To resolve this, go to your Project file, find your widget's target, and under the Build Setting tab, find the Code Signing Identity value. Choose the same code signing identity that you are using for your main app's target.

The error was thrown because I didn't apply the same settings to the notificationServiceExtension target (which was still using the automatic signing and therefore another certificate). As soon as I have repeated the steps above also for this target, the error was gone.

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If your Xcode has been working fine but stopped working after you add an extension target to your project, most of the time is that your app was signed using a older certificate (still valid with your name etc.), while your extension is signed with a newer certificate with entitlement for the extension. This is why the error. In this case, you most likely have two certificates with the same name, and this what you can do:

1.Go to Xcode->Preference;2. Select Accounts Tab;

3. Select your Apple ID then click on View Details;

4. Under signing Identities List Window, select IOS Development, then click on the little Configuration icon, and select Revoke;

5. Xcode will then try to download a new certificate.

You can do a clean build after this so both your app and extension will be signed using the new certificate.

I had a similar issue. For me the issue was with the certificate showing, 'signed by unknown authority'. I had followed the below steps and it is resolved.The problem was missing apple WWDR intermediate certificate.

There are quite a few reasons the issue may emanate from. If none of the other answers are working for you - would like to add another plausible check that helped me. Ensure the certificate you are signing with doesn't have 'Always Trust' (you will see a green '+' sign if the setting is such).

When I had this issue I went to the Apple Member Center and realized that the Provisioning Profile (for the extension) that I had created was marked as 'Invalid'. I just re-created the Provisioning Profile with the same certificate that the app is signed with and then downloaded it via Xcode > Preferences > Account > refresh.

Once I had the new provisioning profiles I selected them in the build settings. I selected the provisioning profile that was just created and also selected the corresponding certificate in the Code signing entity in the build settings and that fixed the issue.

In my case my App and my Widget profile were signed with different certificate. So I had to go to to iOS Developer site, select parent app provisioning profile->Edit and choose the same certificate as the widget. Then click "generate" and "download". Onece you have download it, double click on it to install in XCode.Then select the new provisioning profile for your parent app in Build Settings->Provisionig Profile.Finally Rebuild your project!

Can I get any "web" certificate from thawte or some company like this, and from this (and key file) generate all formats that I need for nginx, exim4 and courier, or do I need to get separate certificates, or is it something else entirely?

The real barrier is can you get a certificate that is valid for all the names that you wish to use. For your web you might want to use, and for your mail you might want to use You can get a wildcard or SAN certificate that will cover lots of names, but these cost more. It may be cheaper to get a couple individual certificates. The prices for different certs are different, so take some time and work out which will be cheaper in your case.

Generally speaking, yes, although it can take a bit of work with various tools to convert the cert into the right format. I've used the same SSL cert with apache, dovecot (imaps) and postfix (for TLS).

We are currently using wildcard certificate for all our services. As folks already mentioned all you need is openssl in order to convert it into formats required by your applications. So far we are using it for Apache httpd, OpenLDAP and mail (Zimbra). We used to buy certificates from Thawte but for this one we went with GoDaddy - it is way cheaper.

Actually termination of 802.1x session is on controller (Aruba 3200 (master) and Aruba 7030 (local)) and we are planning to move authentication directly on CPPM. On ClearPass I've just installed a public certificate for captive portal (as HTTPS Server Certificate) so my question is: Can I use same certificate also as Radius Certificate? I can't use self-signed ceritificate because I don't want uncheck manually "validate certificate server" on wireless network card settings because I've about 300 laptops.

Some client operating systems will reject a wildcard certificate for EAP (which is a good thing from a security standpoint). You should acquire a basic, single name certificate for use with EAP (,, etc).

If you request a new public RADIUS certificate for ClearPass, try to get one that has the longest lifetime as possible (5-10 years). Changing RADIUS certs can be risky, especially when you switch CAs, or you CA internally switches intermediate CAs.

before buy a new public certificate, I tried to set group policy in the active directory domain but unfortunately it doesn't work. We configure a wireless network with WPA2 Enterprise - AES, authentication method: Microsoft PEAP with authentication user or computer and unccheck "validate server certificate" but when I try to connect on clear-pass authentication was rejected with alerts:

If I would use Self Signed certificate, created by CPPM, if you known or if there is some "how to" etc.., There is a way to update Authority Certification List on windows wireless client via GPO in active directory?

The SSL Certificate is going to be expired, I would like to renew the SSL Certificate and prefer to continutely using the same name as the old certificate. But my friend told me this won't work, because the certificate's name is the same as old one, it will not cause the Netscaler to recognize that the certificate has been updated, although the old .cer, .key has been replaced by the new one at./nsconfig/ssl/ If it is like what my friend said, can I use a command to refresh ? So the Netscaler will recongize it has reload the new certificate.

As an aside, I prefer to generate my CSRs on a Windows IIS server, and, after merging the certificate from the CA with the private key, exporting the pair and then importing it onto the NetScaler. This is especially true when generating wildcard certificates, since I can more easily copy them to other servers.

I have also used IIS to generate certificates, and newer versions of NetScalers seem to support PFX files directly without the need for conversions. Just basically select the PFX file and enter the password.

I want to know if there is a possible way to make a wildcard certificate (*,

for instance on 30 different servers (different public IPs).

From what I understood there is a duplicate limit of 5 certificates, so I won't be able to renew all of the certificates, since that they would all make a renewal request to the same exact FQDN.

Not exactly.

The duplicate limit of 5 may prevent the last 25 from getting a duplicate cert during that same week.

But it wouldn't limit 5 from getting a cert on the following week.

And so on...

So that each week 5 of them can easily obtain a new and duplicate cert.

[90/7*5=] >40 certs should be allowed without any problem.

Furthermore, renewals are not part of the limit count, so the 5/week can scale up indefinitely.

The main limit is Certificates per Registered Domain (50 per week). A registered domain is, generally speaking, the part of the domain you purchased from your domain name registrar. For instance, in the name, the registered domain is In, the registered domain is We use the Public Suffix List to calculate the registered domain. Exceeding the Certificates Per Registered Domain limit is reported with the error message too many certificates already issued, possibly with additional details.

Presumably, you have some method already in place to securely keep that many servers in sync with whatever code/content they already use, and perhaps (though I'm speculating on your architecture), hacking into that process is probably already almost equivalent to hacking the private key (in the sense that rather than m-i-t-m'ing you an attacker could just put compromised code on your server directly). Adding the private key and certificate into that process (assuming proper controls/permissions around it) is probably not really exposing you to much more risk in practice.

Though if you are paranoid about passing the private key around at each renewal, it's also possible to renew using the same private key as the previous cert. You'd still have to distribute the original key when the server is spun up, but the renewal process would only have to copy around the newly signed public certificate.

so the thing is that I'm trying to automate the whole process, so I'd not have to deal with certificate renewal, but if this is the situation it's just as getting a regular certificate and installing it every time it expires

You should be able to automate distributing the certificate to all your servers. I'm not sure quite what problem you're seeing. How do you keep a fleet of that size in sync (in terms of code, content, configuration, etc) today? ff782bc1db

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