In Ubuntu systems running MySQL 5.7 (and later versions), the root MySQL user is set to authenticate using the auth_socket plugin by default rather than with a password. This plugin requires that the name of the operating system user that invokes the MySQL client matches the name of the MySQL user specified in the command, so you must invoke mysql with sudo privileges to gain access to the root MySQL user:

Note: You my find helpful our article on how to resolve an error 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock (2)' that can appear when logging into the MySQL interface.

Download Mysql Package For Ubuntu

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MySQL Tuner is a Perl script that connects to a running MySQL instance and offers configuration suggestions for optimising the database for your workload. The longer the server has been running, the better the advice mysqltuner can provide. In a production environment, consider waiting for at least 24 hours before running the tool. You can install mysqltuner from the Ubuntu repositories:

I got the same problem with u, and here is how I resolved it:After usudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgradYou can su - root and retry :sudo apt-get install mysql-serverIt will worked!

I am trying to install the mysql 2.8.1 gem. I would be using it to build a Rails 2.0.2 application on Ubuntu 10.04. I would be using Ruby 1.8.7. I have installed the development dependencies(other gems). For some reasons I am unable to install it. I am not able to exactly figure out how to fix it. Please help!!

You should do what the error message tells you: check the mkmf.log! Search for this file using find /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ -name mkmf.log. Usually, this error message appears because you forgot to install the -dev package for the extension you were trying to install. So if you wanted to install the mysql gem, you probably forgot to install the libmysqlclient14-dev first. Do an apt-cache search | grep dev to find the appropriate packages.

The package is available for Xenial and it can be seen here. Therefore, it should install. Make sure you run a sudo apt-get update before installing. Also, make sure that the universe repository for Xenial is part of your sources (as the above link shows, this package belongs to the universe repository). You can check this source is part of your available sources in the etc/apt/sources.list file. There should be a line such as:

I recently encountered an issue where the new version of the mysql-server package (8.0.30-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) will not install in an Ubuntu 22.04 container. I Tried with an Ubuntu 20.04 container also and got the same result.

The meta-data for package management is delightfully decoupled, there are central repositories but the packages stand alone. /var/cache/apt/archives is where *.deb files that have been installed live.

After the update is completed, especially if you had to kill -9, be sure to run mysqlcheck to ensure that whatever may have caused the service to not stop is not a corrupted or broken table. Also ensure you have regular backups (and make sure those backups actually work!).

I tried rebooting the server, and running the installer again, simplifying the passswords on mysql, and like I said I have tried to use the FQDN and IP address in the ngix setup; our Windows DNS server has an entry for the FQDN for this server.

In the event of these errors on a package update, for example, if mariadb is also updating it will produce similar results. Running apt dist-upgrade again is typically what is needed in those moments.

You could maybe try installing mariadb first, running the command above to establish db user root with a password, and then installing passbolt-ce package where you can provide the credentials you already established. The package is designed to install mariadb as part of the process, but something there may not be working right.

And I forgot to mention I can log into mysql on the Ubuntu server using the user account, not the admin account. I rebuilt the server and just like in the instructions created a user called root but missed the part about the blank password and set the password to hiway2020 and after it installed I could not log into mysql using root/hiway2020 I tried to leave it blank just in case and that failed too.

@3GLighting On a fresh server, the package is expected to be able to handle the mariadb install. I would still attempt to let it do so as a first approach. If it has trouble, then the previously mentioned issue of simultaneous mysql updates might be kept in mind.

I do believe when compatibility starts breaking with mysql, most will go for MariaDB. Also, for example, one of the biggest industry players on this market (cPanel) has long shifted to mariadb, so its safe to assume that currently there is a whole universe of customers and websites derived from this all using MariaDB. Just the user base of cPanel alone is too big to be neglectable and hosting software should have this present.

MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.


 This package includes the client library.

This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of

 mysql-client (currently mysql-client-8.0), as determined by the MySQL

 maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL version

 you want, as this is the one considered to be in the best shape by the


MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.


 This package includes the client binaries and the additional tool


MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.


 This package includes the core client files, as used by Akonadi.

This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of

 mysql-server (currently mysql-server-8.0), as determined by the MySQL

 maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL

 version you need. That will install the version recommended by the

 package maintainers.


 MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.

MySQL is a fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.


 This package includes the server binaries but doesn't contain all the

 infrastructure needed to setup system databases.

MySQL is a fast, stable, and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.


 This package includes the MySQL source code as configured before building

 - but after the arch specific configuration. This is currently required for

 building plugins.

This is an empty package that depends on the current "best" version of

 mysql-testsuite (currently mysql-testsuite-8.0), as determined by the

 MySQL maintainers. Install this package if in doubt about which MySQL

 version you want, as this is the one we consider to be in the best shape.

MySQL is a fast, stable, and true multi-user, multi-threaded SQL database

 server. SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database query

 language in the world. The main goals of MySQL are speed, robustness and

 ease of use.


 This package includes the MySQL testsuite.

Now, when you bring up the second node as simply as systemctl start mysql, you can execute the same command above and will see that the wsrep_cluster_size has increased to 2. Repeat this again for the third node. You can also choose to test replication by creating a database and table on one node, and see that the replication is happening in real time.

We hope this helps you get started, and we are definitely looking at providing packages for Ubuntu 20.04 which just got released. Look forward to more guides on getting started on other types of Linux distributions.

Tasksel is a tool that helps Linux administrators install multiple related packages at the same time, and it installs the Apache, MySQL, and PHP components you need for a LAMP stack with just one command.

The libperconaserverclient20 package contains the client shared library. The 18.1 is a reference to the version of the shared library. The version is incremented when there is a ABI change that requires software using the client library to be recompiled or its source code modified.

Download the packages of the desired series for your architecture from the download page. The easiest way is to download bundle which contains all the packages. Following example will download Percona Server for MySQL Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.10-3 release packages for Debian 8.0:

This will install all the packages from the bundle. Another option is to download/specify only the packages you need for running Percona Server for MySQL installation (libperconaserverclient20_5.7.10-3-1.jessie_amd64.deb, percona-server-client-5.7_5.7.10-3-1.jessie_amd64.deb, percona-server-common-5.7_5.7.10-3-1.jessie_amd64.deb, and percona-server-server-5.7_5.7.10-3-1.jessie_amd64.deb. Optionally you can install percona-server-tokudb-5.7_5.7.10-3-1.jessie_amd64.deb if you want TokuDB storage engine). 17dc91bb1f

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