted his answer to my letter of December 23, 1953.

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Oppenheimer Drive cuts through the heart of Los Alamos, Hoppenheimer IPA is on tap at a local brewery and the physicist is the focus of an exhibit at the science museum, where some of his handwritten notes and ID card are displayed.

By July 1945, Los Alamos was ready to test its bomb. Oppenheimer sent a cryptic telegram to scientists back at Berkeley: "Any time after the 15th would be a good time for our fishing trip...As we do not have enough sleeping bags to go around, we ask you please do not bring anyone with you." The test, code-named "Trinity," took place on July 16. It exploded with a force equivalent of 18,000 tons of TNT. Recalling the scene, Oppenheimer said: "A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. There floated through my mind a line from the "Bhagavad-Gita" in which Krishna is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty: "I am become death: the destroyer of worlds."

Illustrations, from above: portrait of J. Robert Oppenheimer; portrait of William C. Coolidge; telegram from Lawrence to Compton; GE nuclear scientists H.C. Pollock and K.H. Kingdon in lab, 1940; and GE Buildings 5 and 37, home to the R & D Center. ff782bc1db

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