We are facing a lack of natural resources and major energy companies are leading space exploration programs across the solar system. While our planet is dying under a fog of pollution, your scientific crew is sent to Io to conduct an in-depth study of the soil and its mining potential. Everything seems to be under control... until your approaching ship crashes. In The Pioneers, you control three space engineers with complementary specialties. Manage your resources and the needs of your pioneers, expand and improve your space station, explore a vast world with systemic settings for infinite replayability.

 The Pioneers is in early access. Major updates are regularly added to the game experience to keep the content growing. 

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Hey there, fellow survivors! Buckle up and get ready to embark on a cosmic adventure like no other with The Pioneers: surviving desolation game. Brace yourself for an out-of-this-world experience that will test your guts, your wit, and your ability to rock a spacesuit with style.

First things first, we've got a deep and innovative space survival simulation waiting for you. This ain't your average point-and-shoot game, oh no. You'll be channeling your inner Elon Musk as you build your very own station on the desolate moon of Io, Jupiter's innermost satellite. That's right, folks, you're gonna be the mastermind behind your own lunar abode!

But hold on tight, because managing your crew won't be a walk in the zero-gravity park. You've gotta gather a team of daredevils willing to take on the challenges of Io. Think you can handle the responsibility of keeping them alive and kicking? From resource gathering to keeping those life-support systems in check, it's a dangerous juggling act that only the bravest can manage.

Oh, did I mention the harsh environment of Io? Get ready to face searing heat, treacherous volcanic eruptions, and all sorts of alien surprises. This ain't no tropical vacation, folks. But hey, where's the fun in that? We've got thrills and spills galore in this lunar playground!

So, put on your game face and see if you've got what it takes to conquer the desolation of Io. Are you brave enough to survive? I dare you to take the plunge and join the pioneers in this epic quest for survival and interstellar fame. Let's show the universe what we're made of!

Get your rainbow-haired, punk-rock self in gear, grab those oversized glasses, and let's rock this moon with your fiery temper and quick-witted humor! The Pioneers is waiting for you, GameGal-approved and guaranteed to leave you with tears of laughter and excitement. Let's blast off, my fellow gamers, and make Io our celestial playground!

(swooshing space sound effects)

I have been much encouraged, by pioneers and friends, to gather theresult of these pleasant labors together, and I feel I have succeededin a very imperfect manner; but, dear reader, consider how little Ishould be expected to know of book-making; therefore take faults andomissions in the product of my labors cum bona venia, forthere are sure to be many imperfections. There are repetitions ofwhich I am aware, and have decided to let them stand, as I think theyfit in in each case. Had I been a man of more leisure I should nothave had to apologize for so many of these imperfections.

In looking through a trunk of old letters and other odds and ends theother day, I came across what might be considered of some interest tosome of our pioneers in the sixties. The find consisted of sixplaybills, or, as they could very well be considered, theatricalposters, from the size; but they were such as were then given topeople as they passed the doorkeeper into the old Victoria Theatre onGovernment Street. They measure two feet long by ten inches wide, andare like posters alongside those now used. These plays were producedin the times of Governors Douglas and Seymour, and were under theirdistinguished patronage.

Among the names in the list of those living now, but not recorded, isa son of Abraham Belasco, tobacconist of Yates Street in 1862, byname David. Those interested in theatricals (and who is not?) willrecognize the name as the prominent theatrical manager of New York. Ilittle thought when going to school with him at the CollegiateSchool, under Rev. C. T. Woods, that he would be so well known acharacter as he is to-day. In closing this reminiscence I would askto be pardoned for any errors or omissions, for my memory will bearrefreshing. I also must thank my old friend Dick Hall, and others,for names of early pioneers who have been left out of the directory.

Before closing this imperfect sketch allow me to offer a suggestionto the mayor and aldermen. It is that a portrait of Thomas Harris,the first mayor of the city, should be procured and hung in aprominent place in the council chamber, and this at the publicexpense. I think this would at least meet with the approval of thepioneers of 1862, when Mr. Harris was elected first mayor.

I am moved to write these lines by the fact that these bones requireprotecting from the vandalism of certain persons unknown, also I havebeen approached by pioneers several times to write about thisdesecration of the last resting-place of our pioneers.

I am fully in accord with the suggestion that there be a reunion ofall pioneers of early Victoria; but I think it should be in thesummer, when as many as possible could be there, and it might be madevery interesting by a recital of the personal recollections of thosepresent. I should like to hear Mr. Higgins, for I am sure he has notyet told all he knows of the early history of Victoria.

There is a something in recollections of the past that have beenpleasant that is indescribable. It is easier felt than described, andI have no doubt is felt by many old-timers in this city to-day. Askthem to describe these feelings and they would be nonplussed. "MarkTwain" was written to by the pioneers of California inviting him tocome and speak of the early days of San Francisco, when he washimself a pioneer of the Pacific. What his reply was I now forget,but it was something to this effect: "Do you wish to see an old manovercome and weep as he recalls those pioneer days?" These were afew words of what he said in reply to that invitation. "The goodold days" may not have been the most prosperous, nor the happiestthat "Mark Twain" may have spent, but there was a something, a p.154charm indescribable that he felt, but could not express. I feelthis way myself.

The following interesting account of the historic steamerBeaver, the first to round the Horn into the Pacific, will beread by native sons as well as pioneers with renewed interest, as itis many years since this account was published.

Of the pioneers of Methodism, the following families were prominentand whom I counted among my friends: The Trounces and Donalds we hadknown in California; Sheriff McMillan and family, Captain McCulloch,Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Bone, Mr. and Mrs. Humber, Mr. and Mrs. Norris,Alderman Kinsman, and Father McKay, as he was affectionately termedby his intimate friends. All these have gone to their rest. Of thosewho are still with us, hale and hearty, are Mrs. Bullen, Mrs. Capt.McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. N. Shakespeare,Mrs. Carne, Mrs. Branch, Mr. and Mrs. Pendray, Mrs. John Kinsman,Isaac Walsh, and others I cannot remember. I have attended many teameetings held in the basement of the old church, presided over bythese pioneer ladies.

Eighteenth-century European court society was famous for its lavish banquets featuring elaborate settings and protocols designed to indicate the status of both host and guests. Integral to these events were extravagant dining services of silver and gold, many of which subsequently were melted down to finance the frequent wars of the period. <i>Vienna Circa 1780: An Imperial Silver Service Rediscovered</i>, now on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art through November 7, 2010, presents a magnificent and rare surviving Imperial silver service, made about 1779-1782 for Duke Albert Casimir of Sachsen-Teschen (1738-1822) and his consort, Habsburg Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria (1742-1798), daughter of Empress Maria Theresa. e24fc04721

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