For toddlers and preschoolers, set regular naptimes that are not too close to bedtime. Sticking to a naptime schedule can be a challenge. Many do still love their nap, but others don't want to miss a thing and fight going to sleep. If your child gives up daytime naps, consider setting an earlier bedtime.

Caffeine, the world's most common psychoactive substance, is used by approximately 90% of North Americans everyday. Little is known, however, about its benefits for memory. Napping has been shown to increase alertness and promote learning on some memory tasks. We directly compared caffeine (200mg) with napping (60-90min) and placebo on three distinct memory processes: declarative verbal memory, procedural motor skills, and perceptual learning. In the verbal task, recall and recognition for unassociated words were tested after a 7h retention period (with a between-session nap or drug intervention). A second, different, word list was administered post-intervention and memory was tested after a 20min retention period. The non-declarative tasks (finger tapping task (FTT) and texture discrimination task (TDT)) were trained before the intervention and then retested afterwards. Naps enhanced recall of words after a 7h and 20min retention interval relative to both caffeine and placebo. Caffeine significantly impaired motor learning compared to placebo and naps. Napping produced robust perceptual learning compared with placebo; however, naps and caffeine were not significantly different. These findings provide evidence of the limited benefits of caffeine for memory improvement compared with napping. We hypothesize that impairment from caffeine may be restricted to tasks that contain explicit information; whereas strictly implicit learning is less compromised.

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If you're experiencing an increased need for naps and there's no obvious cause of new fatigue in your life, talk to your doctor. You could be taking a medication or have a sleep disorder or other medical condition that's disrupting your nighttime sleep.

If you are within two weeks of transitioning to the next guide, you can add 5 minutes onto your OWT to see if that helps lengthen your naps. Be consistent! Try that for every wake window for a few days. We want everything we tell you to try to work immediately, but some of the changes we make take a few days to see the full affects of, so stay the course! If you have just transitioned to a new guide, try to take 5 minutes off of your OWT to see if that helps. It seems silly, but sometimes 5 minutes can make all the difference!

If you have had a few short naps in a row and have the ability to make one nap a contact nap, try to see if we can take a nice long nap that way! As we always say, the nap is more important that how your baby gets it. Do not be afraid to help your baby sleep! If your baby sleeps longer on you, make sure not to let the nap go longer than recommended in the monthly guide + 15 minutes for previous short naps. We do not want to have one nap be a super long nap to try to make up for lost time.

What usually works best for families dealing with short naps, is utilizing and ultra short cat nap. It is our best kept secret! If your whole day has been short naps or you are ahead of your routine by a full hour, we want you to try to get your baby to sleep for just 15- 30 minutes in between your last nap and bedtime. It is perfectly okay to have one more nap than is recommended in the age appropriate monthly guide as long as you do not go over your day time nap length total. The wake window before the ultra short cat nap can be slightly shorter than what is recommended in the age appropriate monthly guide and we usually suggest you make this nap a contact nap. We use this to help us get to bedtime smoothly without becoming overtired.

While certain benefits of napping can be had by anyone, there's some evidence that naps only improve certain types of learning when the person takes them regularly. This includes the ability to tell the difference between similar things like images or textures.

I use to take afternoon naps, and my Inspire HR has recorded some of them (just under an hour), and some are not picked up. I'm not yet sure if there is any pattern to the nap length and if it's picked up or not.

I find the easiest way to drop a nap, is to lengthen the wake window before the last nap you are keeping. So if you are transitioning from 3 to 2 naps, the first nap will be at the same time, and then extend the next wake window before the second nap. So your baby will be adjusting to a longer wake window before nap 2 and before bed.

Generally, babies do best when their wake windows get longer throughout the day, which is where the 2-3-4 schedule comes in. This schedule is a framework for wake windows while you are on 2 naps a day. 

In general, a short afternoon sleepy time may not disrupt being able to get seven to nine hours of nighttime sleep. However, there are some nap time recommendations. Keeping naps to about 20 to 30 minutes can reduce the chances of feeling groggy when you wake up. If you do nap for longer, it's recommended to nap for about 90 minutes to avoid waking in the middle of REM sleep. Waking up in the middle of REM sleep can leave you feeling potentially more tired than before. Some additional tips to consider when trying to make the most of your naps include:

It has been shown that excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) can be improved by prescribed napping in narcolepsy.[4] Apart from narcolepsy, it has not been demonstrated that naps are beneficial for EDS in other sleep disorders.[4]

For students of all ages, napping during the school day showed benefits to reaction time and recall of declarative memory of new information, especially if the naps remain in slow-wave sleep, i.e. less than an hour in length.[10][6]

The circadian cycle plays a role in the rising demand for daytime naps: sleepiness rises towards the mid-afternoon, hence the best timing for naps is early afternoon (Stampi, 1992; Bertisch as cited in Bilodeau, 2021). Twenty- to thirty-minute naps are recommended for adults, while young children and elderly people may need longer naps.[11][12] Research, on the other hand, has shown that the benefits of napping depend on sleep onset and sleep phases rather than time and duration.[13]

How long and when a person naps affects sleep inertia and sleep latency: a person is more likely to benefit in terms of those two points when they sleep moderately in the afternoon. According to research, the degree to which a person experiences sleep inertia differs in different durations of nap. Because sleep inertia is possibly resulting from awakening from Slow Wave Sleep, it is more likely to happen when one has a longer nap.[19] Sleep inertia is less intense after short naps.[20] Sleep latency is shorter when a nap is taken between 3 and 5 PM, compared with a nap taken between 7 and 9 PM.[21]

Nap architecture impacts immediate and long-term sleepiness following a nap. A brief nap with ligher sleep stages (NREM1 and NREM2) reduces sleepiness immediately after the nap, while a nap containing SWS may bring on sleep inertia [7,8]. However, there is a delayed benefit of naps that contain SWS. After sleep inertia has dissipated, sleepiness is lower for longer.

If you're wondering just how to make a baby sleep schedule work when you have to drive your older kiddo(s) to and from school, you're not alone! So many parents reach out to me for help with baby naps and school pickup.

Today my first (long) nap in the afternoon that was detected automatically, with a positive result for my body battery (+13). Also the sleep needs are decreased. Curious if it will work with shorter naps...

yesterday was the first time my venu 3 detected a nap. Today I took a long one and it did not detect it. I seems like naps are not detected if your stress is high. There is no way to correct it. My stress is always high in the afternoon. Maybe its lots of morning activity followed by a meal but ??

It makes sense that the trigger to detect naps is lowering the heart rate, lower stress and lower respiration. Maybe that's why my first 2 naps are not detected outside in the sun, in a high temperature environment. For sure this has an effect on heart rate, breathing and stress...

This study summarised the available evidence to assess the relationship between napping and the risks of all-cause death and cardiovascular disease. A total of 313,651 participants from more than 20 studies were included in the analysis. Some 39% of participants took naps.

The analysis found that long naps (more than 60 mins) were associated with a 30% greater risk of all-cause death and 34% higher likelihood of cardiovascular disease compared to no napping. When night-time sleep was taken into account, long naps were linked with an elevated risk of death only in those who slept more than six hours per night.

Overall, naps of any length were linked with a 19% elevated risk of death. The connection was more pronounced in women, who had a 22% greater likelihood of death with napping compared to no napping, and older participants, whose risk rose by 17% with naps.

Daily naps for children are essential for good days and good nights. Many parents believe their child will sleep better at night without a nap during the day. However, if your child is overly tired, they may become stressed and irritable, and their behavior may actually worsen. Often they become overactive, making it difficult to fall asleep at bedtime. Only after age 5 will eliminating afternoon naps help a child go to bed earlier in the evening.

For younger babies still on three or more naps, try to have the first nap or even first two naps happen at home in a crib. Usually the first nap is the easiest for the baby to take, so use that to your advantage. If the first nap goes well, stay home for the second nap as well. Naps three and four are harder, so feel free to take a stroller walk if the weather is nice, or a little drive around town to keep the baby from becoming overtired. 17dc91bb1f

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