apt-get remove -s net-tools shows that the only other package to be removed would be "ubuntu-minimal", which is OK for me. I wonder if everything would keep working and if any change to system and applications network settings would then be needed.

Of course some older software (especially software installed from outside of the repository) might still expect net-tools commands to be present as they were available on most unixoid systems for a long time. If you uninstall this package, then that is something you should keep in mind.

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This command creates a manifest file named dotnet-tools.json under the .config directory. To add a local tool to the manifest file, use the dotnet tool install command and omit the --global and --tool-path options, as shown in the following example:

References to local tools are added to a dotnet-tools.json file in a .config directory under the current directory. If a manifest file doesn't exist yet, create it by using the --create-manifest-if-needed option or by running the following command:

Applies to local tools. Available starting with .NET 8 SDK. To find a manifest, the search algorithm searches up the directory tree for dotnet-tools.json or a .config folder that contains a dotnet-tools.json file.

The official statement regarding the plans to obsolete net-tools was made on the debian-devel mailing list in early 2009 by one of the net-tools maintainers. True to their statement, net-tools has been hardly maintained at all since that time.

Luk Claes and me, as the current maintainers of net-tools, we've been thinking about it's future. Net-tools has been a core part of Debian and any other linux based distro for many years, but it's showing its age.

Hence, our plans are to replace net-tools completely with iproute, maybe leading the route for other distributions to follow. Of course, most people and tools use and remember the venerable old interface, so the first step would be to write wrappers, trying to be compatible with net-tools.

At the same time, we believe that most packages using net-tools should be patched to use iproute instead, while others can continue using the wrappers for some time. The ifupdown package is obviously the first candidate, but it seems that a version using iproute has been available in experimental since 2007.

This April marked the ten year anniversary of the last net-tools release. We decided to look at this as an opportunity to deprecate net-tools and provide alternative, and better maintained, solutions for net-tools functionality. This has a few consequences, but most people should not notice.

This is a distro-specific issue. net-tools has been deprecated by just about every major distro (or distro upstream), though, so in effect the entire community is switching from ifconfig to ip -- but the change is slow, as some distros have an extremely long shelf-life (RHEL,for example).

You are less likely to find a deprecation announcement than an item in the release notes of a major release for a distro stating something like "As of FooLinux v2.0 net-tools has been deprecated in favor of the 'ip' command". (If the distro has major releases, that is. Gentoo and Arch being interesting exceptions which handle this sort of thing through news announcements that appear as admin notices within the system and sometimes on their websites: -of-net-tools/.)

It is entirely possible that a distro somewhere may decide to stick with net-tools and adopt maintenance of it as their pet project, but this is unlikely since the end result would be expending substantial effort maintaining a set of tools nobody writes other software against. Unless that distro is owned by Apple, of course. ;-)

Linux comes with a host of networking tools for managing both large-scale and small-scale network infrastructure. For a long time, net-tools have been the default networking tools of choice, but they have now been replaced by iproute2 tools.

ss replaces most netstat tools. It gets socket information directly from the kernel space and is in most cases faster than its predecessor. It's also capable of displaying more TCP and state information than net-tools.

This guide has shown you the new networking tools meant to replace the deprecated net-tools package. Although you can still use net-tools on Linux, they have not been maintained in a long time and pose some security risks. The new iproute2 networking tools are robust and in most cases, faster than their predecessors.

I learn Linux and networking more than 10 years ago. And now that I need to configure network again for my job, I find out that most of the command lines tools I used to know do not work anymore / are deprecated. I am talking about all commands of net-tools package.

I need to install this to try and get my VPN "kill switch" functional per a customer service rep's instructions. Problem is that the service rep used apt-get. I have found that net-tools isn't in the Solus repo. How else can I install this?

If you can't decide between the two, keep in mind that the net-tools package from which the arp command originates is no longer actively developed, and most of those tools have been deprecated in favor of their ip equivalents, so even if you're familiar with the older tool it may be a good idea to learn the new one before your older option disappears.

Many sysadmins still manage and troubleshoot various network configurations by using a combination of ifconfig, route, arp and netstat command-line tools, collectively known as net-tools. Originally rooted in the BSD TCP/IP toolkit, the net-tools was developed to configure network functionality of older Linux kernels. Its development in the Linux community so far has ceased since 2001. Some Linux distros such as Arch Linux and CentOS/RHEL 7 have already deprecated net-tools, and others are planning to do so in favor of iproute2.

iproute2, which is another family of network configuration tools, emerged to replace the functionality of net-tools. While net-tools accesses and changes kernel network configurations via procfs (/proc) and ioctl system call, iproute2 communicates with the kernel via netlink socket interface. The /proc interface is known to be more heavyweight than netlink interface. Putting performance aside, the user interface of iproute2 is more intuitive than that of net-tools. For example, network resources (e.g., link, IP address, route, tunnel, etc.) are aptly defined with object abstraction, and you can manage different objects using consistent syntax. Most importantly, iproute2 has been under active development so far.

If you are still using net-tools, it is time to switch to iproute2, especially if you want to catch up with the latest and greatest networking features of the Linux kernel. Chances are that there are many things you can do with iproute2, but cannot with net-tools, be it source-based routing, QoS, VLAN, bonding, bridges, etc. It's also worth noting that higher-level network configuration tools such as Network Manager depend on iproute2.

As far as IP address removal is concerned, there is no proper way to remove an IPv4 address from a network interface with net-tools, other than assigning 0 to the interface. iproute2 can properly handle this.

Here are the commands to add or modify a default route in the kernel's IP routing table. Note that with net-tools, modifying a default route can be achieved by adding a new default route, and then removing an old default route. With iproute2, use ip route replace command.

The output above verifies the installation. However, in some cases, Debian won't execute ifconfig even after the user installs net-tools. The command prints the same error as before the installation:

Many modern distributions, like for example the upcoming Debian 12 Bookworm, do not install the package net-tools by default. This package contains popular utilities like ifconfig, route, netstat, arp and mii-tool. In this post I give alternatives for these utilities. You can of course just install the net-tools package if you prefer to keep using these commands.

Without subscribers, LWN would simply not exist. Please consider signing up for a subscription and helping to keep LWN publishing By Jonathan Corbet

January 4, 2017 Old habits die hard, even when support for the tools required by thosehabits ended over a decade ago. It is not surprising for users to cling tothe tools they learned early in their careers, even when they are told thatit is time to move on. A recent discussion on the Debian development list showed thesort of stress that this kind of inertia can put on a distribution andexplored the options that distributors have to try to nudge their userstoward more supportable solutions.The package in question is net-tools, the home for manyfamiliar network-configuration utilities. If you are accustomed to using commandslike ifconfig, arp, netstat, or routeto make network changes, you are a net-tools user. Many of these toolshave a long pedigree, at least in spirit, having originally been writtenbefore the first Linux kernel. Anybody who has been administeringUnix-like systems for any period of time will certainly have learned how touse the net-tools utilities to get things done.The only problem is that net-tools is considered obsolete; indeed, it hasbeen so considered since early this century. The modern replacement is iproute2,which is actively developed and, unlike net-tools, has support for all ofthe kernel networking stack's fancier features. In theory, we all shouldhave transitioned over to iproute2 at least ten years ago.In practice, many of us have not done that. Indeed, "us" in this caseincludes distributors who still use net-tools utilities in a number ofpackages. Surprisingly, the net-tools developers, who have not made a newrelease since 2011, have recently resumed working on those utilities; evenmore surprisingly, they made output changes, apparently breaking scriptsthat parse that output. These changes led Debian developer Marco d'Itri tocall for the project to "kill" net-tools,and, in particular, to stop depending on it in other packages. He wouldalso like to see the project stop installing net-tools by default.The list of Debian packages depending onnet-tools is not that short, but it would appear to be a manageablelist if the project were to decide to fix all of those dependencies. The net-toolsmaintainer is not opposed to the idea of deprecating and eventually phasingout the package; indeed, he tried todo so in 2009. It seems to be generally agreed that the configurationscripts shipped with Debian packages should use iproute2 rather thannet-tools to ensure that the examples seen by administrators are using thecurrent tool set. So there would appear to be little controversy aroundthe idea of phasing out net-tools usage and dropping the priority of thepackage for installations.There is less consensus around removing the package entirely, or even justdropping it from the default install. There are, it seems, quite a fewusers who have ifconfig and netstat burned into theirmuscle memory; those tools work fine for most use cases, so users don't seea strong reason to shift to iproute2. As Ted Ts'o put it:This is really going to be a generational thing. For those of uswho started programming in the BSD 4.x days (my first kernelprogramming experience was with BSD 4.3), ifconfig and netstat arestill the tools that I use every day, and I only use the iproute2tools in the *extremely* rare circumstances that I need to dosomething exotic which is only supported by the iproute2 tools.The fact that the iproute2 commands are seen as more verbose and, by someat least, as having less readable (and less machine-parseable) outputdoesn't help either. So it's not surprising that various participants expressed their preference for the net-tools utilities,but Russell Stuart suggested that it mightbe time to move on:To me this thread looks like a bunch of old men grumbling that theyoung'ins have taken over what they created and turned the toolsthey were comfortable with into something unrecognisable. It'strue - they did do that, and it's true it was unnecessary. Theycould have just extended net-tools. But this is how the young'inshave behaved for time immemorial - when they take over the reinsfrom the previous generation and make it their own.(It is worth noting that the "unnecessary" part is not universallyaccepted; it's not clear that net-tools could have been evolved to handlemodern networking configuration without incompatible changes.)Debian, as it happens, is having this discussion a bit late. OpenSUSE discussedremoving net-tools in 2009, but has not done so. Red Hat and Fedora got seriousin 2011, and the RHEL 7 release no longer installs net-tools bydefault.The fact that this change is not universallypopular shows how reluctant users can be to let go of their long-usedtools. None of these distributors have removed the net-tools package, and none arelikely to as long as supporting them is relatively easy and users depend onthem. But, when they do break, or when they fail to support new networkingfeatures that users need, there is not likely to be a lot of interest infixing them. Distributors have to choose where to expend their energy, andthere will come a point where dragging along obsoleted tools that the oldfolks want falls off the list.For now, users who are accustomed to typing commands like ifconfigare probably safe; at worst, they will need to install the net-toolspackage explicitly. But anybody who is using these commands in scriptsshould probably have updated those scripts some time ago. There will comea point where those scripts break; it seems that could even happen as aresult of attempts to restart development on net-tools, rather than byexplicit deprecation. Thischeat sheet is likely to prove helpful for anybody wanting to make thetransition to the new tools.Software transitions like this are invariably an unwanted distraction forusers who are uninterested in whatever new features are available and wouldprefer that their systems (and their habits) just continue to work. Butthe world we live in does not stand still, so such transitions are simplygoing to happen, and distributors will find themselves caught in themiddle. As those distributors strive to keep everybody happy, we shouldnot be surprised to see more of these transitions take a decade or more. (Log in to post comments) Moving on from net-tools Posted Jan 4, 2017 19:30 UTC (Wed) by pj (subscriber, #4506) [Link] e24fc04721

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