Logging on to mysql normally and running the same queries does not produce these errors. Nor do these errors occur when running the same query in phpMyAdmin using JOIN ... ON .... Presumably a phpMyAdmin bug.

I would like to backup mysql database through Duplicati, so i searched here and from what i understand the correct way will be to run a script to make a dump, before the task of backup the dump. Am I correct?

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In a perfect scenario everything goes well according to the tests done, so to test a failure scenario (for example the stopped mysql service), it is obvious that the script is unable to dump the database, so when executing the backup task, see what happens:

The older check_mysql plugin for nagios has the ability to connection via SSL/TLS using the -l flag in the connection string. For example, in the /omd/sites//lib/nagios/plugins directory, I can run the following:

We've been calculating cardinality by running COUNT(DISTINCT column) each time. It would be inefficient for MySQL to calculate that each time, so instead, it keeps track of the cardinality over time using random sampling. You can see this stored value by running SHOW INDEXES from [table]:

The Cardinality column shows you the stored value MySQL will use to make its selectivity decisions. These statistics are automatically updated after 10% of a table has changed. This happens in the background, and you shouldn't ever notice it. If the statistics are so outdated that it is causing problems, you can force an update by running ANALYZE TABLE [table].

If you find that the statistics need to be more accurate for a particular table and are continually causing the optimizer to make poor decisions, you can change how the sampling is done. This is beyond the scope of this article, but the MySQL documentation has a comprehensive page on the topic.

MySQL can use an index to speed up the operation when joining two tables. There are, again, a few rules you must pay attention to, though! If the columns are not of the same type and size, this will preclude using an index.

This can happen easily, especially when using a SQL abstraction like an ORM or query builder. Given a table of people where you want to find people created this year, you might wrap a created_at column in the year function:

I am trying to generate a MySQL query dynamically using a variable. The query runs fine without the variable and returns 7 results when I just type the column name (clicks.LPID) but when I use a variable with string value "clicks.LPID" it fails to GROUP BY and returns single row.

It also doesn't work when I use a variable with integer value "3". It works fine if I just type 3.

Hi @ramanJB!

By default, all of our SQL queries are converted to prepared statements to prevent SQL injection, meaning that table/database names and SQL functions aren't able to be defined using a string created dynamically. The main reason we currently convert all statements into prepared statements, is so that users can't enter malicious syntax (like DROP TABLE) into the variable fields. 

You can disable this setting in the resource setup, but keep in mind the potential of submitting dangerous SQL through any of the variables referenced in a query. Disabling prepared statements can also break other existing queries. If that's something you'd like to explore, I often recommend setting up another copy of a resource with that setting enabled to help limit the surface area that you have to keep in mind SQL injection for.

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I am now trying to secure the connection to deploy the database on a remote or a local server.

I cannot find much information about the ssl settings using a jdbc connector or an odbc connector.

I am using linux 18.04 clients and servers only, libreoffice Version:, and mysql server 5.7.26 .

After successfully connecting to the database, I was worried about not specifying the path to the clients certificate in the process. This page on the mysql website helped me understand it a little better.

To sum up what I understand ( I have no expertise, and might be wrong) there are two ways of connecting with ssl. Which way you are using depend on how you created the user (logins you are using) in the mysql server. If you did not specify upon user creation that the user has to present its own certificates, the connection will still be encrypted by the server.

If you did specify that the user has to present the certificates, then you are using what the linked page above refers to as 2-Way Authentication, and you do need to point to the ssl certificates client-side. I have no idea how to set that up with Base and would be interested if someone knew.

If you're using a local installation, sign in to the Azure CLI by using the az login command. To finish the authentication process, follow the steps displayed in your terminal. For other sign-in options, see Sign in with the Azure CLI.

Select the specific subscription under your account using az account set command. Make a note of the id value from the az login output to use as the value for subscription argument in the command. If you have multiple subscriptions, choose the appropriate subscription in which the resource should be billed. To get all your subscription, use az account list.

Create an Azure resource group using the az group create command and then create your MySQL server inside this resource group. You should provide a unique name. The following example creates a resource group named myresourcegroup in the westus location.

By default the new server created is protected with firewall rules and not accessible publicly. You can configure the firewall rule on your server using the az mysql server firewall-rule create command. This will allow you to connect to the server locally.

You can connect to your server using a popular client tool, mysql.exe command-line tool with Azure Cloud Shell. Alternatively, you can use mysql command line on your local environment.

As of January 13, 2023, Amazon RDS has published new Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for connecting to your Aurora DB clusters using Transport Layer Security (TLS). Following, you can find information about updating your applications to use the new certificates.

For more information about certificate rotation, see Rotating your SSL/TLS certificate. For more information about downloading certificates, see Using SSL/TLS to encrypt a connection to a DB cluster. For information about using TLS with Aurora MySQL DB clusters, see Using TLS with Aurora MySQL DB clusters.

If you are using Aurora MySQL version 2 (compatible with MySQL 5.7) and the Performance Schema is enabled, run the following query to check if connections are using TLS. For information about enabling the Performance Schema, see Performance Schema quick start in the MySQL documentation.

When using the MySQL Connector/J 8.0, an TLS connection requires verification against the server CA certificate if your connection properties have sslMode set to VERIFY_CA or VERIFY_IDENTITY, as in the following example.

If you use either the MySQL Java Connector v5.1.38 or later, or the MySQL Java Connector v8.0.9 or later to connect to your databases, even if you haven't explicitly configured your applications to use TLS when connecting to your databases, these client drivers default to using TLS. In addition, when using TLS, they perform partial certificate verification and fail to connect if the database server certificate is expired.

When using the MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0 Client, an TLS connection requires verification against the server CA certificate if for the --ssl-mode option you specify VERIFY_CA or VERIFY_IDENTITY, as in the following example.

So I plan to take backups of Aurora RDS cluster of the size ~20TB, definitely mysqldump (being single core) falls pretty short on speed for such large databases. Whats the best practice to take backups of Aurora RDS MySQL clusters of large size ?

Migration is certainly not my priority( so probably wont need to tweak binary log replication) but only backup of Aurora MySQL cluster using Xtrabackup.

Thanks @matthewb , a few more trailing questions:

1 . I see dump was taken from one of the read-replicas, were writes on this DB cluster (coming via writer node) stopped during the dump?

I saw RollbackhistorySegmentHistoryListLength increasing heavily on the writer instance during the dump in one of the experiments (I was taking dump using mysqldump with --single-transaction).

The MySQL host is different from the SSH host.

I first connect to an SSH IP e.g user@ once I have access to I can then request access with;

~$ mysql -u User_Name -p -h xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-1.rds.amazonaws.com

Assuming the tunnel is opened in the container if you are using one it should do the job, If you are using npm instead in theory it is a lot easier as you just need to make the tunnel connection on your machine.

I am trying to get an image from a BLOB column in ignition. I have an image stored in MySQL in a blob column currently and am trying to display it with the paintable canvas in Ignition Vision 8.1. The code I am using currently is not working. Any help would be appreciated!

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I also did a system upgrade from 18.04 to 22.04 and the same issue prevented me using that system. I have to restore the backup because mysql wouldn't connect after being upgraded from 5.7. Which works straight away, every time I have installed it, over a dozen times.

END NOTE:So although the video above was very different, I managed to get it sorted so I can access MySQL in console using password/root user. And I can access phpmyadmin using the same. However if you see my comment at the end of that video. He proceeds to use the ALTER command to change the password back to socket instead of password. WHY is that? I'm backing up now before I try that, but not sure I should ALTER it back to socket at all? Any advice appreciated. Thanks for the push @vidaro as I was ready to jump off a * cliff! 17dc91bb1f

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