In computing, the superuser is a special user account used for system administration. Depending on the operating system (OS), the actual name of this account might be root, administrator, admin or supervisor. In some cases, the actual name of the account is not the determining factor; on Unix-like systems, for example, the user with a user identifier (UID) of zero is the superuser, regardless of the name of that account;[1] and in systems which implement a role-based security model, any user with the role of superuser (or its synonyms) can carry out all actions of the superuser account.The principle of least privilege recommends that most users and applications run under an ordinary account to perform their work, as a superuser account is capable of making unrestricted, potentially adverse, system-wide changes.

In Unix-like computer OSes (such as Linux), root is the conventional name of the user who has all rights or permissions (to all files and programs) in all modes (single- or multi-user). Alternative names include baron in BeOS and avatar on some Unix variants.[2] BSD often provides a toor ("root" written backward) account in addition to a root account.[3] Regardless of the name, the superuser always has a user ID of 0. The root user can do many things an ordinary user cannot, such as changing the ownership of files and binding to network ports numbered below 1024.

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In Windows NT and later systems derived from it (such as Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista/7/8/10/11), there must be at least one administrator account (Windows XP and earlier) or one able to elevate privileges to superuser (Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 via User Account Control).[12] In Windows XP and earlier systems, there is a built-in administrator account that remains hidden when a user administrator-equivalent account exists.[13] This built-in administrator account is created with a blank password.[13] This poses security risks as local users would be able to access the computer via the built-in administrator account if the password is left blank, so the account is disabled by default in Windows Vista and later systems due to the introduction of User Account Control (UAC).[13] Remote users are unable to access the built-in administrator account.

Hello everyone, I recently rooted my phone (Redmi note 9 Pro) with Magisk, right after that, I become multiple times the message "Tasker was granted superuser rights" everytime I run a profile or task. Can some one give me a tip as to how to get rid of that persistent message? Thanks in advance.

Okay, I will answer my question by myself. It is possible to still use the old Greenbone 3 command line inferface with gos-state-manager instead of gsm. This in mind it is easily possible to still activate the superuser/root for the shell.

Hello @janhe

I changed the superuser password using the above 3 commands but still unable to switch to root from Admin user as Admin user is not allowed to switch to root.

So how to switch to root and change host file for DNS issue. Pls help

I go through first django tutorial from and at the very beginning of part 2, which is creating superuser when I run "python createsuperuser" I get the following message back:

I am a Windows10 user. I tried to run py createsuperuser command using Git Bash console, but error has been thrown. Then I switched Git Bash to native Windows Command Line with administrator privileges, and re-run command - it was working.

I'm new to Wagtail and django. I've completed the -for-beginners/ course and managed to get my site up and running on Digital ocean, however I'm unable to login to the admin area. I have tried using the superuser credentials that were used locally. I have also tried multiple times to create a new superuser with:

to change the password on the previously created superusers, but again, while the process appears to work successfully in the terminal I continue to receive the error message when attempting to log in. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what I might be missing or doing wrong here? And / or how I might best debug the issue? Thanks in advance!

A database superuser bypasses all permission checks, except the right to log in. This is a dangerous privilege and should not be used carelessly; it is best to do most of your work as a role that is not a superuser. To create a new database superuser, use CREATE ROLE name SUPERUSER. You must do this as a role that is already a superuser.

A role must be explicitly given permission to create more roles (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). To create such a role, use CREATE ROLE name CREATEROLE. A role with CREATEROLE privilege can alter and drop roles which have been granted to the CREATEROLE user with the ADMIN option. Such a grant occurs automatically when a CREATEROLE user that is not a superuser creates a new role, so that by default, a CREATEROLE user can alter and drop the roles which they have created. Altering a role includes most changes that can be made using ALTER ROLE, including, for example, changing passwords. It also includes modifications to a role that can be made using the COMMENT and SECURITY LABEL commands.

A role must explicitly be given permission to initiate streaming replication (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). A role used for streaming replication must have LOGIN permission as well. To create such a role, use CREATE ROLE name REPLICATION LOGIN.

A role must be explicitly given permission to bypass every row-level security (RLS) policy (except for superusers, since those bypass all permission checks). To create such a role, use CREATE ROLE name BYPASSRLS as a superuser.

When a non-superuser creates a role using the CREATEROLE privilege, the created role is automatically granted back to the creating user, just as if the bootstrap superuser had executed the command GRANT created_user TO creating_user WITH ADMIN TRUE, SET FALSE, INHERIT FALSE. Since a CREATEROLE user can only exercise special privileges with regard to an existing role if they have ADMIN OPTION on it, this grant is just sufficient to allow a CREATEROLE user to administer the roles they created. However, because it is created with INHERIT FALSE, SET FALSE, the CREATEROLE user doesn't inherit the privileges of the created role, nor can it access the privileges of that role using SET ROLE. However, since any user who has ADMIN OPTION on a role can grant membership in that role to any other user, the CREATEROLE user can gain access to the created role by simply granting that role back to themselves with the INHERIT and/or SET options. Thus, the fact that privileges are not inherited by default nor is SET ROLE granted by default is a safeguard against accidents, not a security feature. Also note that, because this automatic grant is granted by the bootstrap user, it cannot be removed or changed by the CREATEROLE user; however, any superuser could revoke it, modify it, and/or issue additional such grants to other CREATEROLE users. Whichever CREATEROLE users have ADMIN OPTION on a role at any given time can administer it.


I have successfully deployed my Django app by following the Manual Deployment tutorial. The last step is to create a new superuser by running the command in the render shell but I am not able to access the render shell unless I upgrade to a paid plan. Is there workaround for this issue?

You can add the command to your Build Command and make it run without input by setting some environment variables, covered in the article from the other post: -to-automate-creating-a-django-super-user/ Once run once you can remove the superuser command from your build command.

In Windows systems, the Administrator account holds superuser privileges. Each Windows computer has at least one administrator account. The Administrator account allows the user to install software, and change local configurations and settings, and more. Standard users have substantially curtailed privileges, while guest user accounts are generally limited even further, to just basic application access and internet browsing.

If misused, either in error (i.e. inadvertently deleting an important file or mistyping a powerful command), or with malicious intent, superuser accounts can inflict catastrophic damage to a system/organization.

While most security technologies are developed to protect the perimeter, superusers are already on the inside. Superusers may be able to change firewall configurations, create backdoors, and override security settings, all the while erasing traces of their activity.

In one of the more notorious tales of a rogue insider, Edward Snowden, an IT contract worker for the NSA, abused his superuser privileges to access, copy, and leak over 1 million highly sensitive NSA files. In the wake of this scandal, the NSA targeted 90% of it system administrators for elimination, to better establish a least-privilege security model.

Hackers covet superuser accounts knowing that, once they assume these accounts, he/she essentially becomes a highly privileged insider. Additionally, malware that infects a superuser account, can leverage the same privilege rights of that account to cause damage and steal data.

Enforce least privilege access: Limit superuser membership to the minimum people. This can mean temporarily elevating privileges temporarily when needed, but without granting full superuser rights to the account. In Unix and Linux systems, the sudo command allows a normal user to temporarily elevate privileges to root-level, but without having direct access to the root account and password.

Enforce separation of privileges: This will entail separating superuser functions from standard account requirements, separating auditing/logging capabilities within the administrative accounts, and separating system functions (read, edit, write, execute, etc.). ff782bc1db

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