Im developing an app that uses a notification extension called Notify_V3 developed by Kens. The problem is App Inventor got updated and changed its target SDK to 31. So I cannot use Notify extension because I got a Runtime Error: Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requieres that one of FLAG_INMUTABLE or FLAG_MUTABLE be specified when creating a PendingIntent.

@Ken needs to update the extension to be SDK31 compatible... as he is not active in the community anymore, we do not know, if he will find the time to do the update...

You might want to look for an alternative extension

Download Notifier Extension


As the title says I'm looking for inbox notifier for proton Mail for chromium/firefox extensions.Got few unofficial extensions in chrome web store but they are outdated and not working as well.Any suggestions?

Misinformation such as on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) drugs, vaccination or presentation of its treatment from untrusted sources have shown dramatic consequences on public health. Authorities have deployed several surveillance tools to detect and slow down the rapid misinformation spread online. Large quantities of unverified information are available online and at present there is no real-time tool available to alert a user about false information during online health inquiries over a web search engine. To bridge this gap, we propose a web search engine misinformation notifier extension (SEMiNExt). Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithm have been successfully integrated into the extension. This enables SEMiNExt to read the user query from the search bar, classify the veracity of the query and notify the authenticity of the query to the user, all in real-time to prevent the spread of misinformation. Our results show that SEMiNExt under artificial neural network (ANN) works best with an accuracy of 93%, F1-score of 92%, precision of 92% and a recall of 93% when 80% of the data is trained. Moreover, ANN is able to predict with a very high accuracy even for a small training data size. This is very important for an early detection of new misinformation from a small data sample available online that can significantly reduce the spread of misinformation and maximize public health safety. The SEMiNExt approach has introduced the possibility to improve online health management system by showing misinformation notifications in real-time, enabling safer web-based searching on health-related issues.

Like Checker Plus, Notifier for Gmail pops up a notification window in the lower-right corner of your desktop for every incoming email, showing the first snippet of text in it. And as with Checker Plus, you can click the Notifier for Gmail icon on the Chrome extension toolbar to open a panel where you can read an unread email. From the panel window, you can also delete the message, mark it as read/unread, or mark it as spam. You can add up to five Gmail accounts to this extension, and switch among them.

This feature-packed extension is like a steroid shot for Gmail. Gmelius lets you tweak many little things about the Gmail interface, such as forcing the Cc or Bcc field to always appear in the email compose window, or automatically sizing down large images embedded in emails, and it does what Attachment Icons for Gmail and Row Highlighter for Gmail do separately: changing the default paperclip icon for attachments to an icon that better represents the file type for the attached file, and highlighting an email heading on your Gmail main page when you hover over it.

Speaking of email tracking, there are several extensions that can track the emails you send and confirm whenever one is opened by its recipient. Most charge for this service, but many also allow you to send a limited number of tracked emails for free.

Like Mailtrack, Boomerang for Gmail offers email tracking features including read receipts, response tracking, follow-up reminders, and click tracking. But where the extension really shines is in the time control it gives you over emails you send and receive.

Open your TeamCity server and sign in to it.

 The extension will automatically detect the TeamCity session and change the icon from the inactive to active state . Click the icon and check that notifications are enabled.

I did some research but didn't find anything useful. this talkes about system tray notification, where as this -setPopup lets you create new popups but they are only shown when extension icon is clicked.

See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.

 For questions about this extension or bug reports please start a new thread in the App Inventor community. Thank you.

 For feature requests please contact me by email. To be a sponsor of a new method already is possible starting from only 10 USD! With your contribution you will help the complete App Inventor community. Thank you.

Q1: If the application is closed with the home button it works but if it is closed with the back button it doesn't work, can you help me?

 A: As workaround just disable the back button, i.e. move an empty Screen.BackPressed event into the working area.

 Q2: Is it possible to display the defined icon also in the notification area?


 A: In the notification area for the extension it is only possible to display Android Default icons and I have chosen the icon ic_dialog_info. As soon as it is possible to use Android 6 features in extensions, then this could be modified. The icon you specified will be displayed in the notification drawer, see also chapter "notification style options" above.

 Q3: When I press the notification on my bar, it opens my Screen1 which is my login screen. How can I change to other than Screen1?

 A: set the startText parameter of the Send method to something (for example to "Screen2") and in the Screen.Initalize event add an if statement like this 

 if get plain start text = "Screen2" then open another screen "Screen2"

 Q4: I'm making an app for school and was wondering if I had to give you credit at all in my app for using your notification extension?

 A: Why it's a good idea to give credit: How to Cite Sources & Not Steal People's Content on the Internet by Corey Wainwright.

 Q5:I have a good idea for your notification extension. I think when people open the app (switch to foreground operation), the message in the notification bar will disappear automatically. Do you think is this feasible?

 A: Thank you for the suggestion, however my extension is only "a simple notification extension"... You might want to try the New Improved Notification Extension by Tiziano1960... 

Currently, you may sometimes experience some issues using extension, but most users will have no problems. You may notice too many errors in the logs, but there is nothing I can do with this now. Thanks for using my little app, thanks to all of you it still works in spite of many issues with API

I'm working on adding new features.I want to hear from the users and incorporate as much feedback as possible into the extension.

Any suggestions for improvements/features to add?

I will be porting extension to not use app engine back-end due to some limitations. New versions of the extension will be making direct calls to Stack Exchange API right from your browser. Please do not expect new versions of the extension any time soon. Sorry.

Currently, you may experience some issues using extension, but most users will have no problems. You may notice too many errors in the logs, but there is nothing I can do with this now. Thanks for using my little app.

After I update it in the Extension Manager in SketchUp, I get a prompt message saying update succeeded, only to be followed by one saying one extension failed to update. You wind up chasing your tail and it is very annoying.

I have the same annoying problem with Trimble plugins. Started with the new extension manager (2017 Pro Mac version, I think). Persists to this day with 2019.2. There clearly is a deficient resource pool at Trimble to keep Sketchup Pro growing with time. Extensions management has been poor forever, and EM hasnt dome anything to improve that.

WebUpd8 do try their best to adapt most important Gnome-Shell extensions for Ubuntu, and have already put three of MGSE extensions in their repository. Unfortunately, the one you want is not there yet.

4) When everything is done, it will create a separate folder MGSE. So, cd to that folder. You will see a bunch of folders containing an extension each. There is a file called test to install all of them at once, and there is also one file test in each folder to install one particular extension. Run either one depending on what you want.

I do not recommend installing all their extensions at once. To avoid conflicts in your system and keep it stable, install only those not available, or at least, not installed through other repositories such as WebUpd8 Gnome3 PPA.

In all of my gmail accounts, I have desktop notifications turned off.

I have all gmail-checking extensions turned off/disabled.

In Brave notification settings, I have disallowed notifications from (which gmail recognizes, reporting that the browser has disabled notifications).

Basically I send a push notification with mutable-content, but the extensions is not loaded, I see the following error when the OS tries to use the extension. Apple is not providing any description about what is failing really.

Hello so I have been working on a notification extension that should allow games to talk to the browser/device and create native notifications on the users device. My eventual goal is to submit it to become a part of the core GDevelop engine.

Hi, I checked out the document and I really want to try it out. Is there a action to change the logo or icon in the notification menu where it shows which app send the notification? Like seen here: =android+notification&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj4gKaWy5DtAhXESisKHYjJBuIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=andorid+notification&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgYIABAKEBgyBggAEAoQGDoECCMQJzoECAAQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoFCAAQsQM6AggAOgYIABAIEB5QzDZY8lpgvWhoAHAAeACAAakBiAGLEJIBBDExLjmYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=j263X7j9L8SVrQGIk5uQDg&bih=977&biw=1920#imgrc=EHk6OnufTLAcbM

And a nooby question, how do I add it the extension to GDevelop? I am using linux appimage with appimage launcher to integrate it to desktop. e24fc04721

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